
  • 网络nixonism;The Nixon Doctrine
  1. “尼克松主义”

    “ Nixon Doctrine ”;

  2. 尼克松主义及美国对外政策的调整

    The Nixon Doctrine and American Foreign Policy Changes

  3. 帕特·布坎南,这个自视为尼克松保守主义良心的演说撰稿人,闷闷不乐了。

    Pat Buchanan , a speechwriter who considered himself Nixon 's conservative conscience , was morose .

  4. 摘要基辛格和尼克松从现实主义的思想出发,结合美国的实力以及面临的国际环境,提出了美国的外交战略的“宏大构想”。

    Henry Kissinger and President nixon , from their viewpoints of the realism , brought the grand designs in U.S.diplomatic strategy .

  5. 尼克松在公布尼克松主义之后,开始转变其对巴基斯坦的外交政策。

    After Nixon announced the Nixon Doctrine , he began to change the foreign policy to Pakistan .

  6. 尼克松总统上台后提出了美国全球外交战略新的指导思想&尼克松主义。

    After President Nixon came to power , he proposed a new guilding ideology about American worldwide diplomatic policy-nixonism .