
  • 网络full scholarship;full ride;Fellowship
  1. 研究生全额奖学金包括学费和生活费。

    The full university graduate fellowship covers both tuition and stipend .

  2. 上世纪80年代,我在全额奖学金的帮助下在英国读书,先是在苏塞克斯(Sussex)大学读完本科,之后又在剑桥大学获得了硕士学位。

    I studied in the United Kingdom on a full scholarship in the 1980s , earning a bachelor 's degree from Sussex University and a master 's from Cambridge University .

  3. "现实情况是,很多低收入的孩子能够获得全额奖学金进入精英大学,但是他们甚至没有意识到这一点。"

    " The   reality   of   it is   that   a   lot   of   low-income   kids   could   be   going   to   elite   universities on a full ride scholarship and don 't even realize it . "

  4. 那所大学提供全额奖学金,这让莎莉很容易得决定了去哪所大学上学。

    The offer8 of a full scholarship9 made10 Sally 's choice11 of university12 a no-brainer .

  5. 瑟克尔(Sarkar)表示,每年有3人获得全额奖学金,还有一些学生会获得20%至50%的资助。

    Mr Sarkar says three individuals a year have a full scholarship with others receiving funding of 20-50 per cent .

  6. 那所大学提供全额奖学金,但是被他拒绝了。

    That college offered the full scholarship but be refused it .

  7. 那当然。我是拿全额奖学金的!我可是大学里的风云人物。

    I bet you were a good student back in college .

  8. 为什么拒我?我有全额奖学金!

    Why do you reject me ? I have full scholarship !

  9. 凯特琳也已经拿到了大学的全额奖学金。

    The teen has also earned a full scholarship to college .

  10. 您通常是怎样帮助学生拿到全额奖学金的?

    What do you usually do to help students get full scholarships ?

  11. 我这学期获得全额奖学金。

    I 'm granted a full scholarship for this semester .

  12. 我获得了全额奖学金。每期头奖奖金基金的最低限额为港币五百万元。

    The minimum first division prize money is HK $ 5 million .

  13. 天呐全额奖学金四年我的天呐真的吗

    Full scholarship . Four years Oh , my gosh ! Really ?

  14. 据报道,该校是提供了全额奖学金的三所学校中的一所。

    It 's one of three that reportedly offered a full ride .

  15. 她在曼哈顿音乐学院享受全额奖学金

    She 's at the Manhattan School of Music on a full scholarship .

  16. 我想要全额奖学金。

    I 'd like to get the full scholarship .

  17. 你获得了全额奖学金?

    You had an offer for a full scholarship ?

  18. 现在他们给你提供全额奖学金。

    Now they 're offering you a full scholarship .

  19. 因为它提供给我全额奖学金。

    Because it offers me a full scholarship .

  20. 全额奖学金很难拿到吗?

    Is full scholarship very hard to get ?

  21. 我获得了全额奖学金。

    I have been granted a full scholarship .

  22. 更喜人的是,她还获得了全额奖学金。

    On top of being accepted , Dawn received a full scholarship to attend .

  23. 他还是学校全额奖学金的获得者。

    He 's on a full scholarship .

  24. 我已经获得了全额奖学金。

    I am offered a full scholarship .

  25. 他们为我提供了全额奖学金

    They offered me a full ride .

  26. 她需要一个全额奖学金。

    She needs a full scholarship .

  27. “波赛”为他们提供全额奖学金,把他们分为10人团队派往各学院和大学。

    Posse gives them full scholarships and sends them to colleges and universities in teams of10 .

  28. 今夏,她将以全额奖学金进入曼哈登音乐学院的青少年音乐夏令营。

    She will be attending Manhattan School of Music Summer Program with full scholarship this summer .

  29. 是啊,我得到了全额奖学金,我是唯一被选中的亚洲学生。

    Yes , I got the full scholarship . I am the only Asian student chosen .

  30. 沂宁获颁全额奖学金,用以支付学费、宿费、交通费和生活费等。

    The full scholarship covers tuition fees , accommodation costs , and travelling and daily expenses .