
  1. 年仅19岁的乔雪梅考上北京一所重点大学时,母亲突遇车祸身亡。

    Qiao Xuemei , a19-year-old girl , has just been enrolled in a key university in Beijing when her mother died in a car accident .

  2. 宋朝有个梁灏,在82岁时才考中状元,在金銮殿上对皇帝的提问能够对答如流,其他生员皆不如他。

    Liao Hao in the Song Dynasty passed the Imperial Examination at the age of82.He defended himself so well when the emperor questioned him at the court that he was better than all other examinees .

  3. 医生说这名23岁学生连考的例子表明了基本的卫生是多么重要。由于大学学习的压力很大,这名女学生半年才洗一次隐形眼镜。

    Doctors said 23-year-old Lian Kao 's case is anextreme lesson in the importance of basic hygiene.Under pressure because of her university studies , the young woman failed to take ever contact lenses and wash them once for halfa year .

  4. 22岁的凯西•考登讲述她向查尔斯顿公园与休闲委员会(ParksandRecreationCommission)的部门副经理汇报工作成就的情形时,她觉得自己就像一条小狗,渴望主人来轻轻拍她的头。

    Casey Cowden , 22 , describes herself as a puppy asking to have her head rubbed when she brings her latest accomplishment to the assistant manager in her department at the Charleston County ( S.C. ) Parks and Recreation Commission .

  5. 中国上古岁时观念论考

    The Textual Research on the Concepts of " Year and Time " in Ancient China

  6. 其一生仕途坎坷,27岁中河南乡试第一,55岁才考中进士,58岁时授翰林院检讨,曾任会试阅卷官,67岁又致仕回乡。

    Career ups and downs of his life , 27 years old in the Henan Provincial Examination in the first , 55-year-old was sitting the Scholars , 58 years old been called to review the Imperial Academy , at 67-year-old has returned home .