
  • 网络Minimalism;minimalist;simplicity;reductionism
  1. 简约主义迫使你活在当下。

    Minimalism forces you to live in the present .

  2. 在现代城,我们就集合了一群喜欢和欣赏简约主义的朋友。

    In modern city , we aggregate a bunch of friends appreciating minimalism .

  3. 渗透可持续发展理念的新简约主义建筑&对瑞士Giornico雕塑博物馆的透析

    New Simplicity Architecture with Sustainable Development Idea & Analysis on a Sculpture Museum in Giornico , Switzerland

  4. 《简单的快乐》作者一书弗朗辛·杰(FrancineJay)说:简约主义生活方式需要人们留心对待自己所拥有的物品,所购买的物品,以及对时间的利用。

    A minimalist lifestyle entails being mindful about the things we own , the things we buy , and how we spend our time , said Francine Jay , author of The Joy of Less .

  5. 简约主义在生活陶瓷设计中的风格倾向

    The style trends of simplicity in the design of life ceramics

  6. 简约主义风格,是众多现代设计流派中的一支。

    Simplism style is one branch of so many modern design schools .

  7. 现代室内设计中简约主义设计的新模式

    In the Modern Room Designs Chien Invite the Principle Design New Pattern

  8. 从芬兰现代陶瓷产品设计看简约主义

    View Simplism from Modern Finnish Ceramics Product Design

  9. 简约主义&现代设计的风格倾向

    Simplism & the Trend of Modern Design Style

  10. 这与简约主义在视觉上有着异曲同工之妙:少即是多。

    This seems to has something in common with simplicity concept : Less is more .

  11. 在简约主义中,更关注的是形式和内容的突破。

    In the minimalist , the importance is about the breakthrough of form and content .

  12. 欧亚国际酒店&欧洲新简约主义与亚洲现代艺术风格的完美演绎;

    Eurasia International Hotel , a perfect combination of the European simplicity and Asia Modern Art .

  13. 正是这种简约主义和多元文化的融合让来自希腊的奥尔加陶醉其中。

    IT IS THIS MIXTURE - of minimalism and multiculturalism - that enchants Olga of Greece .

  14. 居室家具设计中的简约主义

    Minimalism of Living-room Furniture Design

  15. 作为一个插件简约主义者,我总是坚持手动操作,避免使用和安装插件。

    As a plugin minimalist , I always insist on doing things manually to avoid using and installing plugins .

  16. 这对父母把这场运动视为体现“简约主义”这一美国文化的范例。

    The group sees this movement as an example of America 's culture of " too much stuff . "

  17. 简约主义音乐是源于美国的实验音乐种类和最重要的新音乐潮流之一。

    Minimalist music originates as an American genre of experimental music and is counted as one of the most prominent new trends .

  18. 这是一种在简约主义影响下衍生出来的一种带有“小资”味道的室内设计风格。

    This is a kind of interior design style which is influenced by Minimalism and with a flavor of " small endowment " .

  19. 线条仿佛是简约主义的旗帜,一旦张开便一发不可收拾地给予你极有冲击力的视觉之美。

    The lines are the flag of the simple doctrine , which can bring us the bursting visual sense immediately when it opens .

  20. 由于简约主义思想符合社会的发展规律和人类生活需求,因此一直被很多设计师所追捧。

    Due to the minimalism meets the requirement of the community development and human life , which has been sought after by many designers .

  21. 最后,将简约主义音乐放置于西方音乐文化和美国音乐文化的大背景中,对其音乐思维和文化属性作了定位。

    Final , I placed the minimalism in the grand background of western and American musical culture and defined its thinking and cultural characters .

  22. 复调技法主要剖析了其多重节奏形成的节奏对位,模仿复调,线性对位,以及它们与简约主义音乐风格相结合的特点。

    Polyphony technique analyzed mostly its rhythm counterpoint that polyrhythm constituted , imitation , linear counterpoint and characteristics that its combine with minimalism music style .

  23. 设计出明快、简练、简洁、轻松、愉快、健康的可持续发展的简约主义设计新模式。

    Designs sprightly , succinct , succinct , relaxed , is happy , the health sustainable development Chien invite the principle designs the new pattern .

  24. 简约主义绝对是这个酒店的风格&138个房间都铺设了深色柚木地板,墙壁都漆成淡黄色,都有黑色真皮沙发和醒目的天鹅绒薄毯。

    Minimalism is definitely the style – the 138 rooms have dark teak floors , cream walls , black leather sofas and bold velvet throws .

  25. 他是以带有政治色彩的事件作为题材进行创作而闻名于世的作曲家,在他的作品中,无论是歌剧,还是器乐作品,都不同程度地受到简约主义音乐风格的影响。

    He is a world-famous composer through political events as the theme . In his works , whether opera or instruments reflect minimalism musical style .

  26. “所有的物品全部卖掉,只保留最基本的必需品,越简单越好。”如果你曾有过这种幻想,那么简约主义对你来说应该并不陌生。

    If you 've ever fantasised about selling everything you own and paring down your possessions to the bare essentials , you 're probably familiar with minimalism .

  27. 其造型简洁,可塑造极为简约主义的室内风范,而金与银的触感与观感,却又可以呈现极为富丽堂皇的另一个极端。

    Its model is succinct , and it can mould simple indoor demeanor ; while the tactile feel and impression of gold and silver can present another splendid extreme .

  28. 这条路数既可能将翻译研究带上一条简约主义的道路,亦可为自身跻身于人文主义关怀的学术领地开辟道路。

    This approach will possibly lead translation study onto a road of reductionalism and also clear up a road for translation study ascending into the academic realm of humanistic concern .

  29. 本文的主要内容为:首先对简约主义音乐的定义、历史发展、风格特征等基本情况做了概述;

    The central content of this dissertation is focused on these points : Firstly , I summarized the basic situation of the definition , history and style of the minimalism ;

  30. 20世纪80年代开始,以简洁的形式、纯净的空间和精致的构造为特征的简约主义设计风格受起西方学术界和设计界的普遍瞩目。

    Since the 1980s , minimalism , the design style characterized by simple form , pure space and exquisite construction , has attracted universal attention in Western academia and design world .