
  1. 舒适公寓中的单间,带屋顶阳台,不抽烟的职业人士,女士优先。

    Single room in lovely flat , roof terrace , non-smoking prof. , woman pref.

  2. 爸爸:不,我女士优先。

    Dad : No , ladies first , I insist .

  3. “女士优先”是国际社会公认“第一礼俗”。

    Lady First not only means gentlemen should let ladies go first .

  4. 但你知道女士优先这句话吗?

    But do you know the saying , @ Ladys first @ ?

  5. 第一夫人统治这个国家并规定:女士优先!

    First Ladies rule the State and state the rule : ladies first .

  6. 无论你做什么都一定要记住:女士优先。

    When you do somethings , remember ladies first .

  7. 难为我吧你,你先来,女士优先。

    " Hard to me . Lady 's first . " & Wine .

  8. 源自法国的经典与浪漫;帝庭干红,女士优先!

    Derive from French classic and romance ; Deity Dry Wine , Lady First !

  9. 欣赏这位美国男士贯彻女士优先的行为方式。

    Appreciate this American man insists through the behavior method of the lady first .

  10. 作为一名德州的绅士,我会倾向于女士优先。

    Well , as a Texas gentleman , I 'm inclined to say ladies first .

  11. 女士优先,先生其次。

    Lady first , gentleman second .

  12. 我们总是说女士优先。

    We always say lady first .

  13. 在今晚的聚会上,他己晋升至第四级了,意思是说他已经能够做到女士优先了。

    At tonight 's meeting , he 's graduated to level four , meaning he 's able to put ladies first .

  14. 在这里的男性可没你们那么绅士,他们一点“女士优先”的想法都没有。

    Here men are less gentle than you , and they does not a idea of " lady first " any more .

  15. “女士优先”这个准则在握手时也是适用的,你应该等女士把手伸出来以后再伸手。

    The principle of " lady first " also applies to hand-shaking , and you should hold out your hand after a lady stretching out hers .

  16. 赛维哲先生也指出,各种诸如“女士优先”这样的社会规范在英国文化中根深蒂固,即使在那样一个灾难的环境中也得到了人们的遵守。

    Mr Savage also concludes that social norms such as " women and children first " were very strong in British culture and survived in such an environment .

  17. 我想女士和小孩优先。

    I thought it was women and children first .