
  • 网络Cornell College
  1. 康奈尔科技学院的院长丹尼尔·P·胡滕洛赫尔(DanielP.Huttenlocher)表示,看到西雅图地区这个项目启动,他感到很兴奋。

    Daniel P. Huttenlocher , the dean of Cornell Tech , said he was excited to see the institute in the Seattle area get off the ground .

  2. 全球创新学院的设想,在一定程度上是受了康奈尔科技学院(CornellTech)的启发。该项目计划在纽约的罗斯福岛上创办一个主要服务于计算机科学的新校区。

    The Global Innovation Exchange was inspired partly by Cornell Tech , an effort to create a major new computer science-focused campus on Roosevelt Island in New York .

  3. AngelaCornell是纽约伊萨卡市的康奈尔法学院的一名教授,她说去年的富士康多人自杀事件发生后,许多问题也浮出水面。

    Angela Cornell is a professor at the Cornell Law School in Ithaca , New York . She says many issues were raised last year after a number of at the Foxconn factories .

  4. 杜塔教授表示,康奈尔科技学院的优势是,这是一所位于纽约市中心的校园大学。

    Cornell Tech will have the advantage of being a campus-based university in the heart of New York City , says Prof Dutta .

  5. 康奈尔科技学院的一大挑战是跨越传统的数个院系,打造单一的教学单位。

    One of the biggest challenges for the Cornell Tech venture will be to develop a single teaching group across what is traditionally seen as a number of departments .

  6. 在美国肯定不是,就像康奈尔大学法学院(CornellUniversityLawSchool)教授林恩斯托特(LynnStout)指出的那样。

    Certainly not in America , as Lynn Stout , a professor at Cornell University Law School , has pointed out .

  7. 中外饭店管理专业本科教育的实证分析&以康奈尔大学酒店学院和北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    A Demonstrative Analysis of Undergraduate Hospitality Management Education in China and Foreign Countries & Taking The Hotel School of Cornell University and Beijing Institute of Tourism as Examples

  8. SoumitraDutta是康奈尔大学强生商学院的院长。

    Soumitra Dutta is Dean of SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University .

  9. 当我们刚来到康奈尔时,商学院举办了欢迎会,我们也拍了集体照。

    When we first came to Cornell , our school gave a party to welcome us and a group picture was taken , too .