
  1. 请问17岁晚trick-or-treating算晚吗?不要钱的糖果什么的让我怎么忍心放弃!

    Am I too old to go trick or treating ?

  2. 食环署在“岁晚清洁大行动”期间加强清洗工作。

    Special cleaning squad in action during the enhanced Year-end Clean-up Campaign .

  3. 年近岁晚,市民有进行大扫除的习惯,将住所内的旧物弃置,以迎接新一年的来临。

    Most people would like to clean up their homes thoroughly and dispose of their unwanted items to welcome the Lunar New Year .

  4. 结果:1、月经初潮年龄最早8岁,最晚21岁,平均(12.37士1.21)岁。

    Menarcheal age as early as 8 years old , the age of 21 at the latest , average ( 12.37 ± 1.21 ) age . 2 .

  5. 入睡:当我在16岁这个稍晚一些的年纪定期在船上为这个矮小的男人挠痒时,只有在上床之前是我可以指望的私人时间。

    Falling asleep : When I first started regularly tickling the little man in the boat at the late-ish age of16 , just before bed was the only time I could count on privacy .

  6. 一个12岁的孩子那晚死在一个你的烘干机里。

    A12-year-old boy died in one of your dryers the other night .

  7. 如果你觉得21岁听起来有点晚,那就想想中国普通的无知农民们,他们都是直接从童年期跳跃至中年期,中间没有缓冲。

    If you think 21 sounds a bit late to start , just think about the average dumb Chinese peasant , who leaps straight from childhood to middle age with nothing in between .