
  • 网络Prime Minister of Egypt;EgyptPMs
  1. 埃及总理表示,埃及药品管理局已批准了所有可用的疫苗。

    The Prime Minister says all of the available vaccines have been approved by the Egyptian Drug Authority .

  2. 星期一,埃及总理夏拉夫承诺改组内阁,并且在星期日以前,完成指派新的地区首长。

    On Monday , the prime minister promised to reshuffle his Cabinet and appoint new regional governors by Sunday .

  3. 埃及总理沙拉夫取消了前往波斯湾国家的行程,主持了紧急内阁会议。

    Prime Minister Essam Sharaf , who canceled a trip to the Persian Gulf , chaired an urgent Cabinet session .

  4. 这也就是为什么埃及总理可以如此轻而易举的关掉公民的网络服务。

    That 's why President Hosni Mubarak 's regime had so little trouble shutting down his citizens'networks when he wanted to .

  5. 埃及总理哈西姆坎迪尔一直对国际货币基金组织施压,寄希望于在今年年底之前获得贷款。

    Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil has been pressing for the IMF to get the loan done before the end of the year .

  6. 突尼斯外交部长阿卜杜赛拉姆和他率领的代表团在访问加沙时呼吁以色列停止对加沙的空袭。就在前一日,埃及总理也访问了加沙。

    Visiting Tunisian , Foreign Minister Rafik Abdesslem and his delegation called on Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza one day after Egypt 's prime minister paid a similar visit .

  7. 埃及前总理纳吉夫(AhmadNazif)和其他两名政府官员将因滥用公款上庭受审。

    The former prime minister of Egypt Ahmed Nazif and two other former members of the government are to stand trial on charges of misusing public funds .

  8. 同时,周二,埃及法庭宣判前总理和两名内阁部长腐败,判处他们十年的监禁。

    Also , an Egyptian court on Tuesday convicted a former prime minister and two Cabinet ministers of corruption and sentenced them to up to 10 years in jail .

  9. 这部戏剧已经演遍了埃及各大村庄,埃及卫生部总理正在采取新的举措执行他在1996颁布的对于割礼的全国性禁令。

    The play has been performed in villages across Egypt . Egypt 's health ministry , which ordered a nationwide ban in1996 , is making a new effort at enforcement .