
  1. 汉语中从句位置的配置要求及其作用&兼与石毓智先生商榷

    The Requirements and Functions of Subordinate Clause in Chinese & Discuss with Mr. Shi , Yuzhi

  2. 本文根据石毓智对数量语义特征的研究,从数量特征中的离散性和连续性两方面着手,归纳出名词、形容词转化必须各自消除掉自身原有的数量特征的规律。

    On the basis of Shi Yuzhi 's research on quantitative meaning of concepts , this research emphasizes on two important semantic features in quantitative concepts , namely , individuality and duration .

  3. 本文从石毓智(2000)的分析谈起,指出根据能否进入从句这一单一测试框架严格区分汉语无标记结构和有标记结构有很大困难。

    Beginning with the analysis by Mr. Shi Yuzhi , this article holds that it is quite difficult to strictly differentiate the unmarked Chinese structures from the marked Chinese structures on the basis of whether they can enter into a clause .