
wú yì shí xínɡ wéi
  • automatism
  1. 基于叙事法的用户无意识行为研究探索

    The Research on User 's Unconscious Behavior Based on Narrative Method

  2. 张开眼睛是无意识行为。

    She can open her eyes but as a mechanical action .

  3. 归纳而言,第一,文化心理上的无意识行为促成失实文本的产生。

    Firstly , culturally and psychologically unconscious behavior led to inaccuracies in the text generation .

  4. 如果你对伴侣的无意识行为做出反应,你自己也变成了无意识。

    If you react at all to your partner 's unconsciousness , you become unconscious yourself .

  5. 在过去的十年里,多家公司已经完善了引导消费者无意识行为(即习惯)的艺术。

    Over the past decade , many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors habits among consumers .

  6. 就像啃指甲、拧头发一样,嚼口香糖也会成为人们在释放压力或者打发无聊时光时的一种无意识行为。

    Much like nail biting or hair twisting , gum snapping can become an unconscious behavior used to relieve stress or boredom .

  7. 无意识行为、思维定势、重复教学行为、功利化教育、工作压力是导致体育教师专注力缺失的基源。

    Unconscious behavior , thinking orientation , repetitive actions of teaching , utilitarian education , working pressure are major causes of the deletion of mindfulness of PE teachers .

  8. 无论是习惯,广告的诱惑,又或者是最简单的选择,我们总是依靠无意识行为帮我们度过每一天。

    Whether it 's habit , the temptation of an ad or just the easiest option , we often rely on automatic behaviors to get us through the day .

  9. 小说与骈体文结合的渊源可追溯至骈文鼎盛的魏晋六朝时期,当时尚属小说家的无意识行为。

    The origin that the novel combines with parallel prose which was the unconscious behavior of novelist can trace back to the Wei-Jin dynasty when the parallel prose is in a period of great prosperity .

  10. 直觉设计是以人为本的设计方法,直觉设计的理论意义在于研究人类无意识行为形成的依据,丰富了现有的设计理论,开辟了一个新的设计研究领域。

    Intuition design is a Design Method based on people oriented . Theoretical significance of intuition design is discuss Human unconscious behavior , it is enrich the design methods , developing a new field of products design .

  11. 这是一种无意识的行为吗?

    Is that an automatic thing ?

  12. 在都市化的进程之中,人们纷纷涌向城市,成为一种集体无意识的行为。

    In the process of urbanization , the pilgrimage towards the city became a kind of unconscious collective .

  13. 绝大部分我们所做的事情,是出于习惯。而习惯,其定义为,无意识的行为模式。

    Most of what we do is habitual , and habits , by definition , are unconscious patterns of behavior .

  14. 蓝绿海藻或细菌究竟有没有自由意志,它们无意识的行为是否纳入科学定律的范畴?

    Do blue-green algae or bacteria have free will , or is their behavior automatic and within the realm of scientific law ?

  15. 此外,这一繁荣并不是偶然和无意识的行为,而是中国文化在西方强势文化的干预下必然和有意识的反应。

    And this boom reflected a necessary and conscious reaction to the intrusion of the powerful and aggressive Western culture in that period .

  16. 如果你在伴侣身上,观测到无意识的行为,用你的那份明白拥抱它,好让你不对这个行为反应。

    If you observe unconscious behavior in your partner , hold it in the loving embrace of your knowing so that you won 't react .

  17. 但不论是有意识的还是无意识的行为都是由行为主体的心理所控制的,都是其心理活动的反映。

    However , all human behaviors , whether conscious or unconscious , are governed by the psychology of the behavioral subject and are the reflection of his psychological activities .

  18. 她认为父母无意识的行为:对女孩很温和,对男孩们则比较放得开,正如男孩子女孩子日常被塑造的刻板印象。

    She argues that parents unconscious actions such as being gentler with girls and letting boys behave more roughly often mould children into men and women who embody gender stereotypes .

  19. 大家都认为这个吻将是周倪两人感情的最后一击,虽然倪后来解释说他喝醉后无意识的行为。

    The incident was widely believed to be the last straw in the couple 's relationship , although Nieh later explained that he was drunk and didn 't even know the girl 's name .

  20. 所有由中枢神经系统调节的假体生理发展经由合成肢体以一种无意识的反射行为融合在一起。

    All the natural biomechanics mediated by the central nervous system emerged via the synthetic limb as an involuntary , reflexive action .

  21. 若要尽可能地控制这些无意识的贪吃行为,你需要了解哪些情境因素会使你更容易偏离健康饮食的轨道。

    In order to minimize this kind of mindless eating , you need to become aware of the circumstances that leave you most susceptible to falling off the healthy food wagon .

  22. 摆脱无自我意识的行为,关闭超我的控制,停止如此理智,向你的超我发个友好限制令。天哪,让你今天有些乐子吧。

    Disengage the autopilot , switch off the controls , stop being so sensible , issue a friendly restraining order to your superego , and , for God 's sake , let yourself have some fun today .

  23. 在几千年的男权文化延续中,这种性别角色分配将女性长期湮没于历史长河之下,并在人们心中形成集体无意识,成为行为抉择的潜意识心理基础。

    In the course of the culture of the male dominance , the role acted by women has submerged women themselves , as the opposite sex to male , in the historic stream , which developed the collective non-consciousness and turned out to be subconscious motives for behavior-selection .

  24. 基于Stroop效应证实了意识知觉和无意识知觉引起的行为结果存在质的差异,色词的无意识知觉导致Stroop效应的出现,而色词的有意识知觉导致Stroop效应的反转。

    Qualitative differences in performance were established across perception with awareness and perception without awareness , based on one phenomenon : Stroop priming . A typical Stroop effect occurred when color words were perceived without awareness , whereas a reversed Stroop effect occurred when color words were perceived with awareness .

  25. 刍议少年学生无意识心理与道德行为习惯养成

    The Unconscious Psychology and Nurture of Moral Behaviors of Juvenile Students

  26. 有些人认为梦游对身体没有害处,但在一些情况下,梦游的后果会很严重。这是因为睡梦中梦游患者常会无意识重复白天的行为,例如梦游时可能自然地走入车内并开走它,真是细思极恐。

    However , it can be serious in some cases , as those who sleepwalk generally do daily tasks , so a sleepwalker could easily get into a car and drive .

  27. 从历史唯物主义的角度分析,完整的群体无意识包括内在的心理结构和外在的行为表现,是无意识的社会心理结构和无意识的社会行为的有机统一,即内在和外在的统一。

    Integrated collective unconsciousness , including interior psychological framework and exterior behavior which were analysed from the angle of historical materialism , is harmonious combination of social psychological structure of unconsciousness and unconscious social action .