
  1. 高棅是明初闽中诗派诗学理论的主要代表,他所编选的《唐诗品汇》是闽中诗派诗学思想的集中体现。

    Gao Bing is the representative of the Fujian poetry school , of which The Collection of Tang Poem is the centralized embodiment .

  2. 《唐诗品汇》对明代诗学辨体理论的突出贡献表现在:四唐分期说的确立与宗法盛唐格调的诗学审美取向的形成。

    His outstanding contribution to the formal distinctions Poetics theory of Ming Dynasty is that it establishes the Four - Period Theory on the Division of the Tang Poetry and the aesthetic sense to uphold the Sung Dynasty .