
  • 网络German Literature
  1. 我对德国文学略知一二。

    I have a bowing acquaintance with German literature .

  2. 反对法西斯主义是德国文学长写不衰的一大主题。

    Anti fascism has been an important theme of German literature .

  3. 我对德国文学略有所知。

    I just had a bowing acquaintance with German literature .

  4. 现象学的本质直观还原与德国文学思想

    Intuitionistic Restoration of Essence of Phenomenology and German Literature Ideology

  5. 他在德国文学方面的不懈研究,对他的思想产生了影响。

    His mind is coloured by his unremitting study of German literature .

  6. 法语、德语和英国文学的考试她都通过了/法国文学、德国文学和英国文学的考试她都通过了

    She has passed her exams in French , German and English literature

  7. 他在给我们作有关中世纪德国文学的讲座。

    He was giving us lectures on medieval German literature .

  8. 她在学习德语和德国文学。

    She is studying German language and literature .

  9. 乌托邦式的人间天堂&17世纪德国文学中的中国形象

    A Utopian Paradise , the Chinese Image in German Literature Of the 17th Century

  10. 德国文学中的后现代印痕

    The Traces of Postmodernism in German Literature

  11. 为获取我的第一个学位,我在东京的一所大学学习德国文学。

    For my first degree , I studied German literature at a university in Tokyo .

  12. 郁达夫与德国文学

    YU Da-fu and German Literature

  13. 可以说,这种思想遍及所有的德国文学作品,而对其神秘性最为深刻的阐释当属歌德的《浮士德》:

    This thought pervades all German literature and is mystically expressed in Goethe 's " Faust " :

  14. 德国文学理论家沃尔夫冈·伊瑟尔一直是作为接受美学理论的代表人物为人们所熟知的。

    German ' literature theorists Wolfgang Iser has been known as a representative figure of Aesthetic of reception .

  15. 文化民族还是民族文化&18世纪末德国文学登上顶峰的原因剖析

    Cultural Nation or National Culture-Analysis of the Culmination of German Literature in 18 ~ ( th ) Century

  16. 她受的是传统教育,学了希腊语、拉丁语、艺术史,以及德国文学和俄罗斯文学。

    She received a classical education - studying Greek , Latin , art history and German and Russian literature .

  17. 该结论将改写德国文学、尤其是席勒在中国的接受史和翻译史。

    This newly unveiled fact will rewrite the history of the Chinese reception and translation of German literature , particularly of Friedrich Schiller .

  18. 德国文学浪漫派的哲学旨趣&以诺瓦利斯、荷尔德林的作品为例

    The Analysis of Philosophy by German Romanticists in Literature A preliminary analysis of the philosophical interest of Novalis ' and Holderlin 's Work

  19. 作为一个德语作家,你认为瑞士德语文学与德国文学之间最大的不同在哪里?

    As an author writing in German , what 's your opinion about any remarkable difference between German literature in Switzerland and German literature ?

  20. 但是,它有一定的,这个理论对某些人来说有一定的吸引力,对阅读了太多十九世纪德国文学的人来说有吸引力。

    But it has a certain -- it has a certain ring to it which is attractive to people who read too much 19th-century German literature .

  21. 在德语文学中,奥地利文学、德国文学和瑞士文学并存,但奥地利文学自有其独特的发展过程和特征。

    In German literature there co-exist Austrian literature , German literature and Swiss literature . however , Austrian literature has its own course of development and characteristics .

  22. 从某种程度上说,《少年维特的烦恼》开创了德国文学史上极其重要的一种倾向,那就是抒写人物的心灵和情感,表现内心的真实。

    To some degree , this novel creates a new tendency in German literature history that works to reveal the inner world and emotions of the characters .

  23. 在耶鲁的四年之中,我学习的课程范围很宽,经济学、德语与德国文学、数学、英语文学等。

    During my four years at Yale , I explored a broad array of subjects : economics , German language and literature , mathematics , English literature , etc.

  24. 讲座和研讨班提供有关德国文学、语言以及文化、历史、政治、法律和社会发展的概况。

    The selection of lectures and seminars offers a general survey of literary and linguistic developments in Germany along with cultural , historical , political , legal and social developments .

  25. 君特·格拉斯是一位著名的战后德国文学家,是位善于把自己的情感、意念与社会历史文化融合为特定艺术形态的意象大师。

    Gunter Grass is one renowned postwar German writer , is an idea master who is good at reading own emotion , idea to blend with social history culture for the particular art appearance .

  26. 黑默斯托弗在法兰克福书展上对记者说,人们在厕纸上可以读到德国文学巨擘海因里希-海涅和克里斯廷-摩根施泰恩的诗歌,还有故事和侦探小说。

    Poems by German literary giants Heinrich Heine and Christian morgenstern , as well as tales and detective stories could be found on the toilet rolls , Hemmerstoffer told reporters at the Frankfurt Book fair .

  27. 本文探讨了纳粹时期的德国文学,在肯定反法西斯文学主流的同时,着重对纳粹的官方文学,特别是血与土的文学进行了分析批判。

    The article inquires into the German literature during the Nazi period . While affirming the anti-Nazi literature as the mainstream , it focuses its analysis and critique on Nazi 's official literature , especially the Blood-Earth Literature .

  28. 德国战后文学反思的使徒&走近伯尔、格拉斯

    Missionaries of Rethinking Postwar German Literature & Approaching Boell and Grass

  29. 德国表现主义文学的最大成就体现在戏剧方面。

    The greatest contribution of German Literature of Expressionism is its drama .

  30. 歌特谢德是德国的文学家,后来被一些作家当作傲慢和迟钝的典型。

    Gottsched was a German writer , who was regarded latter by some writers as an archetype of arrogance and slowness .