
  • 网络war reparation;reparations;war indemnity
  1. 战争赔偿与民间赔偿&兼论日军遗华化学武器诉讼案及其前景

    War Reparation and Civil Compensation & On the Lawsuits for Civil Compensation by Chinese Victims of the Chemical Weapons Abandoned by the Japanese Army

  2. 战后美国对日本战争赔偿政策的转换及其严重后果

    On Change of America 's Post - war Reparation Policy to Japan and its Consequences

  3. 以战争赔偿重新进入东南亚市场;

    Reentering the Southeast Asia marketplace by way of war reparations ;

  4. 德国欠希腊2790亿欧元的战争赔偿款。

    Germany owes Greece 279 billion euros in compensation for war damage .

  5. 我们应保留向日方索取战争赔偿的权利。

    We should reserve the right to ask Japan for war reparations .

  6. 中国放弃日本战争赔偿的反思

    Rethinking China ′ s abandonment of a claim for war indemnity aganist Japan

  7. 美国对战后日本战争赔偿的影响及其后果

    On America 's Influence upon Japan 's Postwar War Reparations and Its Consequences

  8. 中国放弃对日战争赔偿要求问题述评

    Comments on Chinese Giving up Japan 's War Reparations

  9. 约定必须遵守与中日战争赔偿问题无论如何,所有的条例都必须遵守。

    Pacta Sunt Servanda and Sino-Japan War Reparations ; All these rules must be observed in any case .

  10. 二战后日本国家间战争赔偿经历了惩罚性的拆迁赔偿和象征性的协议赔偿两个阶段。

    After Word War ⅱ, Japan 's war reparation underwent 2 stages : penalized dismantlement reparations and symbolic agreement reparations .

  11. 论对日索取民间战争赔偿的法律依据工程索赔的合同依据及索赔工作要搞好的公共关系

    On the legal Evidences for Nongovernmental Claims for War Reparations from Japan ; Contract Compensation and Public Relations during Compensation

  12. 日本在华财产是日本对华战争赔偿的组成部分之一。

    The property , enterprised by Japan in China , was one part of war reparations that Japan paid for China .

  13. 对日索取民间战争赔偿是中国人民的权利,然而目前索赔之路非常艰辛。

    Claim for non-governmental war compensation from Japan is the legal right of Chinese people , but it is an arduous task .

  14. 它被迫放弃对海洛英与阿司匹灵的专利,做为德国战争赔偿的一部分。

    As part of Germany 's war reparations , Bayer was forced to give up its patents to both Heroin and Aspirin .

  15. 第二次世界大战后,美国凭借其强大的实力以及单独占领日本的有利条件,使日本的战争赔偿问题始终为其远东政策服务。

    Postwar , the U.S made Japanese war-indemnity serve its Far East policy with its great power and the favorable condition of occupying Japan exclusively .

  16. 然而到目前为止,国内外学术界尚未出现全面、系统的研究两次世界大战后美国如何处理德国战争赔偿问题的专著。

    However , up to now , there are not any comprehensive and systematic monographs about " American war reparations policy for German " in the academic field .

  17. 战后宽松的国际地缘政治环境,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的外部条件。美国关于日本战争赔偿政策的演变及影响

    The lenient international geopolitical environment is the external conditions . The Development & Influence of the Policy of the U · S · A on Japan 's War Reparations

  18. 美国对日政策由惩罚转向扶持,为此,大幅度地削减日本战争赔偿额度。

    To Japan , the US abopts a series of measures , from punishment to support , therefore to cut down the war indemnity amount by a wide margin .

  19. 战后日本战争赔偿方式在美国的控制下先后经历了从实物赔偿到劳务赔偿再到资本赔偿的变迁。

    With the transition of American containment strategy , Japan 's reparation to the Southeast Asia changed correspondingly : from good reparation to service reparation and then to capital reparation .

  20. 绪论就国内外学术界50多年来对日本战争赔偿问题的研究状况做一学术史的回顾,并提出本文的研究方法、资料特征、学术价值和现实意义。

    The introduction reviews the history of the academic research on Japanese War Reparations during the past 50 years , and describes the academic value as well as practical significance on it .

  21. 由于近一、二十年日本国内发生的某些行为明显地违反了《中日联合声明》,中国根据国际法,有权终止或停止施行该约,并可以要求日方支付战争赔偿。

    Because some conducts done in Japan in the recent decades violated the Declaration clearly , we should terminate or suspend the operation of provisions of this treaty according to international law , and ask Japan to pay for war reparations .

  22. 日本之所以能与东盟建立起亲密的伙伴关系,是战后日本施展各种外交手段和策略的结果:首先通过战争赔偿和直接投资,打开东南亚市场,缓和与东盟的关系;

    This paper states that Japan 's close partner relationship to ASEAN comes from its various of diplomatic strategies as follows : Firstly , Japan opens the Southeastern market by reparation of wars or direct investment to defuse the relationship to ASEAN .

  23. 体现在日本战争赔偿问题上,就是赔偿方案几经变动,赔偿数额大幅度削减,并且在具体实施中大打折扣,终而使1951年赔偿条件异常宽大的《旧金山和约》得以缔结。

    Correspondingly , plans for war reparations that Japan was demanded to pay were modified and the amount of reparations was lessened to a great extent in the actual reparation implementation , ultimately resulting in the San Francisco Peace Treaty with preferential terms in 1951 .

  24. 日本政府内外有别的战争赔偿政策的成因,主要有以下四个方面:1.自卫战争史观、解放战争史观、靖国史观等,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的思想根源;

    The causes of this policy can be summed up as follows : 1 . ' the historical views of war of self-defense ',' the historical views of war of liberation ' and ' the historical view of Yasukuni shrine ' were its ideological roots ;

  25. 随着美国转变对日政策,拆迁赔偿于1949年5月被终止。二战后日本国家间战争赔偿经历了惩罚性的拆迁赔偿和象征性的协议赔偿两个阶段。

    The United States ended collections from Japan in 1949.The third chapter discusses the process of negotiation between USA and countries concerned on the peace agreement of Japan . After Word War ⅱ, Japan 's war reparation underwent 2 stages : penalized dismantlement reparations and symbolic agreement reparations .

  26. 在以往的相关学术论著中,学者们对战争损害赔偿问题的探讨已经有很多,但是从历史叙述角度进行介绍的文章比较多,法学方面的专门研究较少。

    Many scholars studied the problems about the war reparation , but few of them quested for the problem from the dimension of law .

  27. 战争受害者要求赔偿。

    The victims of war claimed compensation .

  28. 这是人类历史上第一次有战败国制订法律保障战争受害者获取赔偿的权利。

    This is the first time in human history , that a defeated country enacted laws to protect the rights of war victims to obtain compensation .

  29. 日本方面只有妥善解决战争受害者的赔偿问题,才能取得国际社会的信任,也就才能真正走向正常国家。

    Only Japan make proper solution to the issue of compensation for war victims , can acquire the trust from international community , it can truly become the normal state .

  30. 近年来,随着我国对日民间索赔案件数量逐渐增加,日本在第二次世界大战期间战争犯罪的民事赔偿责任开始引起了全社会的关注。

    In recent years , as the sum of civil claim of China for war compensation against Japan increases , the whore society are paying attention to the civil responsibility caused by the war crime of Japan .