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Kānɡ yǒu wéi
  • Kang Youwei; prominent scholar of Confucian classics and leader of the reform movement that culminated in the Hundred Days' Reform in 1898
康有为 [kāng yǒu wéi]
  • [Kang Youwei] (1858.3.19-1927.3.21) 中国近代思想家、戊戌变法运动的领袖、学者。原名祖诒,字广厦,号长素,又号更生。广东南海人。早年接触西方文化。开始向西方寻求救国真理。1895年甲午战争中国失败,他联合各省赴京会试的1300余举人上书,要求光绪帝拒和迁都,变法图强。后在京组织强学会,编印《中外纪闻》,创办《强学报》,宣传变法。1898年4月成立保国会。他屡向光绪帝上奏折,企图在不改变帝制的条件下改革政治、经济、军事,使中国富强。9月变法失败后,他逃亡国外。1899年7月在加拿大组织保皇会,抵制孙中山领导的革命运动。辛亥革命后发表反对共和与保存国粹的言论,企图恢复清王朝。1917年7月参与张勋复辟失败。1927年在青岛去世

  1. 他是康有为的再传弟子。

    He was a disciple of Kang youwei 's disciple .

  2. 康有为帖学大坏论及其影响

    Kang Youwei 's View of Bad Model Calligraphy and Its Influence

  3. 康有为:近代中国服饰变革的倡导者

    Kang Youwei & an Advocate of Costume Change in Modern China

  4. 康有为梁启超关系演变的根源与由来

    Relationship between Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao : origin and evolution

  5. 论康有为的妇女观

    A Discussion about Kang You - wei 's Viewpoints on Women

  6. 揭示出康有为内在的文化情愫、人格精神。

    Reveal Kang Youwei 's inherent culture sincerity , personality spirit .

  7. 论康有为对近代博物馆的认知和宣传

    Remark on What Kang Youwei Understood and Advocated the Modern Museums

  8. 试析康有为变革思想的儒学特征

    Analysis of the Confucian characteristics of Kang Youwei 's Reform Thought

  9. 康有为对中国近代思想文化的贡献

    Kang Youwei 's Contributions to Modern Chinese Ideology and Culture

  10. 简析康有为要求发展资本主义的经济思想

    Brief Analysis of Economic Thinking of Kang Youwei Demanding to Develop Capitalism

  11. 康有为美学思想基本属于中国古典美学范畴,也包含现代美学的萌芽。

    Kang Youwei aesthetics belongs to the category of Chinese classical aesthetics .

  12. 康有为人口素质教育思想初探

    A Preliminary Research on Kang Youwei 's Thought of Population Quality Education

  13. 康有为、章太炎政治思想之比较

    A comparison between the political ideas of Kang You-wei and Zhang Tai-yan

  14. 康有为经济思想的形成、内容与特点

    The Formation , Contents and Characteristics of Kang Youwei 's Economical Thought

  15. 康有为孙中山大同思想比较

    A Comparison of the Utopian Society of Kang You-wei and Sun Zhong-shan

  16. 何启、胡礼垣对康有为的批评

    HE Qi and HU Li-yuan 's Criticism against Kang You-wei

  17. 批判与超越:康有为人性论思想新解

    Animadversion and Transcendence : A New Thought about the Humanism of Kang Youwei

  18. 康有为与中国近代启蒙思潮

    Kang Youwei and The Enlightenment Thought of Temporary China

  19. 康有为与戊戌新学的形成

    Kang Youwei and Development of the Wu-Xu New Learning

  20. 康有为文化个性和维新运动的失败

    Kang Youwei 's Cultural Personality and the Relation between Lost of Wu-Xu REFORM

  21. 论康有为的空想社会主义思想

    On the Thought of Kang You-Wei 's Utopian Socialism

  22. 洪秀全与康有为大同思想之比较

    Comparative analysis of Great Harmony Thoughts by Hong Xiu-quan and by Kang You-wei

  23. 康有为对《论语》和《孟子》的创造性解释

    Creative Interpretation of The Analects of Confucius and The Mencius by Rang Youwei

  24. 梁启超与康有为的第一次论争

    The First Debate Between Liang Qichao and Kang Youwei

  25. 康有为阅读教学思想试探

    A Tentative Study of Kang You-wei 's Reading Thought

  26. 启蒙时期福泽谕吉与康有为的民权思想比较

    The Comparison of the Democracy Concept between Yukichi-Fukuzawa and Youwei-Kang during Enlightenment Period

  27. 康有为《大同书》研究综述

    Book Bar A Summary of Study on Kang You-wei 's Da Tong Shu

  28. 由康有为论近代人道主义与传统儒学的关系

    Relationship between Modern Chinese Humanitarianism and Traditional Confucianism in the Eye of Kang Youwei

  29. 康有为是近代中国主张实现国家工业化的第一个人。

    Kang You-wei was the first person who advocated national industrialization in modern China .

  30. 世界开新逢进化&试述康有为的外交思想

    On the Kang Youwei 's Thoughts in Diplomacy