
  • 网络Rehabilitation evaluation;Rehabilitation assessment
  1. 吉兰-巴雷综合征的康复评定与治疗观察

    Effect of Rehabilitation Evaluation and Treatment on Guillain-Barr é Syndrome

  2. 膝关节骨性关节炎的康复评定与治疗

    Rehabilitation evaluation and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

  3. F波检测在腰骶神经根压迫征的诊断和康复评定中的价值

    The value of determination of F wave in the diagnosis of compression sign of lumbosacral nerve root and its value in rehabilitation

  4. 康复评定采用Barthel指数和FIM,评定分别于治疗前及治疗6个月后进行;

    Rehabilitation assessment of the patients with Barthel index and FIM was carried out before and 6 months after the rehabilitation therapy respectively for comparison .

  5. 对每一病例治疗前后进行康复评定。评定内容:(1)用改良Ashworth(MAS)量表评定上肢痉挛,用CSI指数评定下肢痉挛。

    Evaluated every cases according to the following items before treatment and after two periods of treatment : ( 1 ) Modified Ashworth Scale for upper extremity spasticity , Clinical Spasticity Index for lower extremity spasticity .

  6. 偏瘫肢体功能锻炼对脑卒中后患者康复评定分析

    Rehabilitation Evaluation on Limbs Functional Exercise of Hemiplegia Patients with Stroke

  7. 34例脑损伤患者认知功能障碍的康复评定与训练初探

    Evaluation and training of cognitive disorders of 34 patients with brain damage

  8. 脑卒中的康复评定&临床常用量表回顾

    Rehabilitation Assessment on Stroke & Review Clinical Usual Measuring Scale

  9. 目的探讨康复评定和治疗对吉兰-巴雷综合征的作用。

    Analysis of Electromyographical Study in Patient With Guillian-Barre Syndrome ;

  10. 偏瘫肩半脱位康复评定与放射学测量研究

    Shoulder subluxation in hemiplegia : A comparison of rehabilitation assessment and radiologic measurement

  11. 近红外光谱仪在脑卒中瘫痪康复评定中的应用

    Evaluation of the hemiplegic motor rehabilitation in poststroke patients by near infrared spectroscopy

  12. 小脑性共济失调患者的康复评定与治疗

    Rehabilitative evaluation and treatment for patient with cerebellar ataxia

  13. 脑卒中后肢体运动功能障碍的康复评定与治疗

    Rehabilitation assessment and treatment of motor dysfunction after stroke

  14. 个人数字助理技术在康复评定中的应用

    Application of personal digital assistant in rehabilitation assessment

  15. 脑卒中智能康复评定编辑系统的设计与实现

    The design and realization of assessing and editing system of intelligent recuperation of stroke

  16. 功能前伸试验在脑卒中偏瘫患者康复评定中的应用研究

    A clinical research of functional reach test on the rehabilitation assessment in stroke patients with hemiplegia

  17. 等速测试在腰椎间盘突出症患者康复评定中的应用

    Isokinetic dynamometer test of knee flexion and extension in patients with protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc

  18. 简易精神状态测定法在脑损伤后康复评定中的应用

    The Application of the Short Test of Mental Status in Functional Assessment of the Brain Injuried People

  19. 脑卒中患者上肢和手功能的康复评定近红外光谱仪在脑卒中瘫痪康复评定中的应用

    Upper Extremity Functional Assessment of Stroke Evaluation of the hemiplegic motor rehabilitation in poststroke patients by near infrared spectroscopy

  20. 分别于治疗前、治疗1个月后、治疗3个月后对每一病例进行各种康复评定。

    Every cases were evaluated according to the following items before treatment , after one month treatment and after three-month treatment .

  21. 本文重点介绍髋关节置换术康复评定、康复训练及关节置换术后并发症及治疗。

    This article highlights the rehabilitative evaluation and training of hip joint replacement , as well as the complications and treatment after hip joint replacement .

  22. 两组病人疗程均为1个月,于治疗前、治疗一个月后对每一病例进行康复评定。

    Two groups of patients treatment are for 1 month . before treatment , in a month after treatment , each case rehabilitation of evaluation .

  23. 为了探讨人体上肢运动功能康复评定方法,本文研究了健康人抓取过程中的运动协调模式。

    In order to discuss the evaluation method of human upper limb movements , the patterns of movement coordination during healthy people prehension have been researched .

  24. 目的通过现代康复评定方法研究通关开窍针刺法治疗缺血性中风早期偏瘫的临床疗效。

    Objective To study by modern rehabilitation evaluation the curative effect of acupuncture method of easing joint movement and opening orifices on early hemiparalysis induced by ischemic stroke .

  25. 在康复评定、训练与治疗的过程中,可以全面反映患者的康复功能状态,在临床步态分析中具有重要意义和不可替代的作用。

    In the course of assessment , training and treatment of rehabilitation , it can reflect the functional state of patient completely , and plays a vital role and irreplaceable effect in clinical gait analysis .

  26. 我们用直流感应电诊断、强度时间曲线、肌电图、运动神经传导速度等电生理检查及各种物理疗法对436例病人进行了康复评定及物理治疗。

    We have used DC current - induced diagnosis , intensity-duration curves , electromyography , motor nerve conduction velocity for electrophysiological diagnosis and physical therapy for 436 cases with rehabilitation evaluation and physical treatment of them .

  27. 方法:在对179例颈性眩晕患者临床资料统计分析的基础上,参考有关康复评定资料,制订出《颈性眩晕症状与功能评估量表》。

    Method : With reference of the related literature about rehabilitation evaluation , a scale called Evaluation Scale for Cervical Vertigo was designed on the basis of analysing the clinical material of 179 cases of patients with CV .

  28. 同时手工检索1985-01/2002-12与相关康复评定的书籍,限定书籍语言为中文,英文、日文、检索词为脑卒中,康复,运动功能评定。

    At the same time , we also searched books relevant to rehabilitation evaluation by hand published from January 1985 to December 2002 in Chinese , English and Japanese with the key words of " stroke , rehabilitation , motor functional assessment " .

  29. 介绍脑卒中的智能康复评定编辑系统的开发和使用情况,全面纪录病人的各种功能障碍,用来规范康复评定纪录和治疗计划,使其成为电子病例的一部分。

    Introducing the exploitation and application of assessing and editing system of intelligent recuperation of stroke , recording roundly the patient 's various functional disorders , normalizing the recuperation assessing record and remedial plan , making this system to be part of the electronic case .

  30. 可以通过诊断标准、形态学检查、肌力测定、膝关节活动度测定、步态分析、本体感觉、日常生活能力评定、生活质量评定及残疾指数评定等进行患者的康复评定。

    The rehabilitation of the patients could be evaluated with the diagnostic criteria , morphological examination , testing of muscle strength , assay of knee joint motion , gait analysis , proprioception , assessments of abilities of daily life , quality of life and disabled index .