
  • 网络mining subsidence
  1. 基于Origin矿山开采沉陷数据拟合求参研究

    Research on Parameters Fitting of Mining Subsidence Based on Origin

  2. 基于GIS的矿山开采沉陷环境影响评价探讨

    Investigation on Evaluation of Mining Subsidence Induced Environmental Impact Based on GIS

  3. 基于GIS的矿区开采沉陷三维可视化技术研究

    3-D Visual Technology Research Based on GIS for Mining Area Exploited Subsidence

  4. 基于GIS对煤矿开采沉陷系统的研究

    On the Cave-in System in Coal Mining on the Basis of GIS

  5. 开采沉陷GPS水准测量的精度及可靠性研究

    GPS Leveling Measurement of Mining-induced Ground Subsidence-Accuracy and Reliability Study

  6. GIS在开采沉陷领域应用及与专业模型的结合

    Application of GIS to Mining Subsidence and Combination of GIS with Professional Model

  7. 面向矿山开采沉陷辅助决策的一体化GIS解决方案

    Integrated GIS Solution Oriented to Coal Mining Subsidence-Assistant Decision

  8. 基于GIS的开采沉陷预测系统构架研究

    Research on GIS-Based Prediction System Architecture for Mining-Induced Subsidence

  9. 基于GIS和人工神经网络技术的开采沉陷预计建模方法

    Prediction Model of Exploitation Sink Using Ann and GIS

  10. 基于GIS的矿山开采沉陷预测电算化研究

    Computerization study on predicting mining subsidence based on GIS

  11. 开采沉陷预测的GIS面元栅格数字化模型及其应用

    GIS raster digitized method with face element in predicting subsidence and its application

  12. 采用BP神经网络算法对开采沉陷量进行了建模和预测。

    BP algorithm was used for modeling and predicting the mining subsidence .

  13. 基于MATLAB的开采沉陷区预测分析

    Forecast and Analysis of Mining Subsidence Area Based on MATLAB

  14. 矿区开采沉陷GPS快速观测数据预处理方法

    Method for processing data observed from GPS for subsidence surveying in mining area

  15. 基于GIS的开采沉陷空间建模及计算研究

    Study on GIS-based spatial study on GIS-based spatial modelling and calculation for mining subsidence

  16. GPS开采沉陷观测方法的探讨

    Discussion of GPS Observation Method on Mining Subsidence

  17. 张北井田开采沉陷影响土地利用的GIS分析

    Mining subsidence impacts analysis using GIS method

  18. 阐述了将地理信息系统(GIS)引入矿山开采沉陷的重要性。

    This thesis discusses the importance of introducing GIS into the study of mining subsidence .

  19. 提出了GIS在矿山开采沉陷中应用的总体思路;

    The general idea about the application of GIS to mining subsidence is put forward .

  20. 一种适合开采沉陷观测的GPS单历元相位求解算法

    A new GPS single epoch phase processing algorithm and its application in mining subsidence surveying

  21. Logistic模型在开采沉陷单点预测中的研究

    Research on Logistic Model in Forecasting Subsidence Single-Point During Mining

  22. 探讨了数值计算软件Matlab在开采沉陷中的应用。

    The application of numerical calculation software Matlab in mining subsidence is discussed in detail .

  23. 非等间隔GM(1,1)模型在矿山开采沉陷中的应用

    Application of Unequal Interval GM ( 1,1 ) Model in Mining Subsidence

  24. 用OpenGL开发开采沉陷预计软件的图形功能

    Developing graphics function of mining subsidence predict software with OpenGL

  25. 开采沉陷预计数据自动嵌入矿区DEM的方法研究

    Research on the Automatic Embedding of Mining Subsidence Forecast Data into Mine DEM

  26. 基于弹性理论和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,建立了用于开采沉陷预测的GIS面元栅格数字化模型。

    Based on elastic theory and GIS technology , the model of GIS raster digitized model with face element is established to predict mining subsidence .

  27. 误差函数erf(x)近似计算及其在开采沉陷预计中的应用

    Proximate Calculation of Error Function erf ( x ) and Its Application in Mining Subsidence Prediction

  28. 数据处理由GIS软件完成,采用BP神经网络训练方法对开采沉陷系统进行建模;

    Further more , data processing is carried out by GIS software , and the BP training method is used for modeling the exploitation sink system .

  29. 在概率积分法预计模型的基础上,提出了开采沉陷动态预计的实用算法,给出了下沉速度系数C的计算公式。

    Based on the prediction model of probability integration method , the paper studied the utility method of mining subsidence dynamic prediction , gave a formula for computing subsidence velocity factor .

  30. 基于IDL的矿山三维开采沉陷预测系统设计

    Design on mine 3D mining subsidence prediction system base on IDL