
  1. 班提十几岁在农场的时候开始对雪花有兴趣。

    Bentley first became interested in snow crystals as a teenager on his family farm .

  2. 首次出现在3岁在电影花衣马龙(1924)与他的父亲。

    First appeared at age3 in film Pied Piper Malone ( 1924 ) with his father .

  3. 他的父亲是一名教练,他跟随了家庭的轨迹,于22岁在丙级联赛的特拉帕尼开始可职业生涯。

    His father was a trainer and , following the family tradition , he began his career at the age of22 in the third league ( serie C ) with the Trapani football team .

  4. 他24岁时在一次悲惨的事故中丧命。

    He was killed in a tragic accident at the age of 24 .

  5. 卡罗琳5岁时在墙上乱涂乱画。

    When Caroline was five she scribbled on a wall .

  6. 杰里米·斯泰尔斯,34岁,在一家地方剧院担任了10年经理。

    Jeremy Styles , 34 , was the house manager for a provincial theatre for ten years .

  7. 吴女士14岁时在中国老家开始学习剪纸艺术。

    Ms Woo began to study the art of paper cutting as a 14-year-old girl in her hometown in China .

  8. 目前掌握的关于森林男孩的信息很少,只知道他叫Ray,大概17岁,在德国首都柏林南部森林里住了至少有五年时间。

    Known only as Ray , and believed to be around 17 , the boy is thought to have spent at least five years sleeping rough in woods south of the German capital .

  9. 方法:16例AMI病人(平均56.5岁)在发病4周后按照Bruce方案进行症状限止平板运动试验。

    Methods : The symptom-limited treadmill exercise testing performed in 16 patients ( average 56.5 years ) with AMI after 4 weeks according to Bruce protocol .

  10. 去年12月,一位14岁女孩在喝下几罐Monster饮料后死亡,她的母亲指控这款饮料部分导致了女孩的死亡。

    The mother of a 14 year-old girl who died in December after having consumed a couple of monster drinks is claiming that the beverage played a part in her death .

  11. 玛格丽特•撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)因中风去世,享年87岁,在世界各地引发了一阵哀悼浪潮。撒切尔是英国任职最长的首相,也是唯一的女首相。

    Margaret Thatcher , Britain 's longest-serving and only woman prime minister , has died aged 87 after suffering a stroke , prompting a flood of tributes from across the globe .

  12. 斯托伦沃克(BarbStollenwork)是奥罗拉的一名健康项目协调员,现年53岁。在2011年底结束了失眠治疗项目的学习后,她戒掉了每晚吃泰诺安(TylenolPM)的习惯。

    Barb Stollenwork , age 53 and a wellness program coordinator at Aurora , kicked her nightly Tylenol PM habit after finishing the program at the end of 2011 .

  13. 方法:对2672例7~92岁居住在太原地区的健康人群和105例46~91岁的骨折患者,采用定量超声骨量分析仪测定胫骨QUS值。

    Methods QUS of tibia was measured in 2672 nomal people aged 7 92 and 105 fractured patients aged 46 91 in Taiyuan area .

  14. 前英国首相撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)周一因中风去世,终年87岁。在发生多次轻微中风之后,她于2002年退出公众视线,此后只是偶尔公开露面。

    Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who died Monday from a stroke at age 87 retired from public engagements in 2002 following a series of small strokes , and was only occasionally seen in public since then .

  15. 曼德拉于上周四晚在约翰内斯堡的家中去世,享年95岁。在这个种族对立严重的国家,曼德拉享有近乎神话般的地位,南非总统祖马(JacobZuma)已经宣布周日为祈祷日,纪念曼德拉的一生。

    Mr. Mandela , who died Thursday evening at his Johannesburg home at 95 years old , enjoyed near mythical status in the racially divided country , and President Jacob Zuma had designated Sunday as a day of prayer and reflection on his life .

  16. 毕利十四岁,在上九年级。

    Billy is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade .

  17. 他在19岁时在哈佛大学中途退学了。

    He dropped out of Harvard University at the age of19 .

  18. 尼岁河在亚历山大附近注入海洋。

    The river Nile flows into the sea near alexandria .

  19. 马来西亚的孩子从5或者6岁开始在幼儿园接受教育。

    Malaysian children begin schooling from the age of5 or6 in kindergarten .

  20. 柏林墙夫人声称,她在7岁时在电视里第一次看到柏林墙就爱上了它,从后她开始收集“他”的照片,存钱去见“他”。

    She began collecting " his " pictures and saving up for visits .

  21. 他14岁开始在那儿工作。

    He started work there at14 years of age .

  22. 布鲁斯六岁开始在中国电影里演戏了。

    Bruce began to act in Chinese movies at the age of six .

  23. 我十四岁时在酒吧拖地。

    Fourteen years old , I was sweeping the back of a saloon .

  24. 当时我九岁,在营地。

    I was 9 years old , at camp .

  25. 7岁儿童在助人情境中的行为表现及其与父母教养方式的关系

    Behavioral Representations of 7-Year-Old Children in Helping Situations and its Relationship with Parenting Styles

  26. 索斯多,28岁,在大学里面学习汉语已经四年了。

    Saucedo , 28 , studied Chinese for four years in a university program .

  27. 例66岁妇女在以前甲氨喋呤的基础上加用来氟米特治疗。

    A66-year-old woman started treatment with leflunomide in addition to her previous methotrexate therapy .

  28. 3.5~5.5岁儿童在知觉相似与概念冲突情形下的归纳推理

    3.5 ~ 5.5 Years Older 's Inductive Reasoning in Similarity vs Conception Confliction Condition

  29. 我十四岁就在父亲的农场拼命工作了。

    I worked like a dog in my father 's farm when I was fourteen .

  30. 玛塞拉·弗兰科今年26岁,在圣塔莫尼卡学院注册了一些课程。

    Marcela Franco , who was 26 , was registered for some classes at Santa Monica college .