
  • 网络ETHOS;trends of social thought
  1. 朦胧诗现象的发展过程体现了文艺观念与社会思潮的艰难转变。

    The development of Obscure Poem phenomenon witnessed a hard transformation in literature trends and ethos trends .

  2. 但是,随着信息时代的来临,特别是网络的普及,各种社会思潮的涌入,当代大学生理想信念教育迎来了前所未有的挑战,改革成为必须之路。

    However , the coming of information era , especially the popularity of internet , results in the inrushing of ethos and makes the education of college students ' ideal faith face the unprecedented challenge , so that resolution is the only way to move it on .

  3. 刍议当代社会思潮与管理科学研究的结合

    Preliminary Discussion on Intergration of Contemporary Ethos and Management Science Study

  4. 西方女权主义作为一种社会思潮在世界上有很大影响。

    West feminism has a great deal influence in the world .

  5. 对大学生产生重大影响的社会思潮

    The impacts of the trend of social thoughts on university students

  6. 美国现代城市设计实践之社会思潮溯源

    Tracing on the Social Thoughts of American Modern Urban Design Practice

  7. 本章将从老舍的生存经历、个性气质及外在社会思潮、文化氛围等内在和外在的角度来加以论述。

    It talks about survival experience , individual temperament and culture atmosphere .

  8. 中国近代社会思潮与服饰变革

    The ethos of modern times and the transform of raiment in China

  9. 马克思主义意识形态引领社会思潮基本经验研究

    Studies on Basic Experience of Marxist Ideology Leading Social Thoughts

  10. 重视对社会思潮的引导与巩固社会主义意识形态

    Attach importance to leading social trend of thought and strengthen socialist ideology

  11. 社会思潮内涵的再认识

    A Review on Connotation of the Trends of Social Thought

  12. 论增强社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮的能力

    On Leading Ethos Capability of Enhancing Socialist Core Value System

  13. 社会主义市场经济与中国当代社会思潮

    Socialist market economy and contemporary ideological trends in Chinese society

  14. 坚持用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮

    Insistence on Leading Social Trends of Thoughts with Socialist Nuclear Value System

  15. 只有进行多层面的展开,才能实现对社会思潮的有效引领。

    Only through multi-layered ways , can we realize the effective leading .

  16. 玄学是魏晋时期兴起的一种影响深远的社会思潮,两晋之际玄学在理论上发展到极至,其影响开始渗入社会生活的各个方面。

    Metaphysics was a far-reaching ethos which appeared in Wei and Jin period .

  17. 第一章,社会思潮的基本理论分析。

    The first chapter , an analysis of social thought ' sfundamental theory .

  18. 论社会思潮的发展规律谈卫生事业的发展

    On the Objective Law of Ideological Trend Discussion on development of health care

  19. 浅析社会思潮与文学的关系

    Relationship Between Trend of Thought in Society and Literature

  20. 可持续发展是近年来影响广泛的一种社会思潮。

    Sustainable development is a new social trend of thought with comprehensive influence .

  21. 略论明清之际社会思潮的发展

    On the Development of Social Will during Dynasty Alternation from Ming to Qing

  22. 西方城市设计与社会思潮的相互呼应

    The Echoing between Western Urban Design and Social Thoughts

  23. 关于当前中国社会思潮的基本思考

    Reflections on the Ideological Thoughts of Contemporary China

  24. 林纾的翻译小说与近代社会思潮

    Novels Translated by Linshu and Modern Social Thoughts

  25. 关于社会思潮传播模式的探讨

    On the Spreading Mode of Social Ideological Trend

  26. 中国近代社会思潮的主要特征

    Main Characteristics of Social Ideology in Recent China

  27. 把握社会思潮本质构建社会思潮引领机制

    Grasping the Nature of Social Thoughts and Building a Leading Mechanism about Social Thoughts

  28. 西方女性主义是当代西方重要的社会思潮之一。

    Feminism is one of the important trends of thought in contemporary western countries .

  29. 中国近代社会思潮对近代图书馆的孕育

    The Ideological Trend of Chinese Modern Society and Its Influence on Chinese Modern Libraries

  30. 当代社会思潮对大学生影响及其应对

    On the Influence of Contemporary Social Thoughts on College Students and Study the Countermeasure