
  • 网络Brink of War
  1. 他把国家带到了战争边缘。

    He brought the country to the brink of war .

  2. 这一分钟,两国似乎还处在战争边缘。

    One minute , it seems as if the two countries are on the brink of war .

  3. 他们采取了接近战争边缘的各种威胁。

    They have carried out threats of every action short of war .

  4. 我们知道,朝鲜指责美国将半岛推向战争边缘。

    We know that North Korea has blamed the United States for pushing to almost the brink of war .

  5. 在这敌对的年代中,中美两国在台湾问题、越南问题上数度走向战争边缘,但最终都有效地控制了局势。

    During these years China and America were several times at the brink of war on the issue of Taiwan and Vietnam .

  6. 非军事战略包括和平变革与解放两部分,军事战略从大规模报复战略、战争边缘和集体安全体系三方面论述。

    Non-military strategy comprises peaceful change and liberation , and military strategy would carry out in three ways , massive retaliation , brinkmanship and collective security system .

  7. 具体来说,联盟情境下的试探型强制外交行为有三种策略可供选择,它们分别是战争边缘策略、眼镜蛇策略和懦夫游戏策略。

    Specifically , there are three choices of implementation strategy for probing coercive diplomacy : brink of war strategy ," cobra " strategy and coward game strategy .

  8. 同时,朝鲜警告称,美国和韩国计划于本周进行的海上军事演习将使朝鲜半岛濒临战争边缘。

    Meanwhile , North Korea warned that a planned U.S. - South Korean naval exercises this week would push the Korean peninsula to the brink of war .

  9. 同时,这次危机也表明了中美对抗的限度,揭示了美国战争边缘政策和核威慑战略的本质。

    Meanwhile , the crisis also revealed the limit to US-China confrontation and brought out the nature of America 's " brinkmanship " policy and " nuclear deterrence " strategy .

  10. 上月初,朝鲜驻伦敦大使曾警告称,联合军演可能将朝鲜半岛拖到战争边缘。这与去年引起全球媒体注意的好战言论遥相呼应。

    Its ambassador to London warned early last month that the joint exercises may bring the peninsula " to the brink of war ", echoing bellicose rhetoric that grabbed global media attention last year .

  11. 战争边缘政策,按照其发明者杜勒斯所说就是:到达战争边缘而又不卷入战争是一种必要的艺术。

    " Brinksmanship ", as the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles wrote in Life Magazine in 1956 : The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art .

  12. 总统把共和国推到了战争的边缘。

    The president placed the republic on a war footing .

  13. 沟通不畅使这两个国家濒于战争的边缘。

    Failure to communicate had brought the two nations to the brink of war .

  14. 他们未能达成协议,使得两个国家处在战争的边缘。

    Their failure to reach an agreement brought the two countries to the brink of war .

  15. 这个国家正站在全面爆发战争的边缘。

    The country is now on the brink of all-out war .

  16. 当时全世界已被带到战争的边缘。

    The world had been brought to the edge of war .

  17. 不可能否认这样的事实:即战争的边缘政策是一种危险的游戏。

    There is no gainsaying the fact that brinkmanship is a dangerous game .

  18. 我们两国处在战争爆发边缘

    Our countries are on the brink of war .

  19. 显然他已经走到了全面战争的边缘。

    Evidently he had brought himself to the brink of a general war .

  20. 在北方,一个国家正处于绝望战争的边缘,

    Across the North , images of a nation on the desperate brink of war ,

  21. 由于两个超级大国争夺世界霸权,导致国际危机迭起,几乎把人类社会拖到核战争的边缘。

    More and more crises happened and almost led to nuclear war because two Superpowers struggled for the world hegemony .

  22. 由于边界和石油收入等争议问题,苏丹与南苏丹几个星期以来一直处于全面战争的边缘。

    Sudan and South Sudan have been on the edge of full-scale war for weeks because of disputes over borders and oil revenue .

  23. 不甘心失败的麦克阿瑟一再突破政策限制,牵制美国政府走向全面战争的边缘。

    MacArthur , unwilling to accept the defeat , repeatedly broke policy restrictions leading the US government to the verge of a full-scale war .

  24. 没有这些关系,强大的经济和军事力量,印度自身尽管有很多问题,仍将会把巴基斯坦推向战争的边缘。

    Without these relationships and strong economy and military power , India , despite in incredible backwardness , would have been tempted to wage war on Pakistan .

  25. 此类试射将进一步加剧地区紧张局势,最近几周,朝鲜政府曾警告称,其与韩国正处在战争的边缘。

    Any such test would further inflame regional tensions and follows Pyongyang 's warnings in recent weeks that it stands on the brink of open war with Seoul .

  26. 他,事实上,在战争的边缘与教宗,宣战正在反感保罗二世的孙子对新教皇。

    He was , in fact , on the verge of war with the pope , the casus belli being the revolt of Paul II 's grandsons against the new pope .

  27. 它指责韩国将两个国家带到了战争的边缘,并且表示,它正在撕毁双边协定,其中包括一个涉及南北韩海上界线的协定。

    It has accused Seoul of bringing the two nations to the brink of war and has said it is tearing up bilateral pacts , including one covering the North-South maritime border .

  28. 希腊与土耳其两国在历史上有着很深的矛盾。进入现代以来,两国又因为塞浦路斯问题和爱琴海争端而长期不睦,数次走到战争的边缘。

    Greek-turkey relations have been in deep contradiction for such a long time in history that stepping into new century , they were also inflicted by the Cyprus problem and Aegean Sea issues and even went into the edge of war .

  29. 美国正站在战争深渊的边缘,奴隶制正在分裂这个国家。

    America is on the road to war . Slavery is tearing the nation apart .

  30. 被逼到了角落,且正处在一场历史性战争的失败边缘,泰米尔独立猛虎解放组织现在就如同以往一般的残忍和凶暴。

    CORNERED , and on the brink of an historic defeat , the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam are as cruel and brutal as ever .