
  • 网络rehabilitation education
  1. 应用临床护理路径对首次住院抑郁症患者实施康复教育

    Rehabilitation education to newly inpatients with depression in clinical nursing pathway

  2. 人工全膝关节置换术患者康复教育与训练

    Rehabilitation Education and Kinesiatrics of Patients after Total Knee Arthroplasty

  3. 结果:康复教育后患者机体、生活质量及健康行为明显提高,与康复教育前比较,均P0.05,差异有统计学意义。

    Results The quality of life and health behaviors were better after rehabilitative education than before ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 计算机辅助教学技术在康复教育中的应用前景

    Prospect by computer-assisted instrucion ( CAI ) in rehabilitation medicine education

  5. 结论:康复教育指导卡对四肢长干骨骨折患者出院后康复治疗具有指导作用,能缩短治疗时间,加速肢体功能恢复,减少并发症发生。

    Conclusion : HIC can instruct patients ' rehabilitation , reduce complication .

  6. 康复教育光盘在全髋关节置换患者中的应用

    Application of rehabilitation instruction CD in postoperative patients with total hip replacement

  7. 康复教育模式对脑卒中康复疗效的影响

    Effects of Model of Rehabilitation Education on Recovery of Stroke

  8. 目的:探讨康复教育指导卡对骨折患者出院后在指导其肢体功能康复上的作用。

    Objective : To explore instruction upon discharged fracture patients of HIC .

  9. 如何在聋儿早期康复教育中创设主题教学活动

    The role of theme activity in rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children

  10. 膝关节骨性关节炎病人的康复教育

    Rehabilitation education in patients with osteoarthritis of knee joint

  11. 1+X+Y聋儿康复教育模式的实践研究

    Clinical practice of 1 + X + Y model in rehabilitation for hearing-impaired children

  12. 聋儿早期康复教育的历史进程与未来走势

    A review of early intervention of hearing-impaired children : the history and the future

  13. 糖尿病患者实施康复教育的效果

    Recovering Guidance Application Effects for Diabetic Patients

  14. 康复教育指导卡在骨折患者出院后的作用

    Health instructive card ( HIC ) and its function in instruction upon discharged fracture patients

  15. 生成课程在1+X+Y聋儿康复教育模式中的实践研究

    Clinical research in emergent curriculum of 1 + X + Y model for deaf rehabilitation

  16. 历史新阶段开展聋儿早期康复教育工作的观念与对策

    Educational ideas and strategies of early rehabilitation for hearing impaired children in the new era

  17. 聋儿康复教育中的情感教学论情感因素在大学英语教学中的作用

    The role of emotional teaching in aural rehabilitation The Role of Emotional Factors in English Instruction in College

  18. 听障并伴随注意缺陷多动性障碍倾向儿童的康复教育对策伴随注意对生理负荷和心理负荷影响的研究


  19. 对照组患者接受临床常规治疗及护理,观察组除接受临床常规治疗及护理外,还接受康复教育。康复教育方法:①心理咨询。

    All the patients received conventional treatment and nursing , and those in the observation group received rehabilitation education in addition .

  20. 目的探讨康复教育干预方式对脑卒中患者日常生活活动能力的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of rehabilitation education intervention manner on activity of daily living ( ADL ) of stroke patients .

  21. 结论:运动处方和康复教育可明显提高腰椎间盘突出症患者的治疗效果,对患者自我治疗具有很好的参考价值。

    Movement prescription and recovery education are effective for the LIDH patients , and have very good reference value to patients'self treatment .

  22. 随着我国“聋儿早期康复教育观念”的逐步深入,近几年,小龄人工耳蜗植入者越来越多。

    With the improvement of early prevention for hearing-impaired children in recent years , more and more young children got the cochlear implant .

  23. 目的:采用康复教育的手段,帮助患者建立适合的生活方式,以期提高其生活质量。

    OBJECTIVE : Take the rehabilitation education to help the patients set up conformable life style so as to improve the quality of life .

  24. 目的:探讨运动处方与康复教育方法对腰椎间盘突出症患者的疗效。

    AIM : To probe into the effect of movement prescription and recovery education for treatment of patients with lumbar intervertebral disc herniation ( LIDH ) .

  25. 目的:规范首次住院抑郁症患者康复教育程序,提高康复教育质量。

    AIM : To regulate the procedure of rehabilitation education to the newly inpatients with depression , so as to improve the quality of rehabilitation education .

  26. 观察组采用非手术常规治疗加运动处方和康复教育,对照组只采用非手术常规治疗。

    On the basis of non operative routine therapy , movement prescription and recovery education were employed in the observation group , but not in the control group .

  27. 方法:借鉴国外应用临床护理路径对患者实施整体护理的做法,应用临床护理路径对首次住院抑郁症患者进行康复教育。

    METHODS : According to the way of comprehensive nursing care in foreign countries , clinical nursing pathway was applied in the rehabilitation education to the newly inpatients with depression .

  28. 结论:系统康复教育可明显降低患者心理焦虑发生率及并发症发生率,提高功能锻炼正确率及生活自理能力。

    CONCLUSION : Systemic rehabilitation education can remarkably reduce the incidence of mental anxiety and complications in patients , increase the correct rate of functional exercise and enhance self-care ability of living .

  29. 结论:建立康复教育可提高不稳定型心绞痛患者自我保健意识,改变不良的生活方式,建立良好健康行为,可控制心肌梗死的发生发展,从而提高患者的生活质量。

    Conclusion General rehabilitative education mode can increase the awareness of self-healthcare , alter bad life means , construct good health behaviors control development of unsteadiness angina , and improve their quality of life .

  30. 大中专医学院校43所的康复教育现状:全省只有4所中专卫校开设康复医学相关专业,每年仅平均招生50人。

    Rehabilitative education status of 43 secondary vocational medical schools and colleges : Only 4 secondary health schools had majors concerned with rehabilitation medicine and the enrollment was only 50 persons on average annually .