
  • 网络open awareness;Openness to Change
  1. 加入WTO给民族干部提出了新的要求和挑战。面对新的挑战必须培养民族干部的政治意识、创新意识、开放意识、竞争意识和法治意识。

    To meet new demands and challenges after China 's WTO accession , we must increase ethnic minority cadres ' awareness about political - mindedness , innovation , opening up , competition and the rule of law .

  2. 学报主编开放意识论

    On the Openness Consciousness of the Chief Editor

  3. 感应:霍尔效应传感器可用于开放意识和关闭位置。

    Sensing : Hall effect sensing is available to sense open & closed position .

  4. 图书馆开放意识研究

    The open consciousness of the library

  5. 新保守主义的国内政策带有明显的保守倾向,但其外交政策却表现出强烈的开放意识。

    Neo-conservatism is characteristic of being conservative in internal policies and being open in foreign policies .

  6. 要加强大学生法律法规意识教育,公平竞争意识教育,开放意识和全球意识教育。

    And we should enforce the sense education of law and regulations , fair competition , open and globalization .

  7. 中国人的奴性意识、自私意识、封闭意识减弱,自主意识、群体意识、开放意识增强。

    Chinese slavishness-consciousness , selfishness - consciousness , isolation-consciousness gradually weakened , while their independence-consciousness , group-consciousness , openness-consciousness slowly enhanced .

  8. 它饱含着浓烈的忧患意识,又充满着源于开放意识的信心与乐观;

    It was filled with both the strong sense of suffering and the confidence and optimism origined from the open mind .

  9. 他们的平等观、竞争观、风险观及进取意识、自主意识、开放意识标志着一种新的现代性农民文化品格的开创。

    The views on equality , competition , risk and aggression , self-independence and opening-up characterize a breakage of modern peasants .

  10. 高师音乐教学应尽快实现从传统教学向现代化教学的转化,树立现代化的教学思想,具有超前意识、开放意识、审美意识、创新意识和育人意识;

    It should build up modern teaching ideas and have aesthetic . innovating , opening Consciousness and the Consciousness of educating people .

  11. 人性劲悍、习于戎马的人文特点;兼容并蓄、博采众长的开放意识;审时度势、顺时应变的革新精神。

    Such factors as its geographical environment , the character of humanism , the opening sense and its innovation spirit result in the phenomenon .

  12. 丁.要培养学生良好的数学批判性思维,我们在课堂教学中应该通过强化学生的主体意识、开放意识和敏感的问题意识来增强学生的批判意识;

    In the mathematics class , we can strengthen students ' critical consciousness by intensifying main body 's consciousness , open mind and problem-posed consciousness .

  13. 日本人自古以来即具有主动移植外来文化的自主性和开放意识,自觉地吸收外国的先进文化。

    The Japanese namely has the initiative transplant external culture independency and opening consciousness since the ancient times , on own initiative absorbs foreign the advanced culture .

  14. 王国维文论的启示意义,从总体上看主要有三点即它对三大启蒙意识(开放意识、自由意识和进步意识)的引进。

    The influence of Wang 's theory , on the whole , has three phase , that is , opening consciousness , freedom consciousness and progressive consciousness .

  15. 只要设计合理,家具和配饰布局恰当,即使是在狭小的空间里也有可能传达出创造力、权威或是乐于合作的开放意识等价值观念。

    With the right layout , furniture and accessories , it 's possible to convey values such as creativity , authority or collaborative openness in even a tiny space .

  16. 从正面看,湖湘文化中富于求新求变的变革精神、海纳百川的会通精神和磅礴大气是企业家所必需的创新意识、开放意识与战略眼光的深层文化基础。

    On the one hand , the spirit of change , digest and great momentum in HuXiang culture are the cultural foundation of innovation , opening and strategic foresight .

  17. 因此教师要树立创新教育的观念,在英语教学中增强教学过程中的开放意识,以开放促进发展,真正发挥学生主体作用。

    Therefore , teachers should acquire a sense of innovative education and make the teaching course an opening process so as to give a full play to the principal part of students .

  18. 高校思想政治工作在思维方式上也应具有开放意识、平等态度、求新观念、务实精神、宽容心理等基本品质。

    Accordingly , academic staff doing ideological work should possess some basic characters in thinking modes , such as open consciousness , equal attitude , innovating and practical spirit and tolerant psychology , etc.

