
  1. 在中东,出了一个苏伊士运河事件。

    In the Middle East , there was that Suez Canal incident .

  2. 英、在苏伊士运河事件中的矛盾和冲突源于二战后两国对中东地区的不同政策。

    The originality of conflict and confrontation between British and American were due to the different Middle East policies .

  3. 苏伊士运河事件是二战后英、关系发展中的一个重要转折点。

    The Suez canal case was an important turn-point in the development of the relationship of British-America after the World War ⅱ .

  4. 交防后,肯尼迪号即开往苏伊士运河并在行刺事件发生后立刻通过运河。

    The Kennedy then headed for the Suez Canal , passing through immediately after the assassination attempt .