
rèn yì jiě shì
  • arbitrary interpretation;liberal interpretation;liberal construction;optional parole
  1. 它对客观历史的本质、真相和规律持怀疑、否定和消解的态度,对历史现象、历史事实和历史人物任意解释甚至刻意歪曲。

    Historical nihilism holds skeptical , negative and dispelling attitudes toward the historical essence , historical facts and historical rules , and gives arbitrary interpretation of historical phenomena , historical truth and historical figures , or even deliberately distorts the interpretation .

  2. 在行政诉讼中,除少部分法律、法规、规章授权制定的行政规范属于行政解释外,大部分行政规范是不具有法源地位的任意解释。

    During administrative lawsuit , the majority of administrative norms are non-source free explanations except a small part as administrative explanations .

  3. 法律解释按照解释主体的不同,可以分为有权解释、学理解释和任意解释。

    According to the different subjects of interpretation , legal interpretation can be divided into authorized interpretation , doctrinal explanation and wanton interpretation .

  4. 用任意条纹级数法解释双曝光全息干涉图

    Interpretation of Double Exposure Holograms with the Method of Assigning Fringe Order

  5. 这既需要发挥法官的主体能动性又要防止其主观任意性,司法解释便是规制法官正确判断的基本手段和过程。

    This requires the judge to show his initiatives and to avoid arbitrariness , and judiciary interpretation is the basic device and process keeping correct judgments .