
  • 网络Shifeng;Fung Shek
  1. 高岭石与各种酸体系分别反应0.5、1、2h后,高岭石在盐酸、HF、土酸中比较稳定,衍射峰没有明显的变化,但土酸体系中的高岭石峰强度有微弱的降低;

    After 0.5h , 1h and 2h reaction in different acids , kaolin remains stable in HCL , HF and mud acid without obvious change of diffraction peak except slight drop of kaolin peak intensity in mud acid .

  2. 岩溶地貌发育典型,辖区内洞穴、石峰数以千计。

    Karst topography typical development , area cave , Zhang thousands .

  3. 你再看紧靠剑门岭的那座最大的石峰。

    Look at the tallest peak near the Sword Gate .

  4. 关于工业用地置换模式探讨&以株洲市石峰区核心区域城市更新规划为例

    A Discussion on the Displacement Patterns of Industrial Land

  5. 五座石峰雄伟挺拔。

    Five stone pinnacles stand tall and magnificent .

  6. 园林石峰与造型艺术

    Garden Rocks and Their Modelling Arts

  7. 石峰大桥三塔双跨可移动式缆索吊机安装施工

    Installation of Three - Pylon and Double - Span Shi - Feng Bridge with Movable Cable Crane

  8. 中国广西桂林穿山石峰洞穴沉积物的沉积学研究

    A sedimentological study of cave sediments from Chuan Shan tower karst , guilin , guangxi , China

  9. 手指头一般都是中间那根最长,但这座山是里侧的石峰最高。

    Normally the middle finger is the longest , but the peak on the side is the tallest .

  10. 寺后有一石峰,除碑檐外,几乎被碳酸钙沉积淹没,碑文已不可辨认。

    All but the top of the tablet has been eroded by calcium carbonate , and the inscriptions have become unreadable .

  11. 因她拥有壮丽而参差不齐的石峰、郁郁葱葱的植被以及清澈的湖泊、溪流。

    Because she has a magnificent and varied Shi Feng missing , the green and luxuriant vegetation , and clear lakes and streams .

  12. 站在黄石寨顶东南俯视左侧,只见数十座石峰构成的幽谷。

    Standing at the southeast top of Huangshi Village and looking at your left , you could see tens of dells made of stone peaks .

  13. 空位使金刚石的振动特性发生了变化,在态密度和拉曼谱中金刚石峰的右边出现一个较强峰。

    Due to the introduction of the vacancy , one strong peak was observed at the right of the diamond peak in the state density and Raman spectra of diamond .

  14. 无数石峰拔地而起,千峰竞秀,巍峨峥嵘,气势磅礴,姿态万千,形象生动。

    Countless stone peaks seem to have sprung from the ground , assuming a thousand different shapes , all fanciful and picturesque , as if vying with each other in their suBlimity and grandeur .

  15. 这一段河流风光绮丽,碧水萦回,石峰林立,构成一幅锦绣画卷。公元前2600年,印度河流域文明碧草丛生,充满着野生动物。

    This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese painting with its clear water and clusters of pinnacles . In 2600 BC , the Indus Valley was verdant , forested , and teeming with wildlife .

  16. 安理会措施的结构上的高度,最高占用楼层,到屋顶上,并以该尖顶,石峰,天线桅杆或旗杆顶端。

    The council measures height to the structural top , the highest occupied floor , to the top of the roof , and to the tip of the spire , pinnacle , antenna , mast or flag pole .