
  1. 现在她在北京大学学习中文。

    Now she is studying Chinese at Beijing University .

  2. 约有10万人支持该建议,认为应该花更多时间学习中文和文化。

    However , around 100000 people supported the proposal and said it would be better to spend more time learning Chinese language and culture .

  3. Francis就是其中的一员,她被中美关系的长远合作的未来所激励,于是开始学习中文及亚洲学,从语言及文化全面学习,亲近中国。

    Inspired by the future relationship she could see between both countries Fran decided to study Chinese .

  4. LiHua我很高兴收到你的信,我很高兴听到你会去中国学习中文在这里。

    I 'm very happy to receive your letter , and I 'm glad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese here .

  5. 和其他的国家一样,中国也有它的优点和缺点。我在墨尔本大学(UniversityofMelbourne)和莫纳什大学(MonashUniversity)学习中文和国际关系。

    Like other nations around the world , China has its strengths and weaknesses . I studied Chinese and international relations at the University of Melbourne and Monash University .

  6. 扎克伯格一直在争取中国市场,包括学习中文,频繁访华等,但他在IPO公开信中所呼吁的“官员应肩负起更多责任”,在那儿可能不会引起多大波澜。

    Mr Zuckerberg has been wooing China - learning the language and making frequent visits - although his IPO letter included a call for " more accountability for officials , " which probably goes down badly there .

  7. 和金融大鳄索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)一同创立了量子基金(Quantumfund)的罗杰斯并不会说普通话,也从未在亚洲生活过,但他说,让孩子从小自然地学习中文至关重要。

    Mr. Rogers , who started Quantum Fund with financier George Soros , doesn 't know Mandarin and had never lived in Asia . But he says it 's crucial for his kids to learn Chinese naturally from the start .

  8. 早在他出任总理前,在他学习中文并成为外交官前,甚至在他还不满12岁时,父亲伯特(Bert)就因车祸而撒手人寰。

    Long before he became prime minister , before he learnt Chinese and became a diplomat , before he had even turned 12 , his father Bert had died in the aftermath of a car crash .

  9. 卡舍尔(JimCashel)和他的妻子AnneChing在2009年带着两个女儿从加州索诺玛(Sonoma)搬到中国成都。他们的目标是学习中文、体验中国。AnneChing是第四代华裔美国人,在成长过程中从未学习过中文。

    Jim Cashel and his wife , Anne Ching , a fourth-generation Chinese-American who never learned Mandarin growing up , moved from Sonoma , Calif. , to Chengdu in 2009 with their two daughters . Their goal : to learn Chinese and experience China .

  10. 没想到自己会这么努力学习中文。

    David never thought that he would study Chinese so hard .

  11. 有人曾经问我,所以我决定学习中文。

    Some have asked me why I decided to study Chinese .

  12. 我是在1976年开始研究中国、学习中文的。

    I first started studying China and the Chinese language in1976 .

  13. 我正在北京的语言与文化大学学习中文。

    Chinese at the Language and Culture University here in Beijing .

  14. 星期一我就要开始上大学了,我会学习中文!

    On Monday I will start university , I will study Chinese !

  15. 可应用于互联网的自学习中文关键词抽取算法

    A Self-study Chinese Keywords Extracting Algorithm Used on the Internet

  16. 那么语言呢?应当有更多的美国人学习中文吗?

    What about the language ? Should more Americans be learning Chinese ?

  17. 实际上,从幼儿园开始,这些孩子就开始学习中文。

    In fact , beginning in kindergarten these kids begin learning Chinese .

  18. 苏西:嗯,我很认真地学习中文。

    SUZY : Well , I am very serious about learning Chinese .

  19. 我们会更珍惜学习中文的机会。

    We will cherish the chance of learning Chinese more .

  20. 了解这个国家似乎与学习中文同样困难。

    Learning about the country can seem as difficult as learning Chinese .

  21. 他还说,学习中文对大脑有好处。

    Learning Chinese , he adds , is good for the brain .

  22. 你想学习中文?我可以教你。

    Would you like to learn Chinese ? I can teach you .

  23. 他们的目标是学习中文、体验中国。

    Their goal : to learn Chinese and experience China .

  24. 这次访问是学习中文的好机会。

    This visit is a good opportunity to learn Chinese .

  25. 当然了,我对学习中文也是非常着迷呢。

    I would also like to learn to speak Chinese !

  26. 本月他们在北京大学学习中文。

    They are studying Chinese at Beijing University this month .

  27. 为了与迟震更好地交流,她正在学习中文。

    She 's studying Chinese , facilitating communication with Chi .

  28. 不过你可以学习中文,然后去东方发展。

    But you can learn Chinese and go east .

  29. 清代对来华外国人学习中文态度的演变阮籍仕途心理浅析

    The Evolvement of Attitude towards the Foreigners ' Studying Chinese in Qing Dynasty

  30. 我在首都师范大学学习中文。

    I am studying Chinese in Capital normal university .