
  • 网络Platform;oil platform;Offshore
  1. 海洋石油平台用热轧H型钢生产工艺的优化

    Optimization of productive technology of H-beam used for offshore oil platform

  2. 海洋石油平台用H型钢的开发研究

    Development and research of h - beam using for offshore oil drilling platform

  3. 这种影响非常强大,以至于科学家们说,鸣禽和海鸟被陆地上的探照灯或海洋石油平台上的天然气火炬所"捕获"。

    The effect is so powerful that scientists speak of songbirds and seabirds being " captured " by searchlights on land or by the light from gas flares on marine oil platforms .

  4. 高强度高韧性海洋石油平台用热轧H型钢的开发

    Development of High Strength High Toughness Hot Rolling H-beam Using for Offshore Oil Drilling Platform

  5. 滩海石油平台桩基冲刷防治及CFD仿真

    Scour prevention of offshore platform pile foundation and CFD simulation

  6. 美国海岸警卫队(coastguard)表示,飓风“艾克”已造成至少11个海上石油平台沉没。

    Hurricane Ike had sunk at least 11 offshore platforms , according to the coast guard .

  7. 本文介绍了南海某油田群海上石油平台电力组网及其EMS系统的设计。

    The paper introduces the design of power grid interlink and EMS system between offshore platforms .

  8. 介绍了海洋石油平台临时避难问HVAC系统防火设计的基本方法。主要介绍了防火风闸设置原则;

    The main methods for Temporary Refuge HVAC fireproofing design are introduced and discussed in the paper .

  9. 对实现海上石油平台电力组网的关键技术&能量管理系统(EMS)进行了研究。

    The key technology for offshore platform power grid interlinked-Energy Management System ( EMS ) is studied in this paper .

  10. 从中可以了解到具有DP功能的半潜重吊船在海上石油平台安装领域的独特魅力和功效。

    The unique charm of Semi-submersible Heavy Lift Vessel with DP function in offshore oil platform installation is well proved .

  11. 海洋石油平台焊接接头大型CTOD试验

    Large-Sized CTOD Test for Welded Joints of Offshore Petroleum Platform

  12. 针对壳牌的BrentSpar石油平台及尼日利亚业务,活动人士给该公司惹了许多麻烦,而且在承包商工厂问题上令耐克(Nike)非常尴尬。

    Campaigners caused Shell problems over its Brent Spar oil platform and its Nigerian operations , and embarrassed Nike over its contractors'factories .

  13. 昨日,8月份交付的WTI期货上涨了49美分,至每桶69.65美元,此前尼日利亚一个武装团体袭击了皇家荷兰壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)的一个石油平台。

    Yesterday , WTI futures for August delivery rose 49 cents to $ 69.65 , after an attack on a Royal Dutch Shell oil platform by a Nigerian militant group .

  14. 两年前,埃洛普(StephenElop)将诺基亚(Nokia)比作是正在燃烧的石油平台,意指诺基亚面临苹果(Apple)iPhone和谷歌(Google)安卓(Android)操作系统的激烈竞争。

    Two years ago , Stephen Elop likened Nokia to a burning oil platform , referring to the intense competition from Apple 's iPhone and Google 's Android operating system .

  15. 比如,单Transocean一家就经营着巴西60个现役海上石油平台中的10个。

    For example , Transocean alone operates 10 of the 60 offshore oil platforms currently in operation in Brazil .

  16. 介绍中海石油平台制造公司采用ISO9002质量体系对采购分供方进行选择与管理。

    This paper introduces the selection and management of sub-supplier in procurement using ISO 9002 quality management system , in China Offshore Oil Platform Manufacturing Corporation .

  17. SAF2205双相不锈钢管道广泛地应用于化工、海洋石油平台等国民经济重要部门的建设。

    Duplex stainless steel pipes , SAF2205 , are widely used in the vital department ofthe national economy , such as chemical industries and offshore applications .

  18. 由于石油平台支援船(OSV)的设计和建造难度和风险较大,相比于先进国家,其在我国的发展相对较慢。

    Owning to the difficulties and risks in the design and construction of Oil Supply Vessels ( OSV ), the development of such work is much slower in our country comparing with that in the advanced countries .

  19. 大型海洋石油平台组块滑移装船过程中滑道结构安全性评价

    Security evaluate of skidway structures of large offshore platforms loadout process

  20. 深海石油平台的研究是一项大的系统工程。

    The study of offshore platform is a big system engineering .

  21. 石油平台井喷原油登滩后的遥感探测

    Remote Sensing Detection of Well-erupted Crude Oil from Platform after Landing

  22. 海洋石油平台自控仪表系统的安全设计

    Safety Design of Automatic Control Meter System at Marine Petroleum Platform

  23. 近海石油平台结构疲劳分析计算机程序系统

    Computer Program System for Offshore Petroleum Platform Structural Fatigue Analysis

  24. 海上石油平台电网安全稳定控制系统

    Security and stability control system for offshore platform power grid

  25. 海洋石油平台结构系统的疲劳寿命预测

    Fatigue life prediction of structure system of offshore oil platform

  26. 固定式近海石油平台振动控制研究

    Study on Vibration Control of Fixed-type Steel Offshore Oil Platform

  27. 海上石油平台无线视频监控系统的建立

    Establishment of Wireless Video Monitoring System for Off-shore Oil Platform

  28. 海洋石油平台桩腿疲劳损伤的可能性分布

    The possibility distribution to fatigue damage of offshore platform legs

  29. 某石油平台设施腐蚀分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Establishment Corrosion in Offshore Oil Platforms

  30. 石油平台小型透平发电机并网仿真平台研究

    Research on Simulation System of the Offshore Platform Miniaturized Turbine Generators Paralleling