
  1. 昨日上午在中国化工(ChemChina)总部,董事长任建新就这家集团对意大利轮胎企业倍耐力(Pirelli)的73亿欧元收购交易做出了解释。旁边的一间教堂传出阵阵钟声,充当了应景的配乐。

    Bells ringing from a church next to ChemChina 's headquarters yesterday morning provided a fitting soundtrack for the group 's chairman to explain its proposed 7.3bn takeover of Italian tyre group Pirelli .

  2. 倍耐力在高端汽车轮胎市场拥有强大地位,任建新与倍耐力负责人马可•特隆凯蒂•普罗维拉(MarcoTronchettiProvera)相信,这家意大利集团可以利用与其与中国化工的合作伙伴关系,做强它相对较弱的工业轮胎业务,尤其是在中国。

    Mr Ren and his counterpart at Pirelli , Marco Tronchetti Provera , believe the Italian group , which has a strong position in the high-end automotive tyre segment , can use its partnership with ChemChina to bolster its comparatively weak industrial tyres division , especially in China .

  3. 中国化工(ChemChina)总经理任建新有中国“并购王”之称,此前他已策划过6次海外收购,涉及法国、挪威、以色列和澳大利亚,但迄今尚未在美国有什么大的交易活动,部分原因在于他无法获得赴美签证。

    Ren Jianxin , the chairman of state-owned ChemChina dubbed China 's " merger king , " has previously orchestrated half-a-dozen acquisitions in countries including France , Norway , Israel and Australia , but has yet to do a big deal in the US in part because of his inability to reliably obtain visas .

  4. 任建新说:从那时起,我多次遭到美国的拒签。

    Ever since then , I was repeatedly denied a US visa , he said .

  5. 在这个游戏上,没几个人比中国化工董事长任建新更熟练了。

    Few have been more skilled at playing this game than ChemChina 's chairman , Ren Jianxin .

  6. 收购先正达让中国化工和任建新在中国的海外粮食安全战略中获得了关键角色。

    The Syngenta transaction gave ChemChina and Mr Ren a key role in the country 's overseas food security strategy .

  7. 去年意大利的政治人士和工人们出于同样的原因普遍欢迎任建新拍板收购倍耐力。

    Last year , Italian politicians and workers broadly welcomed Mr Ren 's purchase of Pirelli for the same reason .

  8. 根据任建新的介绍,中国化工的最终打算是让倍耐力的汽车业务在意大利重新上市,以及两家企业合并后的工业轮胎业务在亚洲重新上市。

    According to Mr Ren , it ultimately intends to relist Pirelli 's automotive business in Italy and the two companies " combined industrial tyre units in Asia .

  9. 任建新表示,两家公司在2012年时就希望结盟,结果因为他接触倍耐力的消息走漏,引起股价“波动”,最终不了了之。

    But Mr Ren said the two companies " hopes for a tie-up in 2012 were dashed when rumours of his approach leaked and " disturbed " the share price .

  10. 任建新说:中国有句老话,宁拆十座庙不毁一桩婚。

    There is an old Chinese saying that it is better to knock down 10 temples than wreck one marriage , Ren Jianxin , head of the state-owned chemicals group said .

  11. 去年中美宣布将签发10年期签证,以促进两国之间的商业和旅游活动,但任建新还没有从该计划中受益。

    Last year China and the US announced that they would issue 10-year visas to promote commerce and tourism between the two countries , but Mr Ren has yet to benefit from the programme .

  12. 任建新说:我原本预定1月、2月和3月去美国参加一系列重要的商务会议,但由于没有有效的美国签证,我无法成行。

    I was scheduled to attend a series of important business meetings in the US in January , February and March , but without a valid US visa I could not make them , he said .

  13. 半年前任建新再次与实业家特隆凯蒂•普罗维拉洽谈,他说:“我们的看法完全一致,过去三年我们的战略和愿景都没有变过。”

    Six months ago Mr Ren renewed negotiations with industrialist Mr Tronchetti Provera . " We really saw eye-to-eye , " ChemChina 's chairman said . " Our strategies and visions had not changed over the past three years . "