
jiǎn lì
  • biographical notes;curriculum vitae;résumé;vita
简历 [jiǎn lì]
  • [vita] 简要的个人履历

简历[jiǎn lì]
  1. 我们所知道的阿什比大多数是由于布洛赫的简历本卷,这是原剥夺德语文本。

    Most of what we know about Ashby is due to Bloch 's biographical notes in the present volume , which is an abridgement of the original German text .

  2. 申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在6月12日以前送达校长处。

    Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th .

  3. 她简历上的那一长串工作说明她没长性。

    The long list of jobs on her CV suggests a lack of stickability .

  4. 简历应力求简短,通常A4纸两面的篇幅就足够了。

    Your cv should be short — two sides of a sheet of A4 paper should normally be enough .

  5. 申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。

    Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter

  6. 如果你符合要求,就寄一份简历给丽贝卡·里斯。

    If you fit the bill , send a CV to Rebecca Rees .

  7. 给他们寄一份你的简历。

    Send them a copy of your CV .

  8. 请核对简历中的每个细节,务必准确无误。

    Check the accuracy of everything in your CV

  9. 它说明了如何准备简历,并就如何申请职位提了些建议。

    It shows how to prepare a CV , and gives tips on applying for jobs .

  10. 如果你想得到这份工作,就寄份简历给他们。

    Send them your r é sum é if you want to go for this job .

  11. 你应该收集所有的奖状、成绩单、简历、甚至是教学思想,然后装订在一起。

    You should collect all your awards , transcripts , resumes , and even teaching ideas and compile them in a large binder .

  12. 但是坦言之,当好时间流逝,实施在贪婪基础上简历的经济机制是非常艰难的销售,至少在富裕的国家是这样。

    But to be honest with you , while the good times rolled , taking on an economic system based on greed was a tough sell , at least in rich countries .

  13. 在简历上,即使是无关紧要的细节也可能会引发招聘人员的偏见。

    Even seemingly harmless details on a resume , it appears , can tap into recruiters ' biases .

  14. 有钱的大学大肆宣扬它们的名声带给毕业生的好处:即强大的校友网、明星教员以及简历提升。

    Wealthy universities talk up the benefits their name will give graduates : namely , strong alumni networks , star faculty , and a r é sum é boost .

  15. “我的儿子在四年级,他告诉我我仕么都不是,因为我简历上没有任何东西可以写,’”她说。

    My son was in fourth grade and told me , ' I 'm not going to amount to anything because I have nothing to put on my resume , ' she said .

  16. 除非你不是用母语写简历。

    Except if you 're a non-native candidate .

  17. 面试官:告诉我一些我们没办法从你的简历里知道的东西。

    Interviewer : Tell me something about you that we can 't get from your resume .

  18. 但是夏天就是一年里最适合找个新工作、润饰下简历的时间哦。

    But summer is an awesome8 time of year to try out a new job and boost your resume .

  19. 这倒没有什么铁律。但一些小事,比如简历上的错别字,会影响录取。

    There are no hard and fast rules , but some simple things , like typos in your resume .

  20. 然后员工可以在上面添加个人的技能、简历及其正在参与的项目等信息,从而形成员工在IBMConnections上的公众形象。

    This becomes your public persona on connections .

  21. 谷歌(Google)官网上有一个介绍公司领导层的网页,上面有各位领导的照片和简历。

    Go to the Google management page .

  22. 2010年,安妮•帕森斯在不知情的情况下向通用磨坊公司(GeneralMills)递交了一份非传统意义上的简历。

    In 2010 , Annie Parsons unknowingly submitted to general mills as unorthodox a resume as it gets .

  23. 另外,要确保你的简历要有几个版本&纯文本、Word格式和PDF格式。

    Also , make your resume available in several formats & text only , Microsoft Word , and a PDF .

  24. 英国特许人事和发展协会(charteredinstituteofpersonnelanddevelopment)称,几乎一半的英国雇主提供一种激励措施,鼓励员工从朋友和熟人那里收取简历。

    Almost half of UK employers offer staff an incentive to solicit job applications from friends and associates , according to the Chartered Institute of personnel and development .

  25. 简历中的错误和问题就是你提供给HR在面试之前就淘汰你的借口!

    Mistakes and shortages are the excuses you give to the HR for denying you before he or she interviewed you .

  26. 其中绝大多数孩子都是凭“硬实力”得到录取的,因为他们有着优异的SAT考试成绩以及满是各种荣誉的个人简历。

    Most of these kids have " earned " their places , in the sense of having high-performing SAT tests and curriculum vitae packed with accolades .

  27. 在我比较典型的一个工作周里,我平均要花10%的时间筛选简历、面试、回顾面试笔记以及为那些我们团队需要的人才提供offer。

    In a typical week I spend on average 10 % of my time screening resumes , interviewing or reviewing interview notes and offers for candidates we want to join the team .

  28. Jones写有一个广受欢迎的博客,她常向那些为简历所困扰的年轻人谈及重拾青春的快乐。

    Jones has kept a popular blog and spoken widely about restoring the joys of youth to young people obsessed with their resumes .

  29. 有报告称,硅谷各家创业公司正收到大批来自Zynga员工的求职简历。

    Reports suggest that valley startups are seeing a flood of resumes from Zynga employees .

  30. 从一个XML文件生成一份简历或履历需要一些额外工作,但能应用一种经过规范的结构,该结构能够帮助确保文档的复杂度满足需求。

    Generating a r é sum é or curriculum vitae from an XML file involves a little more work but imposes a disciplined structure that helps ensure that the document is as complete as is necessary .