
  • 网络Derrida;jacques derrida;J.Jacques Derrida
  1. 本文讨论了法国当代重要的两个思想家福柯和德里达的一次争论。

    This paper discusses a famous debate between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida .

  2. 德里达是以解构主义而著称于世的。

    Jacques Derrida is famous for deconstructionism .

  3. 如果告诉你,柯盖德大学深受拿运动奖学金的预科生推崇,而格林内尔是文艺青年的天堂,他们会在深夜卧谈会时大谈德里达(Derrida),你肯定不会感到意外。

    It should be no surprise that Colgate is beloved by preppy scholar-athletes while Grinnell is a haven for hipsters who discuss Derrida into the wee hours .

  4. 德里达的解构概念及其与马克思的思想关联

    Derrida 's Concept of Deconstruction and Its Ideological Relation to Marx

  5. 从《马克思的幽灵》看德里达眼中的马克思主义

    How Derrida Thinks About Marxism by " Specters of Marx "

  6. 德里达甚至可以追问是否真的存在文学这种类型?

    Derrida even asked if literature as a genre really exists .

  7. 解构就是正义&德里达法哲学思想解析

    Deconstruction Is just Justice & On Derrida 's Philosophy of Law

  8. 为马克思辩护&读雅克·德里达的马克思的幽灵

    In Defence of Marx : After Reading SPECTORS OF MARX by Derrida

  9. 科学还是信仰?&从新批评到德里达

    " Science " or " Belief "? From New Criticism to Derrida

  10. 以解构的方式捍卫马克思&论德里达对马克思的新解释

    Defending Marx through Deconstruction & On Derrida 's New Interpretation of Marx

  11. 德里达幽灵思想的本质与缺憾

    Essence and Imperfection of ` Spectre ' Thinking of Derrida

  12. 德里达与耶鲁学派差异初探

    A Tentative Study of the Differences between Derrida and the Yale School

  13. 马克思主义视域下德里达解构思维方式研究

    An Inquiry about Derrida 's Deconstruction Way of Thinking from Marxist View

  14. 起源的迷思&德里达《〈几何学起源〉导论》解读

    The myth of origin & The explanation to Introduction to Origin of Geometry

  15. 德里达的文本理论及其理论意义

    The Text Theory of Derrida and Its Theoretical Significance

  16. 形而上学的解构与面向未来的承诺:德里达解读马克思

    The Deconstruction of Metaphysics and the Promise to Future : Derrida Rethinking Marx

  17. 真正的启蒙&德里达批判的解构思想

    The true initiation & Derrida 's thought of deconstruction

  18. 早期德里达的历史语境与支援背景

    The Historical Context and Support Background for Early Derrida

  19. 存在与踪迹&德里达对海德格尔及传统存在本原观的解构时间和存在的关系

    Being and Trace The Relation of Time and Being

  20. 论德里达解构理论的生成背景

    On the generation background of Derrida 's deconstruction theory

  21. 结构与解构&从索绪尔到德里达

    Structure and Deconstruction & from Saussure to Derrida

  22. 误置中的意外&论德里达解构胡塞尔符号理论之得失

    On the Gains and Losses of Derrida 's Deconstruction of Husserl 's Sign Theory

  23. 德里达解构理论研究

    The Study of the Derrida 's Deconstruction Theory

  24. 你认为德里达可能是什么意思?

    What do you think Derrida might mean ?

  25. 延异、在场、踪迹化&德里达《马克思的幽灵》解读

    Difference , Presence and Trace Leaving & Interpretation of Derrida 's Marx 's Spirit

  26. 德里达论他者的命运&从哲学与非哲学的关系看

    Derrida on Destiny of Others : Viewed from the Relationship between Philosophy and Non-philosophy

  27. 论德里达的解构理论思想及其影响

    Theory of Deconstruction of Derrida and Its Influence

  28. 论德里达翻译思想的转变

    On Derrida 's Change of Thoughts on Translation

  29. 德里达文学批评在中国的传播

    Transportation of Derrida 's Criticism in China

  30. 德里达解构理论与女性主义政治学

    Derrida 's Deconstruction Theory and Feminist Politics