
  • 网络social rehabilitation;social rehabilition;community rehabilitation
  1. 精神分裂症病人的社会康复及家庭护理

    Social rehabilitation and familial nursing care of schizophrenia patients

  2. 观察开放式管理对精神分裂症病人社会康复的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of open-type management on social rehabilitation of schizophrenia patients .

  3. 家庭干预促进精神分裂症患者社会康复

    Effect of Family Intervention on Patients with Schizophrenia

  4. 结果,两组临床疗效相近,而社会康复率两组相比差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Result : the clinical curative effect of the 2 groups was similar , and there was significant difference in the rates of social rehabilitation between the 2 groups ( P < 0 . 001 ) .

  5. 世界心理社会性康复协会

    World Association for the Rehabilitation of the Psycho-Socially Disabled

  6. 麻风病人的社会经济康复&一种可行的模式

    Socio - Economic Rehabilitation for Leprosy Patients

  7. 结论农业治疗结合体娱治疗,对精神分裂症患者的社会功能康复,有一定的促进作用。

    Conclusions Fanning therapy combining recreational therapy may improve social function of chronic schizophrenic inpatients .

  8. 目的探讨农娱治疗在精神分裂患者社会功能康复中所起的作用。

    Objective This article is aimed to show the role of farming therapy in psychosocial rehabilitation of chronic schizophrenic inpatients .

  9. 从肠造口病人的心理护理、造口的管理以及社会功能康复方面进行了综述。

    It outlined from the aspects of psychological nursing , management of stoma , social functional rehabilitation of patients underwent enterostomy .

  10. 目的:探讨社区家庭干预模式对精神分裂症患者社会功能康复的有效性和可行性。

    Objective : To find the validity and feasibility of the model of the home intervention of community for the schizophrenia rehabilitants .

  11. 探讨团体绘画艺术治疗对精神分裂症患者生理、心理和社会功能康复效果。绘画艺术治疗研究包括绘画艺术评定和绘画艺术干预两个方面。

    The aim of this research was to explore the effect of group art therapy to the bio-psycho-social function for schizophrenia inpatients .

  12. 目的探讨精神分裂症患者的家庭环境及其父母教养方式,为实施有效的家庭干预措施,促进患者社会功能康复提供参考。

    Objective To explore the family environment and parenting pattern of the patients with schizophrenia , aiming to give psychological interference to improve social function of schizophrenia .

  13. 对40例平均病程19年的慢性精神分裂症病人用奖励行为疗法进行治疗,评价该疗法对慢性病人社会功能康复的作用。

    Chronic schizophrenics whose average duration were 19 years were treated by reward behaviour therapy to assess its effects of rehabilitation of the patients in social functions .

  14. 目的在于唤起全社会对康复医学及其教育的重视,使康复医学教育向着良性循环的轨道正确前进,更好的为人类健康服务。

    The purpose rests with arousing humanity to pay great attention to rehabilitation medicine and its education so that the education of rehabilitation medicine goes forward a good orientation and gives service to the health of mankind .

  15. 精神分裂症社会支持与康复疗效分析

    Analysis of Social Support and Therapeutic Effect for Schizophrenia

  16. 残疾妇女社会和职业康复政策方案制订问题区域讲习班;

    Regional Workshop on development of policies and programme for social and vocational rehabilitation of disabled women ;

  17. 已设立日托服务中心,精神障碍患者可在那里接受心理、社会和职业康复。

    Day-care centres have been established where people with mental disorders receive psychological , social and occupational rehabilitation .

  18. 结论老年股骨颈骨折术患者的生存质量受心理状况、社会支持和康复需求的满足程度等因素影响。

    Conclusion QOL of post-operative elders with FNF are affected by psychological status , social supports and the fulfillment of their needs .

  19. 改进对石棉相关疾病的早期诊断、治疗、社会和医疗康复,并建立既往和/或接触石棉人员的登记册。

    By improving early diagnosis , treatment , social and medical rehabilitation of asbestos-related diseases and to establish registries of people with past and / or current exposures to asbestos .

  20. 社区慢性精神分裂症病人社会技能训练的康复护理

    Rehabilitation nursing of social skills training of chronic schizophrenia patients in community

  21. 目的探索生物-心理-社会综合干预对康复期精神分裂患者的疗效及在国内精神科领域率先尝试慢性病自我管理模式。

    Objective To explore the effect of biologic-mental-social comprehensive intervention on rehabilitative schizophrenia patients . To attempt the Chronic Disease Self-Management mode in domestic psychiatry .

  22. 结果:1.通过行为治疗联合药物治疗,来访者实现了精神心理和社会功能的全面康复,回归正常的家庭社会生活。

    The client suffering from schizophrenia achieved comprehensive rehabilitation in psychological and social function , and returned to normal family and social life after behavioral therapy combined with medication .

  23. 结论在抗精神病药治疗基础上辅以音乐体育疗法,对慢性精神分裂症患者精神症状缓解、社会功能恢复及康复治疗均有积极意义。

    Conclusions Music and sport therapy combining with psychotropic drugs for treating inpatients with schizophrenia can not only improve their syndrome and social disabilities , but also has positive meaning for their rehabilitation .

  24. 目的了解康复期脑卒中患者的社会支持状况,分析社会支持对康复疗效的影响。

    Objective To observe the status and effects of the social support on rehabilitation in stroke patients .

  25. 目的:探讨康复期精神分裂症患者心理趋势与应对方式、社会支持的相关性,为制定社会心理康复干预提供理论依据。

    AIM : To study the relationship of mental health status with coping style and social support in patients with schizophrenia in residential rehabilitation in order to provide academic foundation to constitute intervention for social psychological restoration .

  26. 目的调查分析烧伤患者自尊水平和社会适应能力,为提高烧伤患者社会和心理康复能力提供参考。

    Objective To investigate the self-esteem level and social adaptation ability of hospitalized burn patients in our burn ward .