
  • 网络the national day of mourning;National Mourning Day
  1. 柬埔寨总理宣布将11月25日定为全国哀悼日,以纪念那些在此次踩踏事故中死去的人民。

    The prime minister announced Nov.25 as the national mourning day to commemorate those people killed in the stampede .

  2. 在为期三天的全国哀悼日期间,全国各地降半旗致哀,停止各类公共娱乐活动。

    Flags were flying at half-mast across the country and all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started .

  3. 6.全国哀悼日

    a national day of mourning

  4. 荷兰宣布周三为全国哀悼日。

    The country has declared Wednesday a national day of mourning .

  5. 这是在我记忆当中第一个,也是最重大的一个全国哀悼日。

    This is the first and most important national lament day in my memory .

  6. 周日尽管上海世博会如常开放,但世博会同样加入了全国哀悼日。

    Although the Shanghai Expo Garden still opened on Sunday , it also joined the national mourning for the victims .

  7. 国务院公告在全国哀悼日期间刊登在各网站首页突出位置。

    The statement by the State Council is to be given priority spacing on the home page of all major websites .

  8. 实施全国哀悼日的决定在中国历史上尚无先例。

    The decision to initiate a national period of mourning marked the first time in memory that China has done so .

  9. 缅甸也宣布举行为期3天的全国哀悼日。据估计,自5月2日遭受强热带风暴袭击以来,缅甸国内的死亡人数已上升到7.8万人和失踪人数已达5.6万人。

    Three days of national mourning were also declared in Myanmar , where the estimate of casualties from the cyclone on May2nd was raised to78,000 dead and56,000 missing .

  10. 这个仪式标志着三天全国哀悼日的开始,在此期间,在线游戏等网络活动中止,除了那些播放新闻的电视台,其他电视台都不播放节目。

    The ritual marked the start of three days of national mourning , during which Internet activities like online gaming were halted and all TV channels except those broadcasting news were blacked out .

  11. 在紧急召开的部长级会议后,塔斯克总理将暂时接替遇难总统的职务,他说,波兰将举行为期一周的全国哀悼日,在周日中午为遇难者默哀2分钟。

    After an emergency meeting of ministers , Mr Tusk , who runs the day-to-day business of government , said a week of national mourning had been declared with two minutes of silence on Sunday at midday .

  12. 政府宣布全国为受害者哀悼一日。

    The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims .