
  • 网络T'ang Chun-i;tang chun-yi
  1. 唐君毅先生之生平与著作述略

    A Brief Account of Mr Tang Junyi 's Life and Writing

  2. 浅论唐君毅人文主义教育思想

    A Brief Discussion about Tang Junyis 's Thought of Humanistic Education

  3. 贺麟与唐君毅&人生经历、社会交往与学术思想

    Helin and Tang Junyi : Life Experiences , Social Intercourse and Academic Thoughts

  4. 唐君毅;孔子精神;中国历史文化;

    Tang Jun-yi ; the spirit of Confucius ; Chinese history and culture ;

  5. 唐君毅认为“人文”一词是中国固有,非泊来品。

    TANG Jun-yi believed that the word of'Hamane'was in ancient Chinese , not forein .

  6. 唐君毅宗教思想研究

    The Study of Tang Junyi 's Religious Thought

  7. 现代新儒家唐君毅先生对生死问题的思考贯穿他整个人生。

    Modern Neo-Confucian Tang Junyi thought of life and death through his whole life .

  8. 另外,唐君毅对中国佛教思想的发展历程,也颇有自己独特的创见。

    Besides , Tang has his unique discovery about the development process of Chinese Buddhism thoughts .

  9. 唐君毅之哲学方法

    The Philosophical Methods of Tang Jun-yi

  10. 宗教与人文精神之重建&读唐君毅《人文精神之重建》札记

    On the Reconstruction of Religion and Humanism & Notes on The Reconstruction of Humanism by Tang Jun-yi

  11. 唐君毅对中西哲学家所用之基本方法,皆有所通观与反省。

    Tang Jun-yi did awareness and reflection on the basic philosophical methods employed by Chinese and Western philosophers .

  12. 藏、修、息、游与中国艺术精神&唐君毅美学思想探析

    " Cang , Xiu , Xi and You " and Spirit of Chinese Art : Tang Junyi 's Aesthetic Thinking

  13. 本文共分五部分,导论部分分析了唐君毅哲学与现代性的关系,揭示了选题意义。

    Part One analyses the relationship between modernity and Tang Jun-yi philosophy , and reveals the significance of this topic .

  14. 唐君毅以感通来重建儒家境界论,体现了变通的哲学观。

    Tang Chun-i tried to rebuild the realm theory of Confucianism , which embodied the concept of change in philosophy .

  15. 和谐与仁爱&兼论唐君毅人道主义思想与大学生人际关系建构

    Harmony and kind-heartedness & Also a discussion on Tang Junyi 's humanism and the establishment of college students ' interpersonal relation

  16. 唐君毅是第二代新儒家的一位代表人物,也是二十世纪一位具有影响力的中国哲学家。

    Tang Junyi was a representative personality of the second New-Confucianism and an important philosopher of Chinese Philosophy in the twenty century .

  17. 第四部分论述了唐君毅是怎样以其心本体的正反合的过程完成了他哲学体系的建构。

    Part Four describes how he would complete his system of philosophy with the process of Pros and cons of heart ontology .

  18. 由于时代背景、个人经历和文化认知的不同,唐君毅、杜维明对儒家文化的心态有较大差别。

    Owing to the different background , personal experiences and cultural understandings , Tang and Du have the discrepancy to the Confucian culture .

  19. 唐君毅是中国现代史上著名的哲学家,也是现代新儒家的代表人物之一。

    Tang Junyi is a famous philosopher in China modern history as well as one of the important representatives of Modern New Confucianism .

  20. 心本论是唐君毅哲学思想的基础,而陆王心学则是其直接理论来源。

    Temperament theory is the base of Tang ′ s philosophy , while Lu and wang ′ s thought is the theoretical source of Tang ′ s.

  21. 作为一生挚爱传统文化的当代儒者,唐君毅、杜维明为了重建中国文化传统、弘扬中华文化而作出了不懈努力。

    As the traditional culture keen lovers , the Contemporary Confucianists , Tang Chunyi and Du Weiming have made unremitting efforts for reconstructing and promoting the Chinese traditional culture .

  22. 唐君毅以现代心理学和西方哲学改造传统儒学心性论,使得他的心本论超越了陆王心学,具有明显的现代特征。

    Tang Chunyi reconstructed Confucian school ′ s temperament with modern psychology and western philosophy , and made his theory transcending Lu and Wang ′ s with more modern features .

  23. 唐君毅思想研究的多维视野&纪念唐君毅先生诞辰100周年暨学术思想研讨会侧记

    Multi-Perspective Research on TANG Junyi 's Thoughts & Narration of the Seminar for Commemorating the 100 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of TANG Junyi 's Birth and His Academic Thoughts

  24. 唐君毅认为,精神上的自由,就是超越在时空中的现实自我对他自己的限制束缚,而体现为形上的精神实在。

    He thus beholds that spiritual freedom , breaking all the restrictions on the practical Self confined in a particular time and limited space , is a kind of real being .

  25. 唐君毅一生在此一课题上作了不少的建构,将儒家的生命伦理学接上了当代日常生活经验,创造符合社会共有与共识的生命存有规范。

    With his whole life , Tang contributed quite a few on this topic by relating life ethic of Confucianism to modern daily life experience to construct a socially recognized life existential norm .

  26. 唐君毅认为,由于人的出生和死亡都是未经人自己同意的,所以人生是一绝对的孤独寂寞,是绝对虚“无”中的一点“有”。

    According to Tang Junyi , mans birth and death are not controlled or permitted by himself , thus life is absolutely solitude and loneliness , a definite " uncertainty " with bit of " certainty " .

  27. 唐君毅的中国悲剧观经过早期和后期两个阶段,早期认为中国缺乏悲剧,后期认为中国悲剧是不同于西方悲剧的独特悲剧,是一种悲剧而又超悲剧。

    Tang Junyi 's tragic view of China experienced two stages : earlier stage and late stage . People thought that China lacked tragedy in the earlier stage and Chinese tragedy was unique and different from the west .

  28. 本文是对唐君毅心性哲学的基本范畴研究,亦即对其人生哲学、道德哲学的前提性批判,并试图以此来解释唐氏整个新儒家思想的渊源、确立及流变。

    This paper treats of the basic category of Tang Junyi 's philosophy of moral nature or , in other words , criticizes the premiss of his philosophy of life and philosophy of morality and thereby attempts to explain the origin , establishment and vicissitudes of Tang 's entire Neo-Confucianism .