
  • 网络Open path
  1. 二重开放路径与制度转型模式:两大三角洲的比较研究

    Regional Path of Dual-folds Opening up and Pattern of Institutional Transition : A Comparative Research on the Two River Deltas

  2. 采用开放路径优化和片段重叠优化技术,以解决大规模旅行商问题降维后,端点的连接与优化问题。

    The technique of open routing optimization and the technique of overlapping segments are used to solve the problem of end points of segments connection and optimization . 4 .

  3. 这种开放路径和开放模式的形成,使得温州的区域经济表现出了无穷的活力,区域工业化和体制的转型都走在了全国的前列,经济快速发展。

    This kind of path and pattern of open-up made Wenzhou 's regional economy full of inexhaustible energy . The progress of industrialization and economic system transformation of Wenzhou was in advance of the whole country , and the economic growth was faster .

  4. 汇率目标区制度的设计符合中国金融市场渐进式的开放路径,选择汇率目标区可以避免人民币汇率单向运动带来的负面影响,增强汇率政策的有效性和灵活性。

    The design of such a system shall conform to China 's financial market that is evolving to open further , and avoid the negative effect arising from the unidirectional movement of RMB 's rate toward USD so as to make our policy of exchange rate more valid and flexible .

  5. 扩大重庆市科技对外开放的路径选择

    The Path to Enlarge the Technical Opening to Outside World in Chongqing

  6. 温州区域开放:路径、模式与区域经济发展研究

    Study on Regional Open-up of Wenzhou : Path , Pattern and Regional Economy Development

  7. 针对RIP路由信息协议不能适用于变化剧烈的网络环境,分析了开放最短路径优先协议OSPF的特点;

    As RIP is not fit for the severe change in network environment , this paper analyses the character of OSPF .

  8. 开放最短路径优先协议是IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)提出的一种基于最短路径优先算法的链路状态路由协议,它是一种内部网关协议,在网络中被广泛应用。

    Open Shortest Path First protocol , proposed by IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force ), is link state routing protocol based on the shortest path first algorithm .

  9. 这两个PCM都提供一个通过内核进程回收开放设备失败路径的自动化方法。

    Both PCMs provide an automated means of reclaiming failed paths of opened devices via kernel processes .

  10. OSPF(开放最短路径优先)协议属于内部网关协议,运行在一个自主系统内部。

    OSPF ( Open Shortest Path First ) is classified as an IGP , which are used within autonomous systems .

  11. 通过描述其主要任务、分组格式和数据流程,给出了一种基于开放最短路径优先OSPF的路由内算法。

    This paper describes the main task , packet format and data flow of IARP , and presents an intrazone routing algorithm based on OSPF .

  12. 在Linux上启用多路径有两种方法&使用IBM/LSI提供的官方RDAC驱动程序和设备映射器的开放源码多路径工具。

    There are two ways to enable multipathing under Linux & using the official RDAC driver from IBM / LSI and the open source multipath tools of the device-mapper .

  13. 为了增强OSPF(开放最短路径优先)路由协议的安全性能,在OSPF的LSA(链路状态通告)数据中增加数字签名,以保护路由协议的信息交换。

    In order to strengthen the security performance of open shortest path first ( OSPF ) protocol , digital signature is added to the link state advertisement ( LSA ) data , which protects the information exchange of the OSPF routing protocol .

  14. 在介绍开放最短路径优先(OSPF)动态路由协议层次结构的基础上,重点分析了OSPF中用到的最短路径优先(SPF)算法及路由表的计算过程。

    This thesis is started with the introduction on the base of laying structure of Open Shortest Pass First ( OSPF ) dynamic routing protocol , and then focused on the Shortest Pass First ( SPF ) arithmetic and routing table calculation technique that is used in OSPF .

  15. 带装载能力约束的开放式车辆路径问题及其禁忌搜索算法研究

    The Capacitated Open Vehicle Routing Problem and Its Tabu Search Algorithm

  16. 开放最短路径优先协议原理及攻击分析

    The Principles of Open Shortest Path First Protocol and Attack Analysis

  17. 基于核心路径禁忌算法的开放式车辆路径问题研究

    Open vehicle routing problem based on kernel route tabu search algorithm

  18. 基于客户满意度的开放式车辆路径问题研究

    Research on Open Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Satisfaction of Customers

  19. 带软时间窗的开放式车辆路径问题研究

    Study on Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows

  20. 有时间窗的开放式车辆路径问题及其遗传算法

    Study on Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Limits and its Genetic Algorithm

  21. 开放式车辆路径问题是另一种类型的车辆路径问题,有着广泛的应用前景。

    Open vehicle routing problem is a VRP of another kind and has extensive application prospects .

  22. 开放性的路径指向体现为向社会表达开放、向未来开放的渐进性社会工程。

    Open the path to point to reflect the expression of an open society , open to the future of progressive social engineering .

  23. 路由表由智能发现协议,如路由信息协议或者开放最短路径优先协议,不断地被建立和再建立。

    Routing tables are continuously built and rebuilt by intelligent discovery protocols , such as Routing Information Protocol or Open Shortest Path First .

  24. 对开放最短路径优先协议中的三种内在的安全机制进行分析,对存在的安全隐患,给出了相应的解决对策。

    It also analyzes the three inherent security mechanisms of Open Shortest Path First Protocol , and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures for the existence of security risks .

  25. 有软时窗约束多车场开放式车辆路径问题是在基本的车辆路径问题上增加了时间窗约束和多车场作业的一种变化形式,是一个典型的NP-难问题。

    MultiDepot Open Vehicle Routing Problem with soft time windows is a variation of the Vehicle Routing Problem con-strained by multidepot and soft time windows , which is a typical NP-hard problem .

  26. 构造了一种新的分段染色体模型,将染色体分为主节和附加节,用不同的编码方法对开放式切削路径和封闭式切削路径进行编码表示。

    A new sectional chromosome model containing a body section and a tail section was constructed , and the coding forms of open and close tool paths were described by different coding methods .

  27. 最后提出新一轮西部开发战略机遇期广西经济开放的创新路径是由区内开放逐步走向区际开放,最后达到国际开放。

    Finally , the western development of a new round of strategic opportunities in Guangxi open innovation path is to gradually open by the regional Inter-district open , and finally reached the international open .

  28. 基于随机产生的测试问题的实验结果表明:基于禁忌搜索的迭代局部搜索算法可以有效地求解带时间窗和带时间期限开放式车辆路径问题。

    The computational results based on randomly generated instances show that the proposed algorithm is an efficient and effective approach to solving the open vehicle routing problem with time windows or time deadlines . 5 .

  29. 将开放式车辆路径问题和定位-分配问题集成考虑,建立了该问题的数学模型;

    Open Vehicle Routing Problem ( OVRP ) and Location Allocation Problem ( LAP ) were considered synthetically herein . A mathematic model about Open Location Routing Problem ( OLRP ) had been built up .

  30. 首先,分析了目前开放式车辆路径问题的研究现状及相应的求解算法,并在此基础上简述了本文重点研究的问题类型&带软时间窗的开放式车辆路径问题(OVRPSTW)。

    First , it reviews the past studies on open vehicle routing problem and their solution algorithms , focusing on the presentation of the open vehicle routing problem with time windows which is researched in this thesis .