
  1. “如果这项调查导致李泽源被迫减持其在深航的股份,那么中国国航作为现有长期股东,很可能有兴趣增持股份,”中信建投证券(citicconstructionsecurities)分析师李磊表示。

    " If this investigation results in Mr Li being forced to reduce his share in the company , then Air China , as an existing long-time shareholder , is likely to be interested in expanding its stake , " said Li Lei , an analyst at CITIC construction securities .

  2. 而李磊所说的长期稳定也就意味着婚姻。

    And by " long-term and serious ", Li meant marriage .

  3. 现在李磊当,我当。

    Now Li Lei will be a and I will be B.

  4. 李磊是班上最高的(男孩)。

    Li Lei is the tallest ( boy ) in the class .

  5. “如今用的是热水瓶了,”李磊说。

    " These days we use a thermos ," said Li Lei .

  6. 李磊很快地把接力棒传给了吉姆。

    Li let quickly passed the stick on to jim .

  7. 迈克好啊,李磊比较在行。我去找他。

    Ok , I think Li Lei is . I 'll get him .

  8. 谁的苹果最多,是李磊、吉姆还是莉莉?

    Who has the most apples , Li Lei , Jim or Lily ?

  9. 我昨天向李磊借了一本字典。

    I borrowed a dictionary from Li Lei yesterday .

  10. 除了李磊,我们都去看电影了。

    We went to the cinema except Li Lei .

  11. 李磊的使她生气了。

    Li lei 's wirds made her angry .

  12. 他写得比李磊细心。

    He writes more carefully than Li lei .

  13. 听说李磊病了。我们去看看他吧。

    I heard Li Lei was sick . Let 's go and visit him .

  14. 吉姆:噢,是李磊,李磊你好!

    JIM : Oh good , it 's Li Lei . Hi , Li Lei !

  15. 李磊过去一直梦想当一名球星。

    Li Lei always a basketball star .

  16. 我坚信李磊的铜雕《失落的天使》包含了情感宣泄的本质。

    Li Lei 's bronze series ," Fallen Angels ", encompasses the most quintessential expression of emotion .

  17. 李磊说与父母和妻子之间的长期积怨导致了惨案的发生。

    Jack : Li confessed that long-term hostility towards his parents and wife eventually led to the slaughter .

  18. 除了发布网络交友贴,现在贸易公司的任项目经理的李磊也经常出现在与外国人的速配派对上,并常常参加一些在线跨国交友活动。

    Besides writing personals , the trading company project manager also participates in speed-dating parties with foreigners and frequents international networking events .

  19. 有幸结识李磊多年,这些年来他的作品总是能带我给极大的冲击和惊喜。

    Li Lei has been a good friend of mine for several years now , and still his artworks have never ceased to astonish me .

  20. 中国先锋诗人李磊将自己的诗歌代表作–摇滚首次以摄影的方式由玛斯德比当代艺术中心推出。

    Li Lei chinese avant-courier poet present his own magnum opus of poesy – rock-and-roll with photography by Must Be contemporary art center for the first time .

  21. 李磊自身性格内向,他的妻子却喜欢争强好胜,而父母从小就对他的管教非常严厉,这使得他想杀了他们。

    Li is introvert while his wife was domineering , and his parents treated him toughly when he was young , which made him want to kill them .

  22. 而我们也很荣幸有机会与上海最具代表性的艺术家之一&李磊进行合作,共同庆祝这座东方之珠的冉冉升起。

    We are most honored to be able to celebrate this moment in the city 's development by presenting one of Shanghai 's iconic abstract artists , Li Lei .

  23. 人们认为,托尼和李磊对西方女性的偏爱源于中国女性不断膨胀的物质主义,以及为未婚妻买房带来的压力。

    Tony and Li ` s preference for Western women , the men say , is also due to the growing materialism of Chinese women and the pressure to provide a new apartment for one ` s bride-to-be .

  24. 李磊和托尼的择偶条件也许并不多见,但随着越来越多的外籍女性来到中国,更多的中国男性开始学习外语、体验海外生活,他们的队伍将不断壮大。

    Li and Tony ` s taste in women may put them in the minority , but their numbers are growing as more foreign women come to China and more Chinese men learn foreign languages and experience life overseas .

  25. 李磊(音译)在网上发了一篇名为中国男人偏爱西方女性的个人交友贴,他在文中写道寻找在北京生活的外籍女士,愿意和一位中国男士确立一段长期、稳定的恋爱关系。

    " Chinese man fancies Western woman " was the title of the personal ad Li Lei posted online , in which he asked if any Western " ladies ( in Beijing ) are open to a long-term and serious relationship with a Chinese guy " .