
xué zá fèi
  • tuition and miscellaneous fees
  1. 由于我已缴了应纳的税和孩子们的学杂费,在以后的6个月中我将债台高筑。

    Now that I 've paid the tax demand and the children 's school fees , I 'll be head over heels in debt for the next six months .

  2. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  3. 零学杂费时代农村小学资源配置的几点思考&以山西省晋中市x村的个案研究为例

    Reflections on Optimizing Rural Primary School Resources : A Case Study of Jinzhong City

  4. 大学生被迫支付较高的学杂费。

    College students are forced to pay higher tuition and fees .

  5. 在美国学习的学杂费是多少?

    What about the tuition and fees of studying in America ?

  6. 而这些只是平均的学杂费。

    And these averages were only for tuition and fees .

  7. 我家里负担不起我留学的费用。学杂费昂贵,外国留学生负担不起。

    My family cannot afford the expenses for me to study abroad .

  8. 该校平均学杂费净额仅1万美元出头。

    The school 's average net price was just over $ 10000 .

  9. 派更多的人员出国留学。学杂费昂贵,外国留学生负担不起。

    More personnel will be sent to study abroad .

  10. 他付了孩子的学杂费。

    He paid the child 's school fees .

  11. 学杂费子系统的分析和设计

    The Analysis and Design of Tuition Subsystem

  12. 在当前减免学杂费的基础上,教育费用并不是引起农村孩子辍学的主要因素。

    Education fees are not the main factor of children dropping out in rural China .

  13. 许多学生不得不找兼职来赚取支付学杂费。

    Many students have to find part-time jobs to earn money to pay tuition and fees .

  14. 过去几年中,政府还减免了农村的学杂费等负担。

    In past years , Beijing has waived school fees and other burdens in the countryside .

  15. 大多数大学生都会贷款来支付学杂费。

    The majority of college students take out loans in order to pay their tuition and fees .

  16. 家庭支出可以包括水电煤气费、电话费、学杂费、生活费用和其他的杂项等。

    Household spending can include utilities , telephone charges , tuition fees , living expenses and other miscellaneous .

  17. 男孩必须向他父亲报账,说明他们给他的学杂费支出项目。

    The boy has to account to his parents for the money they give him for school expenses .

  18. 大部分其他学校对学杂费的依赖性很强,不愿意放弃这笔收入。

    Most other colleges rely heavily on tuition and fees and can 't readily give up that income .

  19. 远程开放教育的成本包括两个部分:一部分是教育机构的成本,一部分是学生的学习成本(不包括为教育机构交纳的学杂费和基本学习资料费)。

    DE cost includes institutional cost and learner 's cost ( which excludes tuition fees and textbook expenses ) .

  20. 目前,财政性教育拨款和学杂费是高校发展的重要资金来源;

    Money from local budge , tuition and incidental expenses is important source for college and university development at present ;

  21. 这个高达93%成长率,不包含教科书、脑以及其他学杂费等费用。

    That 's A93 percent increase ? And it doesn 't include books , computers and other essential College costs .

  22. 学杂费别人的时间是谋财害命,浪费自己时间则是慢性自杀。

    It is murder wasting other people 's time ; it is a slow suicide wasting one 's own time .

  23. 美国高等教育的经费主要来源于政府、学杂费及销售及服务收入。

    The current fund revenue of American higher education mainly comes from tuition and fees , government , sales and services .

  24. 从今年起用两年时间,全部免除农村义务教育阶段学生学杂费,今年在西部地区实施,明年扩大到中部和东部地区;

    This will be done in the western region this year and extended to the central and eastern regions next year .

  25. 2012学年,没有经济资助的本科生需要缴纳52652美元的学杂费和住宿餐饮费。

    An undergraduate without financial aid paid $ 52,652 for tuition , room , board and fees during the 2012 academic year .

  26. 大学学杂费水平对农村家庭消费的挤占效应&基于中国农村家庭数据的分析

    The Occupation Effect of University Tuition and Incidental Fees Level to Rural Household 's Consumption & Analysis Based on Chinese Rural Household Data

  27. 进入公立大学的学生也面临学杂费急剧上涨,部分原因是州政府提供的资助太少。

    Students attending public colleges have also faced steep cost increases , in part because state governments have become stingier in providing support .

  28. 中国高等教育财政经费来源的变迁:国家财政经费与个人学杂费关系的实证研究

    Changes in Funding Source of Higher Education in China : an analysis of the Relationship between Government Funding and Student Tuition and Fees

  29. 加大中央及省级政府财政转移支付力度;减免一切形式的学杂费。

    Intensifying the fiscal transfer of payment by the central and provincial governments , and reducing and exempting tuition and incidentals of all kinds .

  30. 从2001年到2011年,州立学校的学杂费飙升了72%,而相比之下,非营利性私立学校的学杂费同期仅上涨了29%。

    From 2001 to 2011 , tuition and fees at state schools soared 72 % , compared with only 29 % at nonprofit private institutions .