
  • 网络Signified;Signifier and signified;Signified/Signifier
  1. 第二是语言能指与所指的分离。

    The second is separate between signifier and signified .

  2. 双关作为修辞语格纳入语言学研究的视角可视为语言能指与所指,特别是能指自身分裂与重组的过程,音义的指涉功能通过语言变异得以表达。

    Pun as a figure of speech in the linguistic view is considered as signifier and signified , especially the signifier itself , divided and reconstructed , and the referent of sound and sense expressed in the language variation .

  3. 在他们具体的阐释背后,可以窥见结构主义文论最基本的两组二元对立项:语言与言语、能指与所指。语言(langue)和言语(pa-role)存在许多区别,必须分而治之。

    And beyond all these lie two basic series of binary oppositions of Structuralism : langue and parole , the signifier and the signified . Langue and parole must be divided and ruled by their dissimilarity .

  4. 象似性理论主要研究能指与所指之间的联系。

    Iconicity studies the relationship between the signifier and the signified .

  5. 第四,语言的能指与所指之间的关系是任意的。

    The relationship between signifiers and signifieds is ultimately arbitrary .

  6. 汉语复合词能指与所指的特殊关系

    Unique Relationship Between Denotation and Connotation of Chinese Compounds

  7. 论语言符号中能指与所指的结合

    The Integration of Reference and What Can be Referred to of Language Symbols

  8. 作为一种符码,服饰关涉能指与所指。

    As a kind of code , costume code relates to signifier and signified .

  9. 关于语言能指与所指的优化研究

    Optimization Study on Signifier and Signified of Language

  10. 现代诗歌语言中能指与所指的多向对应关系初探

    A Study of Language in Modern Poetry

  11. 他辩证地回答了符号的能指与所指的任意性问题;

    It gives a dialectical answer to the problem of the arbitrary relationship between the signifier and signified .

  12. 语言理据是辨识或诠释语言符号意义的依据,它反映能指与所指(形式与意义)之间的各种联系,或者体现形式与形式之间的关系。

    Motivations in language indicate various relationships between the signifier and the signified , or those among signifiers .

  13. 理据性是指语言符号与其所表达的事物,即能指与所指之间存在的自然联系。

    Motivation refers to the natural link between a linguistic form and the thing it designates , or signifier and signified .

  14. 产品成为符号之后,就产生了能指与所指,也具有了符号意义,即产品的外延义和内涵义。

    Being symbol , the product has signifier , signified , and meaning , that is denotation and connotation of products .

  15. 第一章的后半部分,介绍了服装符号的能指与所指的特点。

    In the last half part of chapter one , the article introduces the characteristic of signifier and signified of the finery symbol .

  16. 依据索绪尔的语言学理论,语言是一个符号系统,构成语言符号的能指与所指在每一种语言中都是不同的。

    According to Saussure , language is a sign system and the signifier and the signified , which form the signs , are unique in different languages .

  17. 本文首先通过与某些自然标识符号的比较,讨论语言符号的能指与所指的不可分离性,即语言符号的整体性。

    Through comparing linguistic sign with some natural index , this paper discusses the inseparability between signifier and signified of linguistic sign , ie the unity of linguistic sign .

  18. 在这个过程之中,具备图腾属性的一系列视觉符号,同时含有原型特征的象征意义及约定俗成的能指与所指。

    In the process of being , with a series of visual symbols of the totem property , containing both the symbolic significance of the prototype features and conventional and signified .

  19. 索绪尔的任意性概念是建立在否定语言命名观的基础之上的,它包括价值任意性、能指与所指之间的任意性两种。

    The concept of arbitrariness in De Saussures semiology theory is based on the negation of nominalism , including both the arbitrariness of value and that between the signifier and the signified .

  20. 虽然都是广告,但当下社会的广告有能指与所指之别,广告本身赋予商业精神内涵,这使得广告的符码功能至关重要。

    Although all advertising , but advertising the current society can be referred to other means , advertising itself , given the spirit of the connotation of the commercial , which features advertisements essential code .

  21. 笔者认为广告符号通过能指与所指的置换,横向组合与纵向聚合的重构搭建起跨文化广告文本的表层结构;

    The author believes that advertising semiotic forms the surface structure of cross-cultural advertising text by way of the exchange of the signifier and the signified , and of the restructuring of the syntagmatic and the paradigmatic ;

  22. 利用符号的能指与所指之间的密切关系,通过对诗中能指与所指的分析,找到一条解读意象诗的途径。

    By referring to the intimate relationship between the two sides of a sign , it is intended to discover a convenient path to sensible interpretation by examining the signifiers and signifieds of the signs in the imagist poems .

  23. 意指是研究能指与所指的关系模式,即建筑的外观、材料、用途等都从各自的使用功能中抽象出来,获得非建筑学的文化意义。

    The means is the mode of study refers to the relationship referred to , that the appearance of the building , materials , use , and so abstracted from the use function , to obtain non-architectural cultural significance .

  24. 它主要研究语言符号的能指与所指之间的关系,即语言的形式或结构与其所表达的概念或概念结构之间的象似关系。它认为语言形式是人类认知或经验的反映。

    It mainly focuses on the relation between language form and its meaning , that is to say , the iconic relationship between the linguistic form or structure and the concept or the conceptual structure that the linguistic form conveys .

  25. 近年来语言界十分关注语言与现实、形式与意义之间是否存在理据性,即语言的能指与所指之间是象似的还是任意的这一话题,并存在争议。

    In recent years , linguistic scholars have focused on the controversial issue that whether linguistic semiotics is arbitrary or iconic , or , in other words , whether there is a motivation between the form and meaning of a language .

  26. 通过对英汉语词汇的视觉审美心理在能指与所指、字形视角、信息视角等方面的比较,阐述英汉语视觉词汇的词义提取差异对英语品牌的汉译审美心理的影响与启示。

    The differences in English and Chinese visual lexical access exert profound influence on the signifier and the signified , character forms and language information , which are worthwhile considering in transmitting the aesthetic feeling of brands translated from English into Chinese .

  27. 符号的存在方式是言语,是能指与所指不可分割的统一体,其意义潜势由联想关系预先设定并由言语的组合方式最终确定。

    A sign exists in terms of parole , it is an inseparable integrity of the signifier and signified , whose significance is predestined by its associative relations and ultimately determined by its syntagmatic relations with other signs in the same linguistic system .

  28. 英语学习的过程,就是从汉语思维到英语思维的转化过程,也就是学会用英语能指与所指所构成的语言符号进行思维的过程。

    The process of English learning is the process of transformation of the way of thinking from Chinese to English , and the process of learning how to use the English signs formed by the signifier and the signified to do the thinking .

  29. 后现代文论思潮彻底颠覆了文学四要素所包含的传统文学观念,其策略是割裂符号与世界、能指与所指的关系,动摇传统哲学和文学理论的语言学基础。

    Post-Modernism literary theory thoroughly subverts the traditional literary concept of four literary elements . The strategy is to separate the relationship between the semiotics and the world , signifier and signified , shaking the foundation of linguistics of traditional philosophy and literary theory .

  30. 首先,由于文学能力是指向文本的,其最终目标是文本的意义,因此,先要对文本的能指与所指,即文本的表达方面与意义作出界定。

    First of all , because literary competence directs to the text , its final goal is the meaning of the text , so , signifier and signified of the text , namely the expression and the meaning of the text should firstly be defined .