
  1. 短暂的战斗之后部队攻占了这个城镇。

    The troops carried the town after a brief fight .

  2. 战斗之后,没有一个家庭。

    After the battle , there was not one family .

  3. 战斗之后,快速回复生命及力量。

    After a fight , immobility allows for quicker life and power recuperation .

  4. 在战斗之后,别的人要求拉尔告诉他们发生了什么事。

    After the fight , the others ask Lal to explain what 's going on .

  5. 他称经过几个月的战斗之后,叛军所有物资都已经告罄。

    He said that after months of fighting the rebels were running out of everything .

  6. 在几个月的战斗之后,他们终于有时间可以休息和祈祷了。

    After months of fighting , they 're finally finding time to rest and pray .

  7. 战斗之后,谭恩回去寻找他藏在树林里的那名少女。

    After the battle , Tanin retrieved the girl he had left in the woods for safety .

  8. 在1177年,经过一场激烈的战斗之后,吴哥的都城沦陷了,成了一片废墟。

    In 1177 the capital city of Angkor was seized after a fierce battle and fell into ruins .

  9. 利比亚叛军称,在居民区进行战斗之后,他们已经基本上控制了关键的石油重镇布雷加。

    Libyan rebels say they are largely in control of the key oil town of Brega after fighting in residential areas .

  10. 巴勒斯坦安全部队的抗议活动爆发为一场同哈马斯民兵的武装展开的战斗之后,周日,加沙地带的紧张局势升温。

    Tensions were raised in Gaza Sunday after a protest by Palestinian security forces erupted into an arm battle with Hamas militia .

  11. 战斗之后,部落船只返回奥格瑞玛,却遭遇了非自然的剧烈风暴。

    After the battle , the Horde ships make their way back to Orgrimmar but are beset by powerful , unnatural storms .

  12. 一个狡猾的谋略家,通常在正面战场上一瘸一拐的踱步沉思,每一场战斗之后都受章封赏。

    A cunning strategist , Swain was decorated after every battle he fought , regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault .

  13. 经过了这场战斗之后,它是否还能活着,是否把它的余生消磨在荣誉军人院中,我却不知道了;

    Whether he finally survived that combat , and spent the remainder of his days in some Hotel des Invalides , I do not know ;

  14. 当这些希望得到一种可怕的挫折,她处理了她的不满和内疚的使以往任何时候都更深地陷入新闻,涉及叛乱和残酷内战的战斗之后入侵。

    When those hopes received an awful setback , she dealt with her unhappiness and guilt by plunging ever deeper into journalism , covering the insurgency and the brutal civil fighting that followed the invasion .

  15. 在与癌症多年战斗之后,今年2月,乔布斯已经察觉自己的健康每况愈下,他悄悄地把这个消息告诉给了几个老朋友,然后这些人又悄悄告诉别人。

    In February , Steven P. Jobs had learned that , after years of fighting cancer , his time was becoming shorter . He quietly told a few acquaintances , and they , in turn , whispered to others . And so a pilgrimage began .

  16. 战斗胜利之后,即使是在KO状态的角色也可以得到经验。

    You receive EXP after the battle is won even when KO 'd.

  17. 这场战斗结束之后,对欧洲的争夺战即将开始。

    After that , the battle for Europe will begin .

  18. 审计师是战斗结束之后才姗姗来迟并用刺刀行刺所有受伤者的人。

    An auditor is someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded .

  19. 同时这个改变也对战场或者冬握湖战斗结束之后获得的荣誉值有效。

    This change will effectively double the amount of Honor received from Honorable Kills , or for completing Battleground and Wintergrasp objectives ;

  20. 战斗展开之后,则要象脱逃的野兔一样行动迅速,使敌人措手不及,无从抵抗。

    afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare , and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you .

  21. 在政府军士兵之间自己人打自己人的战斗发生之后,有很多政府兵阵亡和负伤,当时,政府军前线士兵遭到了自己炮兵部队的轰炸。

    A number of Burmese soldiers were killed and wounded after a fight between Burmese Army soldiers broke out when front line soldiers shoot back their own artillery units .

  22. 自从黄健翔勇敢地“像个男人一样战斗”之后,他似乎就和娱乐八卦结下了不解之缘。

    Since huangjianxiang bravely " fight like men ", he seems to have forged a deep bond with titillation and entertainment . " inter-circle ," his " call " to the self-mocking , everyone will mind a laugh .