
  • 网络drake university
  1. 坦克这条来自得梅因的两岁小狗,星期天在德雷克大学赢得了第36届年度最美斗牛犬比赛。

    A 2-year-old dog from Des Moines named Tank won the 36th annual Beautiful Bulldog contest Sunday at Drake University .

  2. 每年,来自全国的斗牛犬齐聚在爱荷华首府得梅因,来参加德雷克大学举办的“最美斗牛犬”比赛。

    Every year , bulldogs from across the country make their way to Des Moines , Iowa to participate in Drake University 's " beautiful bulldog " contest .

  3. 该比赛拉开了德雷克大学接力赛的序幕,德雷克大学接力赛是美国最古老、最具名望的田径赛事之一。

    The contest was among events leading up to the Drake Relays , one of the nation 's oldest and most prestigious track and field competitions .

  4. KristeneUnsworth在宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷克塞尔大学研究信息政策。

    Kristene Unsworth researches information policy at Drexel College in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  5. 但是,宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷克塞尔大学医学院的遗传学家莱尔德·杰克逊说,遗传因子排列已经使疾病诊断出现了革命性进展。

    But DNA sequencing has revolutionized the field of diagnostics , according to Laird Jackson , a geneticist at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania .

  6. 德雷克塞尔大学的一个团队也是创新杯美国赛区决赛的获奖者,德雷克塞尔龙队设计了一个帮助学生更好理解数学的游戏。

    A team from Drexel University also was a winner at the Imagine Cup finals in the United States . The Drexel Dragons designed a game to help students better understand mathematics . The Dr. Fishbowl team from Carnegie Melon University designed a game that teaches about sustainability , and waste .

  7. 德雷克念完了大学,没有学到多少东西。

    There are many drakes and ducks on the lake .