- stalagmite

[stalagmite] 大致像一个倒转钟乳石的结晶质碳酸钙的沉积,系重碳酸钙饱和溶液滴在洞穴地面上形成的,常与钟乳石相接而成一完整石柱
君不见益州城西门,陌上石笋双高蹲。-- 杜甫《石笋行》
The author suggests that the region ecologic discrepancies and the different productivity of soil CO_2 is the main cause of the variability of the stalagmite carbon isotope .
The grey level and carbon isotope series of the stalagmite ML ( s ) commendably corresponds to the seasonal rhythm of the stalagmite annual layers .
Study on δ ~ ( 13 ) C Isotope Records from Stalagmites
The δ ~ ( 13 ) C Isotopic Composition of Cave Stalagmite Carbonate and the Estimation of the Atmospheric CO_2 Concentration Since 44 ka in Guilin Area
Study on ESR dating of stalagmites
A preliminary application of EPR in the study on climatic proxy for the stalagmite from Hulu cave , Nanjing
Compared with other paleo-environment information media on land , cave dripstone-stalagmite has many superiorities including wide-ranging distribution , long-time span , sensitive to outside environment , suitable for U-series dating etc.
Research on the High Precision ICP-MS Uranium Series Chronology of Cave Stalagmites and the Paleo-climatic Changes in the South-Western Karst Region , P.R. China
The High Resolution Climate Records from Two Stalagmites in Qixing Cave of Guizhou and the Heinrich Events of the Last Glacial Period
The w ( Mg ) / w ( Sr ) ratio in a stalagmite , which is directly proportional to D_ Mg / Ca , the solid-liquid distribution coefficient of Mg , is proposed as a geochemical thermometer to estimate paleoclimatic changes .
The good corresponding between the two stalagmites δ ~ 18O time series and tree ring Δ ~ 14C_res curve during the counterpart periods of mid-Holocene suggests that the precipitation change of East Asian monsoon is markedly driven by the solar activity at the centennial - to decadal-scale .
Cave stalagmites , corals , lake sediments are suitable for dating using the thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS ) uranium series method . 1 were dated with uranium series dating .
The ESR dating of stalagmite samples from Choukoutien Cave is described . The close-equilibrium model was used to estimate the ESR age which was then compared with the U series age . The two average ages were found consistent , indicating the reliability of the ESR dating .
It is showed by the study on stalagmite records that the last glacial epoch corresponds to YD and the Heinrich events recorded in North Atlantic sediment , and also corresponds to ice core from Greenland .
In particular the problems in the relationship of the temperature or the precipitation with δ ~ ( 18 ) O , the relation of the oxygen isotope with temperature and precipitation , and also the meaning of different time-scale are described .
The Heinrich Events obviously were checked out from the oxygen isotopic curve of the stalagmite . And the oxygen isotopic curve of the stalagmite is better related and corresponded with the records of the other stalagmites froms the adjacent area .
Power spectrum analysis for δ ~ ( 18 ) O of the stalagmite proves that there were the periodicities of 28 ~ 25 year and 10 year respectively , which shows the East Asian Monsoon precipitation was also affected by decadal scale variations of solar activities .
Based on ages of high precision TIMS-U series dating and carbon and oxygen isotopes analyzing to the stalagmite from Xianren cave in Xundian , high resolution time sequence of paleoclimatic change since the middle Holocene i.e. the recent 8000 years , has been reconstructed .
Progress in research on the paleo - environment of karst stalagmite
GEOCHRONOLOGICAL and Paleoclimatic studies on a stalagmite from Nanjing man cave
Study by Stable Isotope method on for Stalagmite from Hangzhou area
Exploitation and application of Cave Stalagmite information management system in China
Study on the Sedimentary Interruption Types of Stalagmite in Cave
The Paleoclimatic Records from the late Pleistocene Stalagmite in Guizhou Qixing cave
Paleoclimate of Stable Isotope of Stalagmite from Cave Secondary Sediment
Stalagmites and stalactites can sometimes meet to form a continuous column .
Paleoclimate of Stable Isotope of Stalagmite from Zhoukoudian , Beijing
A study on the sedimentation rate of Stalagmite in cave
A study on paleotemperature of stalagmite from Choukoutien Cave by isotope determination
East Asian monsoon climate during the late Penultimate Glaciation based on stalagmite records