
  • Independence Day;Independent Day;Independent date
  1. 一个内部不团结的总统班子当然没有心情庆祝独立日了。这里的presidency指的是总统手下的一班人马。

    Imploding presidency is no mood for celebration on Independence Day .

  2. 曾有专家预测,在美国独立日(theIndependenceDay,7月4日&译注)前后,油价或将突破每加仑5美元关口,但这种情况并没出现,油价不升反降。

    But compared to April , when the gallon price peaked this year , gas is 28 cents cheaper and well away from the $ 5 gas that pundits predicted would ruin our independence day .

  3. 每逢7月4号美国独立日,哥伦比亚城的居民们都会举行热闹的聚会。

    When July Fourth comes around , the residents of Columbia City throw a noisy party .

  4. 来自英国的KaraNoble和许多其他人期待着庆祝他们成为美国公民后的第一个独立日。

    Kara Noble from Britain and many others also are looking forward to celebrating their first Fourth of July as American citizens .

  5. 昨天是印度独立日,辛格在德里的红堡(RedFort)用印地语发表了低调致词,重点是承诺推动更为全面的经济增长、减少贫困并增加农民收入。

    A low-key Independence Day address , delivered in Hindi at the Red Fort in Delhi , focused on pledges to foster more inclusive growth , reduce poverty and boost farmers ' incomes .

  6. 人们告诉我,美国人还庆祝独立日。

    I am told that American people also celebrate Independence Day .

  7. 独立日是美国主要法定节日之一。

    Independence Day is one of America 's principal legal holiday .

  8. 首先我要把你的独立日派对

    First off , I am plugging your 4th of July party

  9. 我建议喝点红酒来庆祝美国的独立日。

    I say have some wine to celebrate Independence Day .

  10. 我希望每个美国人在独立日平安快乐。

    I wish every American a safe and happy Fourth of July .

  11. 嗨,大家好,祝大家独立日周末愉快。

    Hi everybody , and Happy Fourth of July weekend .

  12. 我们要在独立日给海外的大兵们寄包裹

    We 're sending packages to soldiers for the Fourth of July .

  13. 斯玛特:独立日大庆!

    Marcus Smart : What a celebration on this 4th of July !

  14. 美国的独立日是7月4日。

    The American day of independence is on July 4th .

  15. 我所有的美国粉丝啊,祝你们7月4号独立日快乐。

    Happy 4th of July to all my American followers .

  16. 9月16日为墨西哥独立日。

    Mexican 's celebrate their nation 's independence on September the 16th .

  17. 这意味着,七月四号(独立日)要看烟花,

    That meant watching fireworks on the Fourth of July ,

  18. 周一日落时分,以色列举行了独立日庆典,安全保卫非常严格。

    Independence Day begins at on Monday amid tight security .

  19. Moovealong.org反对独立日游行

    where Moovealong.org is holding their Anti-Fourth - of - July rally .

  20. 但我觉得我要举办的独立日派对

    I feel this independence day party I 'm throwing ,

  21. 本周日我们将要废除独立日

    This Sunday , we 're gonna abolish July 4th .

  22. 你要在独立日发动游行反对军人?不是吧

    you 're demonstrating against the troops on Independence Day ?

  23. 在爱的田野,根本就没有所谓的独立日。

    There 's no So-called independence Day in Bluefield .

  24. 为了纪念独立日,特别印制了一套邮票。

    A set of stamps has been commissioned in commemoration of independence day .

  25. 他为什么痛恨独立日啊?

    Why does he hate the Fourth of July ?

  26. 跟许多假期一样,独立日也是血拼的好时候。

    Like most holidays , Independence Day is a great time to shop .

  27. 它叫做独立日,是美国的国庆日。

    It is Independence day , it is the national day for US .

  28. 他注意到了黑人和白人对独立日的不同看法。

    He noted the differences of how blacks and whites considered Independence Day .

  29. 巴基斯坦官方已经原定为周六举行的独立日庆典。

    Pakistan has cancelled official Independence Day celebrations that were set for Saturday .

  30. 我来邀请你参加我们独立日的烧烤

    I came here to invite you to our Fourth of July barbecue ,