
  1. 使臣名字《旧唐书》为郎将崔欣Xi。

    The name of the ambassador in " Old Tang History " was " Minister Cui Xi " .

  2. 《新唐书》的编纂及其学术成就

    The Research on the Compilation and Academic Achievement of the New Tang Book

  3. 《新唐书·礼乐志》的史料来源

    Original Sources of Annal of Rites & Music New History Book of Tang

  4. 从其修撰的目的能够看出,《新唐书》就是为了补充《旧唐书》的不足之处。

    Their purpose was to supplement the inadequacies of Old Book of Tang .

  5. 正史乐志律志研究的学术意义&《两唐书乐志研究》《宋史乐志研究》的方法与途径

    The Academic Significance For Research the Music and Temperament Record in the Official Annals

  6. 论《新唐书》、《旧唐书》对李商隐评价之差异

    On the Discrepancy of Comment on Li Shangyin between Old Tang History Book and New Tang History Book

  7. 并对《旧唐书》一书作了基本的介绍,说明了本文的语料来源和语料价值。

    The author introduces basic complexion of Jiu Tang Shu , explains the language material source and value this essay uses .

  8. 唐代的针灸专著在《旧唐书》、《唐书》中收载十二种、三十九卷之多;

    Special works on acupuncture-moxibustion amounted to twelve kinds and thirty-nine volumes recorded in JIU TANG SHU , and TANG SHU .

  9. 第一章概述《新唐书》编撰的原因、过程、主要内容和特点。

    The first chapter introduced the compiling reason , process , main contents and characteristics of " New History of the Tang Dynasty " .

  10. 其中第一种情况《新唐书》在《旧唐书》传记的基础上增加的内容这一部分在本文中暂不置论,只是对《新唐书》新增加传记的史料来源做考证。

    The first is that the New Book passing on the biographies of the Old Book , but has added some historical datum in addition .

  11. 其著作完整地流传于世的仅《新唐书纠谬》一部,集中反映了他的史学成就。

    It was unfortunate that only " the Correction of New Tang Book " of all Wu Zhen'works was circulated , which represents his principal achievement .

  12. 来自四川的唐书全称他是世界上最会变脸的人,没人能够与之匹敌。

    Tang , from Chengdu City , Sichuan province , China , says he 's the world 's foremost gurning expert and no-one can match him .

  13. 唐代的日食记录,通常包括朔日干支、日食宿度、食分及起讫时刻等信息,总体以《新唐书天文志》的记载较为准确和完整,但脱漏失载的情况仍然存在。

    The record of solar eclipse in the XINTAGN SHU TIAN WENZHI is more accurate and complete on the whole , but cases of missing still exist .

  14. 基于这一点,我们专门探讨了宋祁文学观的转变与《新唐书》传记撰写的关系。

    On this point , we try to discuss the relationship between the change of the literary outlook of Song Qi and the writing of biography in the New History of Tang Dynasty .

  15. 《新唐书》则重视作品的审美价值,对古文运动、诗歌唱和比较关注。

    However , the New History of Tang Dynasty puts more emphasis on the aesthetic value of the works and the " reformation of writing style movement ", " poet writing and communication " .

  16. 1060年《新唐书》完成之后,欧阳修很快升任枢密副使,次年任参知政事,以后,又相继任刑部尚书、兵部尚书等职,在社会事务、财务、军事等方面留下了值得注意的记录。

    When the Xin Tang shu was finished in 1060 , Ouyang was rapidly promoted to the highest councils of state , leaving a remarkable record in social , financial , and military affairs .

  17. 准此,李白这段时间的作品就需要重新编年、重新研究,《新唐书•李白传》也需要修正。

    If this is true , the chronology of Li Bai 's works during the period should be redone and the Biography of Li Bai in the New Book of Tang needs to be corrected .

  18. 作为正史,两《唐书》的女性史料体现出具有官方意识形态色彩的教化特点,直接表现了一定历史时期的主流社会对女性道德观、价值观的正面期待。

    As official history documents about female in two History of the Tang Dynasty , they reflected official instruction in the ideology , and revealed the positive expectation of major society toward female moralities and values .

  19. 第三章通过将《新唐书·列女传》与前代正史《列女传》进行比较,了解唐代社会重视的女性形象。

    In the third chapter , by comparing " New History of the Tang Dynasty · Female Biography " and former generation of " Female Biography ", we could know the valued female image in Tang Dynasty .

  20. 《旧唐书》中记录的唐五代新生事物所涉及的新词,主要有科举考试用语、新兴的赋税名称、新兴的商业贸易类词语、新兴的职官制度词语、新兴的法制方面的词语等等。

    The neologies involved for the new phenomena recorded in Old Tang Book are mainly concerned with imperial examination , new types of taxes , newly emerging businesses and trades , newly-setup official positions and new laws .

  21. 许多学者注意到这一点,指出《新唐书·艺文志》是中国古代小说观念发生变化的一个重要标志,但仍需要确凿的文献来证实这种说法。

    Although many scholars have thought that " Yiwenzhi " of New Book of Tang is an important symbol of the change of view of ancient Chinese novels , it is still to be verified with authentic documents .

  22. 后来的《隋书·经籍志》、《旧唐书·艺文志》、《新唐书·艺文志》等史书都把《山海经》列入史部地理类。

    Later , Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi , Old Tang book Yi Wen Zhi , new book of Tang Yi Wen Zhi and other historical books , all ranked shanhaiching as the history of the Department of geography .

  23. 《旧唐书·倭国传》与前史相比,增加了一些新的史料,如对四面小岛,五十余国皆附属焉的记载。

    Compared to the previous history , added some new historical materials . as the " It was surrounded by small islands , more than fifty countries are affiliated with China " . In the " Old Tang " .

  24. 从茶产地的分布看唐代区域经济的开发&读《全唐诗》、《茶经》、《新唐书·地理志》札记

    The Study of the Exploitation of Regional Economy from the Distribution of Tea Producing Area in the Tang Dynasty & Through the Analysis on the Quan Tang Shi , Book of Tea and The New History of the Tang Dynasty

  25. 除了史料来源的因素外,导致两《唐书》宰相传差异的最主要原因是两书编修者史学理念、政治理念的不同。

    In addition to factor of the historical sources , the most important reasons leading to the difference between the Biographies of the prime ministers of the two books were the differences of the editors ' concept and the political ideas .

  26. 第二章介绍《新唐书·列女传》编撰的缘由以及立传的目的,然后将入传女性进行分类分析,了解唐代女性形象的类型和特点。

    The second chapter introduced the compiling reason and purpose of " New History of the Tang Dynasty · Female Biography ", and then classify the women in the book to analyze and understand the types and features of female image in Tang dynasty .

  27. 例如:关于事实、褒贬、文采等史学批评范畴的阐述,关于《新唐书》修撰的八失说,都非常值得研究。

    For example , the definition of the historiography criticism of " facts , celebrating and lowering and literary grace " and the theme of " the eight faults " on the compilation of the " New Tang Book " are both worthy of researching .

  28. 五代时期编撰的《旧唐书》与北宋时期编撰的《新唐书》在传记书写上呈现出不同的文本构成状况。

    The Old History of Tang Dynasty which was compiled in the Period of Five Dynasties and the New History of Tang Dynasty which was compiled in the Northern Song Dynasty showcase different composition of texts as far as the writings of the biography are concerned .