
néng yuán fǎ
  • energy law
  1. 《能源法》对煤炭领域的主要调整内容

    Main Content to be Regulated for Coal Sector in Energy Law

  2. 德国可再生能源法对我国立法的启示

    Inspiration of German Renewable Energy Law to China 's Legislation

  3. 可再生能源法能否解围中国能源危机

    Will Renewable Energy Law drag China from Energy Crisis

  4. 论节约能源法的义务本位

    On the Standard of Obligation of Energy Conservation Law

  5. 《可再生能源法》对防治火力发电环境污染的意义

    Law on Renewable Energy Implies Significance in Prevention of Environmental Pollution of Thermo-power Generation

  6. 《可再生能源法》与水能资源管理

    Renewable Energy Law with water energy resource management

  7. 我国《可再生能源法》的制度构建与选择

    The System Construction and Choice of " Renewable Energy Promoting Law " of China

  8. 系统地分析了《可再生能源法》需要配套的法规和规章的情况;

    This paper analyzed the rules and regulations required by the Renewable Energy Law ;

  9. 探讨我国能源法的基本原则

    Study the Principle of the Energy Law

  10. 风机、水泵等采用变频调速是我国节能的一项重点推广技术措施,《中华人民共和国节约能源法》第39条已将变频调速列入通用节能技术加以推广。

    Applying frequency conversion timing to wind machines and pumps is an important technology in our country .

  11. 这是保证《可再生能源法》发挥理想价值的重要路径。

    This is an important way to make the Renewable Energy Law to realize its ideal value .

  12. 《可再生能源法》确定了水能的独立能源和可再生能源的法律地位。

    Renewable Energy Law defines the legal status of water energy as an independent energy and renewable resources .

  13. 界定能源法的基本原则是能源法制定工作的关键问题之一。

    Defining the fundamental principles of Energy Law is one of the key issues involved in energy legislation .

  14. 各地贯彻落实《节约能源法》、《水法》及其配套法规情况。

    Situation at local level on the implementation of Energy-saving Law , Water law and related supporting regulations ;

  15. 我国天然气发电产业亟待立法促进和保护&从《可再生能源法》展开讨论


  16. 世界各国能源法开始以可持续能源为法律目标和价值取向的变革。

    Accordingly , the energy laws of different countries in the world have begun to reform with the aim for sustainable energy .

  17. 从本质上讲,《可再生能源法》保护和促进的是清洁能源的产业化发展。

    In essence , the purpose of the law of renewable power is to protect and promote the industrialization development of green power .

  18. 能源法这三种变革趋势表明了其承载的经济增长、社会公正与环境保护的三种法律价值。

    The transform of energy law embodies its three kinds of legal value , i.e. economic rise , social justice , and environmental protection .

  19. 能源法将更加限制常规能源的使用和开采,激励可更新能源资源的投资和经营。

    Law of energy source will more restrict the exploitation and use of general energy sources , prompting investment and management of renew resource .

  20. 能源法的原则指体现能源法的基本精神,构成能源法的基础或本源的综合性、稳定性的准则。

    The basic principles of energy law are comprehensive and stable norms which reflect the basic spirit , foundation or origin of energy law .

  21. 中国《可再生能源法》的颁布和实施,为太阳能利用产业的发展提供了政策保障;

    China 's the renewable energy law of the promulgation and implementation , for the development of industry of solar energy utilization provides policy guarantee ;

  22. 本文介绍分析了德国可再生能源法的重要条款并对比了我国的可再生能源法,指出了它的借鉴意义。

    The article introduces and analyses the important provisions of the Law , compares it with that of China and points out its significance for learning .

  23. 主要研究领域为环境法基础理论、环境司法、比较环境法、污染防治法及能源法等。

    Her Main research interests are the basic theory of environmental law , environmental justice , comparative environmental law , pollution control law and energy law .

  24. 各国能源法的调节模式逐步从国家垄断和所有的传统模式或具有特许权垄断与严格规制的私人所有模式,向有限的能源市场化转换;

    The regulation mode of energy law is stepping from the traditional government monopoly and state ownership or the private ownership with strict regulation into market based mode .

  25. 而风力发电、太阳能发电和生物质发电也正在迅速发展。这在很大程度上要归功于中央政府的领导,它制定了可再生能源法,而且还支持新的更清洁的发电厂。

    This is largely down to leadership from the central government , which has established the National Renewable Energy Law and is backing new , cleaner power stations .

  26. 本文介绍了《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》立法思路,立法原则与法律文本的主要内容。

    This article gives a brief introduction of the ideas of the Renewable Energy Law of People 's Republic of China . Several principles for legislation are proposed .

  27. 《可再生能源法》明确了水能资源的管理体制与部门职责分工,是今后加强水能资源管理的又一部重要的涉水法律。

    Renewable Energy Law defines the system and departmental function divisions of water energy resources management , as well as an important water-related regulation for strengthening water energy management .

  28. 能源法是我国近年来发展最为迅速的立法领域之一。

    Energy law in China is a highly developing legal regime in recent years , under me guidance of ecological civilization ideology , it is becoming greener and greener .

  29. 现行的《节约能源法》是我国节能法的基本法律制度,实施8年来取得了巨大的成就。

    On the one hand , Energy Conservation Law of the People 's Republic of China has made great achievement in eight years since it began to be brought into effect .

  30. 近年来,光伏发电技术有了广泛的应用,随着我国新能源法的颁布,光伏发电系统将在我国拥有更广阔的发展空间。

    In recent years , photovoltaic power technology has widespread application , along with our country new energy law enacted , photovoltaic power system will have broader development space in our country .