
  • 网络genome-wide association study;Gwa
  1. 青少年的身高和体重指数的城乡差异和手腕骨密度的全基因组关联研究

    Difference of Height and BMI of Youths between Rural and Urban Areas and Genome-wide Association Study on Wrist BMD

  2. 近年来,全基因组关联研究(GWAS)已成为研究人类复杂性疾病中遗传变异的重要手段。

    In recent years , genome-wide association studies ( GWAS ) are being conducted to unravel the genetic etiology of complex human diseases .

  3. 复杂疾病全基因组关联研究:进展,问题和未来

    Genome-Wide Association Studies on Complex Diseases : Progress , Problems and Future Outlook

  4. 全基因组关联研究作为一种发现复杂疾病易感基因的重要工具,已经帮助科学家们成功地找到了数干个与多种人类疾病相关联的遗传变异(单核苷酸多态性)。

    Genome-wide association studies ( GWAS ) have emerged as an important tool for discovering susceptibility loci of complex diseases , and have successfully identified thousands of genetic variants ( single-nucleotide polymorphism , SNP ) associated with many human diseases .

  5. 类风湿关节炎易感基因的全基因组关联分析研究进展

    Identifying susceptible genes of rheumatoid arthritis by genome-wide association study : an advance

  6. 全基因组学关联研究所产生的数据结果是巨大的,但是很少能直接鉴别出突变和病症之间的功能关系。

    The output of genome-wide association studies is vast , yet it is rarely straightforward to identify the functional connection between a variant and a disorder .

  7. 中国人群肥胖与全基因组拷贝数变异关联研究

    Genome-wide Copy Number Variation Study Associated with Obesity in Chinese Population

  8. 在这项有史以来规模最大的全基因组与寿命的关联研究中,研究员将来自英国生物银行和其它来源的50多万名参与者的遗传数据与每位参与者父母的寿命数据进行配对。

    In the largest ever genome-wide association study of lifespan , the researchers paired genetic data from more than 500000 participants in the United Kingdom Biobank and other cohorts with data on the lifespan of each participant 's parents .