
  • 网络simple count
  1. Simplecount(简单计数):当输入末端收到一定数目的消息时触发输出末端。

    Simple count : The output terminal is fired when a set number of messages are received at the input terminal .

  2. 箱流的到达可以用简单计数过程描述,到达间隔服从泊松分布。

    The arrival of containers can be described as a simple counting process , and the arrival interval follows the Poisson distribution .

  3. 将类星体分作若干子类,每一子类的光度演化形式可以通过相关分析求出,而数密度则可由简单计数求得。

    In this method , quasars are divided into several subclasses . The luminosity evolution form of each subclass can be determined by correlation analysis and the density law of the subclass can be obtained by simple number-counting .

  4. 并设计了简单的计数差值运算来实现频率故障的启动判据。

    And design the simple count D-value to enable the criterion of frequency trouble .

  5. 简单地计数记录即可,所以按物理顺序读写记录是可能的。

    Simply by counting records , it is possible to read them , or write them , in physical order .

  6. 有些只是简单的计数问题,如计算出有多少请求它的服务,每天有多少搜索服务等等。

    Some are just simple counting problems , such as figuring out how many requests it serves a day , how many searches it serves a day , what the average time it takes to process those transactions is , etc.

  7. 本文研究具有2k个奇度点的P阶标号简单图的计数问题.考察了下列情况:i/具有2k个奇度点的P阶标号简单图;

    This Paper deals with the problems of enumeration of simple , labeled graphs with 2k points of odd degree and with each of the following conditions : ( I ) of order p ;

  8. 当他发生时,都转化成“简单”的计数。

    And as it happens what are the odds ?

  9. 使用单片机进行测速,可以使用简单的脉冲计数法。

    Speed using the SCM , you can use a simple pulse counting method .

  10. 简单实用的计数电路检测器

    A Simple and Practical Tester for Counter Circuit

  11. 这似乎就是得到一个简单的单词计数。

    This all seems like a lot of work to get a simple word count .

  12. 例如,在那个简单的行计数程序的例子中,实际上不需要解析器。

    For instance , in the case of the simple line-counting program , there 's no real need for a parser .

  13. 讨论了一种新型而且简单的门控光子计数法,用来测量高散射介质的光学参量。

    A new and simple gated photon counting system is described for the recovery of optical parameters in diffusive media .