
nǚ háng tiān yuán
  • astronautess;spacewoman
女航天员[nǚ háng tiān yuán]
  1. 美国首位女航天员莱德(SallyRide)周一因胰腺癌去世,终年61岁。

    Sally Ride , the first American woman in space , died Monday . She was 61 years old and had been suffering from pancreatic cancer .

  2. 特朗普一直在努力争取头等名人在代表大会上发表讲演,初步的讲演者阵容可谓兼收并蓄,包括他的妻子梅拉尼亚(Melania)、他的四个成年子女、一名女航天员,以及佛罗里达州的总检察长潘姆·邦迪(PamBondi)等人。

    Mr. Trump has struggled to attract many A-list celebrities to speak at the event , and the provisional lineup includes an eclectic variety of speakers including his wife , Melania ; his four adult children ; a female astronaut ; and Pam Bondi , the Florida attorney general .

  3. 剩下的工作就是选择最后与飞船一同升空的女航天员了。

    All that remains is to choose the woman who will be on board when spacecraft shoots skyward .

  4. 2012年6月,神舟九号飞船搭载中国首名女航天员进入太空。

    The launch of the Shenzhou-9 came in June 2012 , carrying China 's first female astronaut into space .

  5. 首批选拔的2名女航天员来自空军运输航空兵部队,属于我国第七批女飞行员。

    The2 female taikonauts come from military air transport units and belong to the7th batch of Chinese female pilots .

  6. 中国正在为将首名女航天员送入太空做准备,这次飞行也是中国的宇宙飞船与天宫一号目标飞行器进行的首次载人交会对接任务。

    China is getting ready to send a woman into space for the first time in a mission that will also represent the country 's first manned docking mission with its Tiangong-1 space station .

  7. 一名巴西学生问道,“我想知道宇航员会想家吗?会想念他们的家人吗?他们在太空都做些什么?女航天员在太空生活会有什么不方便吗?”

    A Brazilian student said , " I want to know if the astronauts miss their home and family members . What can they do up there ? It is difficult for the female astronauts to overcome . "

  8. 周二,国有媒体《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)刊登了34岁的应急机动作战部队女飞行员刘洋的个人简介。不知道这是否代表最后的决定已经做出。刘洋是最有可能成为中国首名女航天员的两名候选人之一。

    On Tuesday , in what may or may not be a sign that the decision has been made , the state-run China Daily published a profile of 34-year-old fighter pilot Liu Yang , one of the two candidates tipped as the most likely to go where no Chinese woman has gone before .