
  • 网络Independent Learning;Independent Study;study independently
  1. E-Learning作为新型的教学方式,它的产生打破了传统的教学模式,偏重于自主的独立学习,有利于学习者根据自己的兴趣爱好选择适合的学习资料进行自主学习。

    As a new teaching style ," E-Learning " has broken the traditional teaching mode , which places emphasis on independent study and benefits students to choose their own learning materials based on their favorites .

  2. 我因为独立学习又放弃了体育课。

    I dropped it for independent study .

  3. 激发学生的学习主动性,让他们通过短期“游学”提前体验留学生活,以判断自己是否适合出国独立学习和生活。

    The short-term experience can also serve as a test showing if a student is able to live an independent life abroad or not .

  4. 后来他甚至将学习自主性看作既是一种对学习的态度(attitude)又是一种独立学习的才能(capacity)。

    Later , he defines autonomy as " both an attitude towards learning and a capacity for independent learning " .

  5. 他表示,mba课程需要在保留职业生涯的同时,遵守学习纪律,常常需要独立学习。

    He says the MBA course requires discipline to study , often alone , whilst maintaining a career .

  6. 在过去二十年中,自主学习和独立学习的概念已广为人知,自主学习还成为了语言教学领域中的流行语(Little,1991)。

    Over the last two decades , the concepts of learner autonomy and independence have gained momentum , the former becoming a ' buzz-word ' within the context of language learning ( Little , 1991 ) .

  7. 能独立学习工作,有团队意识,具备较好的沟通、协调能力;4、CET-4,能适应经常出差;

    Good ability in learning , communication and team spirit . 4 , CET-4 , adapt to frequent business trips .

  8. E-learning环境中,学习者在物理形态上处于独立学习的状态,交互行为(与其它学习者、与教师、以及与学习材料)会对学习效果产生非常重要的影响。

    E-learning environment , learners in independent learning on the physical form of interactive behavior ( with other learners , teachers and learning materials ) would have a very important impact on the learning effect .

  9. 首先,成功的语言学习者独立学习。

    First of all , successful language learners are independent learners .

  10. 自主学习是一种主动学习、独立学习、自控学习。

    Autonomous learning is active learning and independent learning , automatic learning .

  11. 能独立学习和专研新产品新技术;

    Can study new technique and new products , independently .

  12. 团队学习和独立学习各有什么好处?

    What are the benefits of studying in groups and studying alone ?

  13. 我是习惯独立学习的那种。

    I kind of view studying as a solitary activity .

  14. 鼓励学生形成和发展自己的独立学习策略。

    Make the students form and develop independent learning strategy of their own .

  15. 开发学生独立学习英语的能力;

    Cultivating the students ' ability to study independently ;

  16. 在声乐教学中培养学生独立学习的能力

    On Cultivating Students ' Independent Learning Ability in Music Class of Middle Schools

  17. 基于独立学习的多智能体协作决策

    Multiagent cooperative decision making based on independent learning

  18. 母亲敦促她们养成的独立学习的习惯也令沃西基姐妹受益匪浅。

    the Wojcicki daughters also benefitted from mom 's urging them to learn independently .

  19. 同时该部分还探讨了教材是否给予独立学习充分的考虑。

    Also included in this part is whether the textbooks give consideration for independent study .

  20. 现如今,对于所有人来说,独立学习比以往任何时候都要容易。

    Today , of course , independent learning is easier than ever - for everyone .

  21. 第二,在支架理论指导下,学生们都多多少少发展了作为独立学习者应具备的自主学习、自我规范的能力。

    Second , students develop skills that will make them self-directed , self-regulated and independent learners .

  22. 国际交流中的合作性学习与独立学习&以中日韩跨国远程教学为例

    Cooperative and Independent Learning in International Exchange Projects : A Case Study of Sino-Japanese-Korean Distance Education

  23. 远距离教育中的独立学习

    Independent Learning in Distance Education

  24. 他表示,为了孩子们能够学习并成功,他们需要一个允许他们独立学习的项目。

    He says for children to learn and succeed , they need a program that s them to learn

  25. 在指导学法中,使学生养成良好的自学习惯,使学生的独立学习活动形成规程;

    In instructing learning ways , the teacher should help students form a good habit of learning independently .

  26. 德国的大学在口腔医学教育方面,重视学生独立学习能力和创新精神的培养。

    The aim of stomatology education in Germany is to foster students ' independent learning and innovative spirit .

  27. 本研究经过历时一学期的试验,从四个方面对比了合作学习法与独立学习法对学生翻译能力的影响。

    This paper studies how cooperative learning strategy and individual learning strategy affect students ' Performance in translation class .

  28. 独立学习者避免在大教室学习和很多学生一起学习时那些会分散你注意力的交谈或者是不必要的干扰。

    The individual learner is kept away from the distracting conversation or unnecessary interruptions in a classroom with many students .

  29. 并在新的学习方式中提高独立学习的能力,适应新课程的要求。

    Improve independent study ability of students through the new study mode to meet the requirements of the new course .

  30. 我国传统的教学方法影响了英语教学,培养出的学生缺乏创造性和独立学习的能力。

    With traditional Chinese teaching methods influencing the English language learning , Chinese students are lacking in independent learning and creativity .