
  • 网络Medium Range Ballistic Missile;MRBM;irbm
  1. “东风”(DongFeng)-3是中国第一种中程弹道导弹(IRBM)。

    The DF-3 is China 's first operational intermediate-range ballistic missile .

  2. 海军少将麦利凯担心中国东风21型(css-5)中程弹道导弹的发展。

    Admiral McVadon worries about their development of DF-21 ( css-5 ) medium-range ballistic missiles .

  3. 费希尔表示,这种中程弹道导弹“为针对大型美国海军舰船的新型反舰弹道导弹奠定了基础,美国目前无法防御这种弹道导弹”。

    This intermediate-range missile " forms the basis for the new anti-ship ballistic missile that targets large US Navy ships , and against which the US now has no defence , " Mr Fisher said .

  4. 针对美国战区导弹防御(TMD)系统的特点,提出了提高中程战术弹道导弹弹头突防能力的弹体处理(弹体分解)方案。

    This paper presents the preliminary tentative of body disposal ( body decomposition ) for enhancing the ability of the tactical ballistic missile penetration , in consideration of the characteristic of the TMD .

  5. 中方的关键发展是生产中程巡航导弹和弹道导弹,它们很快就将让中国有能力打击美国及其盟国在该地区的所有主要基地,它们携带的弹头能够在这些基地的跑道中央炸出大坑。

    The key development is the production of medium-range cruise and ballistic missiles that will soon give China the option of hitting every major American and allied base in the region with warheads that could put craters in the middle of runways .