
  1. 各种各样的男男女女使这个晚会充满了活力。

    The party was animated by all kinds of men and women .

  2. 你的女朋友使你这样?

    Is that what your girlfriend does for you ?

  3. 一个好的女主人使她的客人十分舒适。

    A good hostess makes her guests comfortable .

  4. 女主人使每个人宾至如归。

    The hostess made everyone feel at home .

  5. 女主人使客人们感到舒适自在。

    The hostess made her guests comfortable .

  6. 女主人尽量使小姑娘消除紧张情绪。考试之后放个假有助于弛缓紧张情绪。

    The hostess tried her best to place the litter girl at her ease . A holiday will help you relax after your exams .

  7. 但由于攻读人文社科类博士学位的女性很多,所以才有足够的女性最终留下来成为女教授,使这些领域的女教授数量达到一定规模。

    But because there are so many women in those Ph.D. programs , enough ultimately stay to amount to a critical mass of female professors .

  8. 他对我们的看法正确得很呐我们铁群岛的岩妻只负责给男人生儿育女这无法使我们满足

    But he 's right about us . Our wives from the Iron Islands , they 're for breeding . That 's not enough for us .

  9. 她选择了事业的发展而不是生儿育女&那会使她成为一个解放的女性吗?

    She 's chosen career advancement instead of having children & does that make her a liberated woman ?

  10. 年她在一档周末系列电视剧《珍珠》中扮演一名心怀抱负的女大学生,这使刘玉玲的知名度大大提高。

    In1996 , she was cast as an ambitious college student in the sitcom " Pearl ", which made her popular .