  19. 论文的另一部分工作是将语言、符号的观念与方法引进动画系统理论,初步丰富理论体系,是其更加具有开放意识,更加对指导实践产生实际意义。

    Another part of this paper is to introduce the conception and method of linguistics and semiotics to the animation system theory , enrich the theory set up , and make it more consciousness .

  20. 内置的元素,例如壁炉和定制设计的显示器,创造了分工计划的其它开放意识,策划框架意见,暗示与业主的艺术观。

    Built-in elements such as the fireplace and custom-designed display areas create a sense of division in the otherwise open plan , and frame curated views that allude to the owner 's artistic outlook .

  21. 唐代前期妇女的服饰表现出前所未有的开放意识,充满追求健康的外形美和充满蓬勃向上的气息。

    Apparel and accessories of women in former Tang Dynasty has shown the opening consciousness which has never been seen before . It was full of tinge which pursuing external beauty healthfully and flourishes .

  22. 应采取切实措施,加快民族地区对外经济贸易的发展:增强开放意识,认清对外经济贸易对区域经济发展和增长的影响;

    We should take feasible measures to promote the foreign economic trade in national regions : strengthening the opening consciousness ; recognizing the influences of foreign economic trade on the regional economic increase and development ;

  23. 在农民的心理素质状况方面,现代价值观念逐渐进入农民头脑,突出表现在自我意识、开放意识、竞争意识、时效观念和求知愿望等逐渐增强。

    On farmers ' psychological quality , modern value concept gradually steps into farmers ' minds . They are unceasingly improving their self-consciousness , opening consciousness , competition consciousness , effectiveness concept and thirst for knowledge .

  24. 本文重点分析余光中作品中的现代文化意识表现,即全球化趋势的地球村意识、富有时代特色的开放意识和卓具现代公民眼光的环保意识。

    This paper mainly analyzes his awareness of modern culture , including his awareness of globalization , open sense of modern characteristics and remarkable awareness of environmental protection which features modern citizens ' point of view .

  25. 本文从浙江人的重商传统、务实精神、开放意识等方面,对浙江经济或浙江现象进行文化诠释和解读。

    From the cultural angle , the paper analyses and annotates Zhejiang Economy ( or Zhejiang Phenomenon ) with the characters of Zhejiang Spirit , such as the tradition of commerce-first , practical spirit and opening consciousness .

  26. 针对实际情况,从增强开放意识、采用多种宣传手段、加大招生力度、把好教学质量关四个方面提出了发展留学生教育的措施。

    Presents effective measures to the development of international student education on the aspects of enhancing the opening-up consciousness , adopting multiple promotions , expanding the promotion of enrollment , and improving the quality control in teaching .

  27. 针对思品课教学情况,提出了要强化思品课教师的主体意识、实践意识、求新意识、开放意识的观点。

    In terms of the situation of the teaching of Thoughts and Moral Character , this paper proposes to strengthen the main-body consciousness , practice consciousness , innovative consciousness and opening consciousness of teachers of Thoughts and Moral Character .

  28. 社会主义市场经济呼唤国企经营者人格的现代化,进取创新、公平竞争、惜时高效、人本观念、开放意识和高度责任感等是经营者现代人格的显著特征。

    The socialist market economy calls for the modernization of personality of the executives in state-own enterprises , with the spirit of innovation , fair competition , cherishing efficiency , original idea , open mindedness and high sense of responsibility etc.

  29. 外来语的多少反映了一个民族的开放意识,民族语言中固有词的减少和外来语的增加是语言文字发展的必然规律。

    The amount of the loanwords epitomizes the consciousness of opening to the world of a people and the reduction of the fixed words in the national language and the adding of the loanwords are the inevitable law of the development of languages .

  30. 高校体育教师应具备的课程意识包括:课程参与意识、课程重构意识、课程研究意识、课程创新意识、课程开放意识、课程控制意识、课程评价意识。

    The universities PE teacher course consciousness includes : the course sense of participation , the course construction consciousness , the course studies consciousness , the course innovation consciousness , the course opens consciousness , the course controls consciousness , the course appraises consciousness .