
  • 网络Advantage;unique advantages;Unique Strength;Superiority
  1. 结论:螺旋CT扫描在阴性支气管异物的诊断中具有独特优势。

    Conclusion ? Spiral CT has unique advantage in the diagnosis of negative bronchial foreign body .

  2. 层次分析法在多要素综合评价方面具有独特优势,而GIS技术拥有强大的空间分析能力,将GIS与层次分析法相结合应用于江苏省生态环境质量综合评价,可以充分发挥两种方法的优势。

    The analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) has the special advantage in multi-indexes evaluation and the GIS is good at spatial analysis .

  3. 慕课和在线教育的独特优势得以充分利用来推动教育公平及优质教育资源共享,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。

    The unique advantages of MOOCs and online education have been leveraged and sharing of quality educational resources so that everyone can learn whenever and wherever they want , Chen said .

  4. 随着电子商务的发展,Web病毒式营销因其较传统营销方式的独特优势而得到广泛的关注与应用。

    With the development of E-commerce , Web viral marketing is being concerned and applied more widely according to its unique advantages compared with traditional ways .

  5. 快中子照相是一种优良的无损检测技术,它有着X射线、热中子照相等所不具有的独特优势。

    As a non-destructive testing technique , fast neutron radiography has many unique advantages comparing with X-ray and thermal neutron radiography .

  6. 核磁共振(NMR)测井是目前唯一能区分地层中可动流体和束缚流体的测井方法,具有其他测井方法不具备的独特优势。

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging is the unique method to partition the irreducible and moveable fluids .

  7. 原子力显微镜(AFM)是研究DNA有力工具,在对DNA研究中有其独特优势。

    Atomic force microscope ( AFM ) is a powerful tool in DNA research , in has its unique superiority in DNA research .

  8. 瞬变电磁法(TEM)作为积水采空区的一种探测手段,有着独特优势和显著效果。

    Transient electromagnetic method ( TEM ) has special advantage and evident result as an approach for detection of water-accumulating gob .

  9. 作为一种新型的移动计算机网络的类型,adhoc网络由于其自身的独特优势在研究领域得到空前的关注,具有巨大的发展前景。

    As a kind of new mobile network , because of its unique superiority , Ad Hoc network obtains unprecedented attention in the research area and huge prospects for development .

  10. 与房地产信托投资计划、房地产抵押支持证券(MBS)以及房地产股票相比,REITs具有自己的独特优势。

    Compared with real estate trust investment plan , MBS and real estate stocks , REITs have their own unique advantages .

  11. 在汽车空调中,具有对环境友好性和优良的热物理特性的天然工质CO2与其他制冷剂相比有独特优势。

    Through comparing CO2 with other refrigerants , the advantages of CO2 as a natural refrigerant are due to its environmental benign and good thermal properties in the automobile air-condition system .

  12. 支持向量机(SVM)作为一种有效的识别工具,已被广泛应用于各领域,并在小样本高维数据中有其独特优势,本文将以支持向量机作为分类器用于特征选择。

    Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) is an effective recognition tool that being widely used in many application areas , and has unique advantages in small sample or high-dimensional data .

  13. Peer-to-Peer(P2P)网络在协同工作、分布式信息共享、大规模并行计算等方面显示出独特优势,使其成为新的发展热点。

    And Peer-to-Peer ( P2P ) networks in collaborative work , distributed information sharing , such as large-scale parallel computing show unique advantages , making it a hot new development .

  14. 使用PaaS,组织不仅节约了大量成本,而且还具备了诸如自动升级和零维护等独特优势。

    With PaaS , organizations realize not only significant cost savings but also unique advantages such as automatic upgrades and zero maintenance .

  15. 简要介绍了扫描隧道显微镜(STM)技术的基本工作原理及其在表面原子/分子结构研究中的独特优势。

    In this paper , the basic principle of scanning tunneling microscopy ( STM ) technique and its unique advantages in studying surface structure at an atomic / molecular level are introduced .

  16. TD-SCDMA无线网络作为中国提出的第三代移动通信标准,具有很高的频谱利用率、具有灵活的业务支持性、运营成本低等方面有独特优势。

    TD-SCDMA wireless network as China puts forward the third generation mobile communication standard , has the very high spectral efficiency , flexible business support , low operation cost and the like have unique advantages .

  17. GPON无源光网络以其独特优势在宽带网中已经开始规模化的应用。

    Owing to the distinct advantages of Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Network ( GPON ) system , GPON is begun to be applied in the access network on a large scale .

  18. 结论FISH技术应用于未培养间期细胞产前诊断唐氏综合征,可使诊断时间提早到孕50~70d,并且具有简便、快速、准确、灵敏度高、特异性强的独特优势。

    Conclusion : The prenatal diagnosis for Down syndrome by FISH with uncultured interphase cells can advance the diagnosis time to 50 ~ 70 days of pregnancy with the advantage of convenience , rapidness , accuracy , high sensitiveness and specification .

  19. 它们在微结构加工方面有独特优势。

    They have the unique advantages for manufacturing micro structures .

  20. 在信息的获取、传输、存储和处理方面具有独特优势。

    It has unique advantages in getting , transmitting , storing and processing information .

  21. 混沌由于其在加密上的独特优势,成为当今学术界的一个研究热点。

    Due to the unique advantages on encryption , chaos becomes a hotspot in academia .

  22. 云服务的独特优势促使越来越多的用户使用云服务。

    The unique advantages of cloud service make more and more users use cloud service .

  23. 首先探讨了功能理论和功能性监管的独特优势。

    First , I will explore the unique advantages of functional theories and functional supervision .

  24. 我国具备推广艺术地再生的再利用方式的独特优势。

    China has the unique advantages to promote the mode of recycle via " The art-recycling "?

  25. 问题25.文中提到使用聊天软件的独特优势是什么?

    Question 25 . What is the advantage of using instant message apps mentioned in the passage ?

  26. 试验结果表明,对于催化裂解过程的研究,微型反应器有其它形式反应器所不具备的独特优势。

    Experimental results show that microreactor has significant advantages respecting the study of catalytic pyrolysis compared to other reactors .

  27. 由于弱碱三元复合驱技术所具备的独特优势,使其成为更具发展前景的驱油技术。

    Due to its unique advantages , weak base ASP flooding becomes to a flooding technology which has more prospect .

  28. 消失模铸造作为一种净无余量的绿色铸造技术,在成形镁合金铸件方面有独特优势。

    Lost foam casting , a kind of near net-shaped green casting technology , is very suitable for magnesium alloys .

  29. 但在市场高度扰动的环境下,企业仅仅依靠内部资源是很难在市场上获得独特优势。

    However , in an information-intensive marketing environment , it is hard to find especial superiority only depending on interior corporation resource .

  30. 体育学术期刊是一种特殊的传播媒介,其在广告经营上存在诸多不足,但也有自身的独特优势。

    Sports academic periodical is a special medium . It has many deficiency on advertisement management , but it also has distinctive advantages .