
  • 【体】energy transfer
  1. 在相同条件下,相比传统结构的ICPS,渐变结构可以获得更高的Q值,并能激发出更强大的电场及磁场,提高了微波功率源到电感感应放电能量的转换效率。

    Under same condition higher Q value and stronger field can be obtained by the gradient ICPS , which raises efficiency in converting the source power to field power .

  2. 单块积云对环境大气能量的转换和输送

    Transformation and rearrangement of environmental atmospheric energy caused by single cumulus cloud

  3. 你的思想是开放的,可以接受能量的转换。

    Your mind is open for an exchange of energy .

  4. 上海郊区农田能量的转换效率

    A study on the efficiency of the farmland energy conversion in Shanghai suburbs

  5. 构造动力作用可引起地壳局部地带一系列能量的转换。

    The tectonic dynamic process can cause a series of transitions of energy .

  6. 物理学中有关不同形式能量的转换的分支。

    The branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy .

  7. 任何文化现象都是直接或间接地根据这两个定律服务于能量的转换;

    Any cultural phenomenon is a direct or indirect exchange of energy following these laws .

  8. 在水力压裂裂缝的启裂和扩展过程中,总是伴随着能量的转换和熵变,因此将熵理论引入水力压裂裂缝启裂和扩展分析中是完全可行的。

    Hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation process always accompanied with the conversion of energy and entropy change .

  9. 所有这些能量的转换现象在我们日常生活和生产中时时处处在发生着。

    All these transformations are taking place every minute and everywhere in our daily life and production .

  10. 大气扰动能量的转换、传播与非地转特征

    The variation and propagation of the energy disturbances and some characteristics of non - geostrophic motions in the atmosphere

  11. 亮度增益作为像增强器的重要参数,表征了对辐射能量的转换特性。

    Brightness gain is an important parameter which can attribute the radiant energy 's conversion characteristic of the image intensifier .

  12. 分析了抽油井内井液流动全过程中能量的转换和平衡。

    The energy conversion and equilibrium in the course of flow of the fluid in rod pumping wells are analyzed .

  13. 但是为了有效地实现电磁能量的转换,在设计天线时需保持一定的天线尺寸。

    In order to transform the energies of electricity and magnetism efficiently , it must fulfill certain size of antenna in design .

  14. 同时,还探讨了共振三波组的守恒律以及共振激发过程中能量的转换。

    Meanwhile , we examine the conservation law of three-wave resonance system and the transformation of energy in the course of resonance excitation .

  15. 在现在社会中,电机作为机电能量的转换装置,其应用范围已遍及国民经济的各个领域及环节。

    As the electromechanical energy conversion device , the motor is wildly used in all the areas and sections of the national economy in modern society .

  16. 地形因子是最基本的地理要素,它直接影响着地表物质的迁移与能量的转换,标志着地表基本环境格局的形成与发展。

    Terrain factors are the basic geographical elements which directly influence the transfer and the transition of the surface material and indicate the form and the development of basic surface environmental pattern .

  17. 所以减速,刹车通过,能量的转换达到了,从,重力势能,转化到旋转圆盘上。

    So the slowdown , the " braking " is now done because of a conversion from your linear speed which comes from gravitational potential energy to the rotation of the disk .

  18. 建立了力学模型,对孕震区岩石弹性势能、位移势能、高能气体热能与地震波能量的转换作了定量分析。

    The mechanical models are given . The quantitative analyses on transformation of elastic and displacement potential energies of the rock and heat energy of the gas in source area into seismic energy are made .

  19. 在气动系统中,气缸工作腔的压缩气体在做完功以后,通常没有经过任何利用就直接排空,造成巨大的浪费,因此,对气缸排气腔压缩气体能量的转换回收具有很重要的研究意义。

    In a normal pneumatic system the compressed air in the exhaust chamber of the cylinder is discharged without recycle . Therefore much energy is wasted and the research on energy saving of exhaust is very important .

  20. 实现节能减排是目前的一个全球性的问题,一个重要途径是利用太阳能等清洁能源并且同时提高这些能量的转换效率。

    Implementation of energy conservation and emissions reduction is a global problem , One important way is to use solar energy and other clean energy , at the same time , To improve the energy conversion efficiency .

  21. 社会学家用蝴蝶效应来描绘二十一世纪全球化的世界系统:南美的一只蝴蝶轻轻挥动的微风,可能会经过一系列能量的转换,最后导致加勒比海的一场风暴。

    Sociologists described the twenty-first century global system as the " butterfly effect ": a butterfly in South America , flapping in the breeze could experience a series of energy conversion finally leading to a storm in the Caribbean .

  22. 论文首先建立了悬臂梁压电发电装置的理论模型,对其进行了理论分析,包括谐振频率的求解和能量的转换计算。

    First , the piezoelectric cantilever model for vibration energy harvesting is established in this article . Then , theoretical analysis for this structure is carried on according to the theory of mechanics , including its energy conversion process , resonance frequency solution and output .

  23. 它突破宏观统计分析的传统思维方式,凸显了相界面流体组份与能量的转换和作用,将提高原油采收率的研究工作引领到一个全新的领域,具有理论创新和实践应用的双重意义。

    To adopt this analysis breaks through the traditional thought of macroscopic statistical analysis , and highlights transformation and interaction between fluid component and energy in the interface region , which leads research of EOR into a new field , and has great theoretical and practical significance .

  24. 循环Exergy损失主要原因是能量形式的转换和不可逆换热。

    The Exergy loss of the cycle is mainly due to the energy conversion and irreversible heat exchange .

  25. 有关分析结果可以近似地揭示等离子发生器内部的流场结构和各种形式能量之间的转换关系。

    The flow structures and the transfer connections between different energies can be realized with the analyzed results .

  26. 分析了压电加速度计在工作过程中各种能量之间的转换及转换效率,给出了评价压电加速度计性能的指标,指出了影响其性能的因素。

    The energy transformation and transform efficiency in the piezoelectric accelerometer are , analysed and the performance specifications are evaluated .

  27. 锻练者在玩游戏中锻练身体,同时将人体消耗掉的能量的大部分转换为电能。

    The exerciser exercises body during playing games , and simultaneously most of the engine consumed by the human body is converted into power .

  28. 今天也许因为你的第六感,你可能会对能量的细微转换更加敏感。

    You could be more sensitive to subtle shifts in energy today , which may be because you are attuned with your sixth sense .

  29. 海水中的浮游植物是海洋生态系统中最主要的初级生产者和能量的主要转换者,它是初级生产力的基础。

    Phytoplankton in the sea is the main primary producer and energy transducer in ocean ecological system , and also the base of the primary productive forces .

  30. 机器是由一个或一个以上的机构组成,用来做有用的功或完成机械能与其他形式的能量之间的转换。

    The machine is composed of one or more than one structure , which is used for doing the effective work or completing the energy transfer between mechanical energy and energy in other forms .